Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

TAS, ARKS, Unica, INGO and VUSO have become leaders of Ukrainian insurance market in terms of premiums collected in January-July 2024

11 September , 2024  

Leaders of the insurance market of Ukraine on the collected premiums in January-July 2024 became insurance companies SG “TAS” (UAH 2,553 billion), “ARKS” (UAH 2,371 billion), “Unica” (UAH 2,329 billion), “INGO” (UAH 1,952 billion) and IC “VUSO” (UAH 1,732 billion), according to the website of the National Association of Insurers of Ukraine (NASU). It is noted that in comparison with 6M2024 IC “Unica” dropped to the third position from the second, and IC “ARKS” took its place; IC “USG” left the top five from the fifth position, allowing IC “VUSO” to enter the top 5.

There have been no changes in the top-5 in the market of compulsory motor third party liability insurance in terms of premiums collected and following the results of seven months the leaders are SG “TAS” (UAH 775,3 mln), “Oranta” (UAH 739,3 mln), “Knyazha VIG” (UAH 570,6 mln), “ROM” (UAH 360,4 mln) and “VUSO” (UAH 244,4 mln).

The leaders in the market of “Green Card” on collected premiums for the specified period are “TAS” (UAH 754,5 mln), “USG” (UAH 405,5 mln), “Knyazha VIG” (UAH 372,1 mln), “ROM” (UAH 310,5 mln) and “Oranta” (UAH 227 mln) (no changes).

There are also no changes in the CASCO market: as before, it is headed by IC “ARKS” (UAH 1.256 billion), “Arsenal Insurance” (UAH 1.034 billion), “Unica” (UAH 622.6 million), “VUSO” (UAH 531.3 million) and “USG” (UAH 495.1 million).

At the same time, there have been slight changes among the leaders in voluntary medical insurance: the leader, as well as earlier top-5 in this segment, is IC Unica (UAH 1,018 billion), followed by IC Universalna (UAH 560 million), IC INGO (UAH 422,7 million). IC “VUSO” (UAH 328,4 mln) has risen from the fifth position to the fourth, and “ARKS” (UAH 324,5 mln) has taken its place.

In July 2024 there were no changes in the leaders of the life insurance market. As before, the first position is occupied by IC “MetLife” (UAH 1.506 billion), IC “TAS” (UAH 388.4 million), “Grave Life” (UAH 311 million), “Unica Life” (UAH 230.9 million) and “ROM Life” (UAH 217.1 million).

As reported, as of the end of July 2024, 69 risk insurers operate in the insurance market of Ukraine, 12 specialize in life insurance, one – with a special status (“Export Credit Agency”, ECA).


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