Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

The number of people leaving Ukraine from October 8 to 14 exceeded the number of arrivals

17 October , 2022  

The flow to leave Ukraine through its western border from October 8 to 14 decreased by approximately 3 thousand compared to the previous week – to 250 thousand people, while the flow to enter fell immediately by 26 thousand – to 239 thousand, reported State Border Service on Facebook.

Thus, according to the agency, this week, with massive Russian rocket attacks for the second time since May 10, a net weekly outflow from the country was recorded – in the amount of 11 thousand people.

The previous time the number of those who left Ukraine for a week exceeded the number of those who entered two weeks ago, but then the net outflow amounted to 28 thousand people at once, and one of the possible reasons was the reaction to mobilization in Russia and “pseudo-referenda” in the occupied territories.

The number of passenger cars crossing the border this week fell to 125,000 from 133,000 a week earlier, while the number of vehicles carrying humanitarian cargo increased slightly from 485 to 494.

The return of the outflow from Ukraine – 15 thousand people per week – was confirmed this week by the Polish border service. According to her, the flow from Ukraine to Poland increased from 163 thousand people. a week earlier to 165 thousand, while the return flow from Poland to Ukraine decreased from 176 thousand to 150 thousand people.

In general, since the beginning of the war, 7.025 million people arrived in Poland from Ukraine, while 5.229 million people traveled in the opposite direction.

According to the State Border Service, during the week the largest influx to Ukraine was on Wednesday-Thursday – 7 thousand people each.

Another news this week was the record number of non-Ukrainian citizens who entered the country on October 14: according to the border agency, their number was about 10 thousand, while in the previous days of the war the record number was 6-7 thousand.

As reported, since May 10, the flow to enter Ukraine through its western border has consistently exceeded the flow to exit for almost a month every day. The net inflow during this time amounted to 188 thousand people. In the following weeks, there was no such clear trend, except for the week at the beginning of the new academic year, when the net inflow amounted to a record 47 thousand people.

However, in general, the statistics testified to the gradual return of Ukrainians home: the net inflow for the period from May 10 to September 23 amounted to 409 thousand people. However, over the past three weeks, the net outflow has reached 21 thousand people.

According to the UNHCR data, as of October 11, a total of 14.031 million people left Ukraine since the beginning of the war (excluding the flow to enter), of which 6.782 million went to Poland, 2.852 million people to Russia (data as of October 3), Hungary – 1.549 million people, Romania – 1.324 million people, Slovakia – 851.8 thousand people, Moldova – 654.4 thousand people, Belarus – 16.7 thousand people.

At the same time, according to the UN, from February 28 to October 11, 6.715 million people entered Ukraine (excluding data from Hungary, the Russian Federation and Belarus).
