Business news from Ukraine

Vodafone doubles investments in energy independence

Following the attacks on the energy infrastructure in March and April, Vodafone has decided to double its planned investments in energy independence this year. Following this decision, the company plans to purchase additional generating capacity and autonomous power supply systems worth UAH 438 million. Total investments in the network’s energy resilience in 2022-2024 will exceed UAH 674 million.

Vodafone is investing in new types of batteries for its communication facilities. To improve reliability and extend the autonomous power supply time of its base stations, the company has already purchased 13.5 thousand batteries of a new lithium-ferrous type (LiFePO4). Such batteries are much better adapted to harsh operating conditions with frequent and prolonged power outages. Vodafone plans to purchase an additional 4,612 such batteries in 2024.

In addition, Vodafone will increase its generating capacity. More than 1.5 thousand base stations are already powered by generator sets, including the company’s own stationary and mobile generators, as well as generator sets of partners and customers. During the war alone, the company purchased about 500 mobile generators and the auxiliary equipment necessary for their operation. In 2024, the number of generating equipment of various types will increase by another 280 units.

Today, more than 700 partner generators ensure the network’s operation during outages, and this number is constantly growing. Vodafone is open for further cooperation – companies that have a diesel generator set and are ready to share its capacity to provide communication for their company and other subscribers within the base station coverage area can send a letter to Vodafone experts will be happy to discuss the details of possible cooperation.

During previous emergency outages, the company has already used more than 1,094 tons of diesel and gasoline. Vodafone’s power engineers have also ensured sufficient diesel and gasoline reserves to generate electricity to keep the grid running during the blackouts. To minimize the risks of a shortage of certain types of fuel and diversify fuel supplies, including on a regional basis, the company has increased the number of wholesale fuel suppliers with whom it has signed contracts and made significant fuel reserves.

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Vodafone’s net profit in Ukraine in 2022 falls by 74%

In 2022, Vodafone Ukraine reduced its net income by 2% to UAH 19.8 billion, having received a net profit of UAH 1.1 billion, the press service of the mobile operator reported on Friday.
According to a press release, OIBDA (Operating Income Before Depreciation and Amortization) of Vodafone Ukraine in 2022 grew by 3% and amounted to UAH 11.3 billion, OIBDA margin rose by 2.5 p.p. to 56.9%.
“The company’s revenue in 2022 was UAH 19.8 billion. A decrease of 2% compared to the previous year is due to a decrease in the number of mobile network users. Vodafone’s net profit in 2022 was UAH 1.1 billion. The decrease in the indicator… is due to losses from exchange rate differences received as a result of the growth of the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against the hryvnia by 34%,” the company said.
Most Vodafone Ukraine mobile users lived in the east and south of Ukraine. In connection with the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation and the hostilities that disabled a number of mobile communication networks in the temporarily occupied territories and directly in the war zone, Vodafone lost the most subscribers of all Ukrainian operators – 3.5 million users, the company said in the report.
As of the end of 2022, Vodafone had 15.4 million customers.
Currently over 2.2 million users remain abroad and continue using Vodafone services.
“Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Vodafone has been supporting Ukrainians who seek protection in European countries and provides the free connection to the Affordable Roaming service in most tariffs. The service provides 10GB of mobile Internet and 100 minutes for calls with subscribers in Ukraine and the country of residence, subject to paid Ukrainian package,” the company said, specifying that the Affordable Roaming offer is used by 87% of all customers staying in the roaming zone.
Data services are used by 71% of all Vodafone customers, while the mobile Internet usage has grown by 1.5 times, the company said.
Despite the impact of the war on the company’s revenues in 2022, Vodafone Ukraine maintained business stability, not reducing but increasing the volume of investments in developing and supporting the country’s telecom infrastructure. At the same time, it was possible to enhance business efficiency and the penetration of digital services, the company said in the press release.
Vodafone increased capital investments to UAH 3.6 billion in 2022.
“Thanks to this, Vodafone engineers restored the destroyed infrastructure, quickly repaired equipment, developed the network, and ensured the availability of communications in blackout conditions. During the year, the company’s engineers returned to the air about 800 villages and cities, carrying out about 2,960 repair trips, including in close proximity to the front line,” the company said.
Vodafone did not stop the development of the network. In 2022, the company’s specialists paid special attention to expanding capacity and coverage in regions of mass migration. In general, since the beginning of the war, 4,000 4G base stations have been launched.
Significant resources of the company were sent to ensure the availability of communications in the conditions of power outages due to targeted attacks by the Russian Federation on energy infrastructure facilities. Vodafone purchased 414 mobile generators, and the company’s engineers replaced 24,712 batteries. To ensure the operation of alternative power sources, 519 tonnes of diesel fuel were used.
The company said that today 88% of the network is operating well.


“Kyivstar” and Vodafone reported UAH 15.7 bln in taxes and UAH 7.5 bln in investments

Ukraine’s largest mobile operator “Kyivstar” in a year of war paid 10.7 billion UAH of taxes and invested in technological development of 3.5 billion UAH, the president of the company, Alexander Komarov said on Facebook.
The second largest operator “Vodafone Ukraine” reported paying 4.97 billion UAH of taxes and fees in 2022 and almost 4 billion UAH of investments in support and development of telecom infrastructure in Ukraine.
“92% of the network is working as usual today. This is an incredible result, given that 8% are in the occupied territories. At the same time we returned connection to 815 settlements, where we built more than 600 base stations (BS). More 700 new base stations of 4G standard were built, which increased the 4G coverage by 20%”, – wrote Komarov.
He added that the generating capacity of Kyivstar reached 39.2 MW thanks to increase of the number of diesel generators by 75% and installation of 18 thousand new batteries.
“As of today 88% of the network in the country is working in normal mode” – stated “Vodafone Ukraine”.
According to the company, 581 base stations were resumed and 2.9 thousand km of fiber-optic cable were repaired, thanks to which it was possible to restore the availability of services to people in 759 settlements of the country.
“Vodafone Ukraine” also reported that 723 base stations were launched in new locations, 414 additional mobile generators were purchased and 24.71 thousand batteries were replaced.

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Vodafone paid $12.4 million of interest on Eurobonds

Vodafone Ukraine, which is part of NEQSOL Holding, announces the completion of regular interest payments on Eurobonds.

On February 11, 2020, the Company successfully priced its debut international capital markets issuance – 5-year bonds (“Eurobonds”) amounting to $500 million with a yield of 6.20%. Vodafone marked the lowest price in the entire history of Eurobonds issuance by a corporate issuer from Ukraine.

In accordance with the placement conditions, the coupon, namely the interest on the placed bonds, shall be paid every 6 months.

“Despite the difficult conditions caused by the war and the subsequent economic downturn, we continue to fulfill our commitments. This demonstrates the stability of our business and loan funds management efficiency, – commented on the payments Olga Ustynova, Vodafone Ukraine CEO. – The Company remains committed to maintaining a robust liquidity position as well as a sustainable debt leverage profile.”

As of today, the amount of the bond balance is $400 million. The Company has already redeemed and made a premature payment of $100 million.

Vodafone Ukraine has been successfully operating on the international debt capital market since 2018.

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About Vodafone

Vodafone is one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies and provides a range of services including mobile voice, data, messaging, fixed broadband and cable television. The operator has mobile operations in 21 countries, partners with mobile networks in 52 countries. As of 31 December 2021, Vodafone had over 300 million mobile customers, 28 million fixed broadband customers. The Company connects over 142 mil IoT devices and platforms. For more information, please visit

Vodafone Ukraine is a leading mobile operator in Ukraine that provides high-speed 3G and 4G Internet services. Vodafone’s investments during the active construction of high-speed Internet networks in 2015-1Q2022 exceeded UAH 32.7 bln. The record investments allowed to provide technological leadership and to develop new technological services – Internet of Things (IoT), technologies and solutions for Smart City, big data analytics, Fintech services, cloud services. Vodafone has over 19 million customers in Ukraine. Since December 2019, Vodafone Ukraine has been part of NEQSOL Holding.

About NEQSOL Holding

NEQSOL Holding is a diversified group of companies operating across industries and countries. The main business areas cover oil and gas, telecommunications, hi-tech, and construction industries.

The group of companies operates in the UK, the USA, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the UAE, and other countries.



The mobile network operator Vodafone Ukraine (PrJSC VF Ukraine) increased its net profit by 3.2 times in 2021 compared to 2020, to UAH 3.832 billion.

According to the consolidated annual report published on the company’s website, Vodafone Ukraine’s revenue grew by 11.04% last year and amounted to UAH 20.145 billion, while OIBDA (Operating Income Before Depreciation and Amortization) rose by 11% year on year, to UAH 10.95 billion.

“The rapid dynamics of the indicator is due to an increase in revenues from the provision of data services, as well as the strengthening of the hryvnia exchange rate in 2021, which led to exchange rate gain on the revaluation of eurobond debt,” the company said.

The number of Vodafone Ukraine customers in the country at the end of the year amounted to about 19 million – at the level of 2020.

The operator also maintained the volume of investments in network development at the level of 2020 – the company invested UAH 3.5 billion in 2021, increasing the national 4G coverage to 84% over the year, primarily in rural areas.

As of the beginning of the year, Vodafone Ukraine also provided 4G coverage for 98% of the length of four major international roads and 80% of all international roads.

Vodafone Ukraine is the second largest mobile network operator in Ukraine.


The Ukrainian mobile operators Kyivstar, Vodafone Ukraine and Lifecell have realized the opportunity to use mobile Internet within national roaming.
According to the joint message of the companies, distributed on Sunday, now subscribers can use not only voice calls and SMS, but also mobile 2G/3G Internet at speeds up to 512 kbps to exchange messages in instant messengers or search for information on the Internet.
National roaming allows you to connect to the network of another if the connection of one operator is lost.
“At the moment, the availability of mobile Internet is no less important than calls, because it allows you to keep in touch with loved ones online and check the latest news. At the same time, the tariffing of services in national roaming is maintained in accordance with the tariff plan of the operator whose services the subscriber uses,” the report says.
Roaming works automatically for Lifecell subscribers. If there is no connection to the network of another operator, manual settings must be made.
Kyivstar and Vodafone Ukraine subscribers can use this option by making manual settings on their smartphone and disabling auto network selection.
As noted in the message, if registration failed, you need to try again or select another network.
It is also important for subscribers to try daily to return (connect) to the network of their operator manually or by turning on automatic network selection.

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