Business news from Ukraine

Turkey says corridor for export of agricultural products from Ukraine works again

9 May , 2023  

The Joint Coordination Center (JCC) has resumed inspections of vessels coming from Ukraine with agricultural products within the framework of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, Sabah reported on Tuesday.
The relevant information earlier became known to the Turkish media from the Ministry of Defense of Turkey.
As the newspaper recalls, the day before, the UN said that on Sunday and Monday there were no inspections of ships.
Meanwhile, the Turkish Defense Ministry confirmed that Turkey, Ukraine, Russia and the UN will hold talks on the “grain initiative” on May 10-11.
Earlier, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said that on May 8, Russia again blocked the work of the Grain Initiative, refusing to register vessels for entry and conduct inspections. According to the ministry, 90 vessels are awaiting inspection in Turkish territorial waters, of which 62 are vessels going in for loading. Inspections of both incoming and outgoing ships are suspended. Export of Ukrainian agro-products via the “grain corridor” did not even reach 3 million tons in April.
“Black Sea Grain Initiative” was concluded in Istanbul on July 22, 2022 with the participation of the UN, Ukraine, Turkey and Russia to create a corridor for the export of grain from three Ukrainian ports: “Chernomorsk”, “Odessa” and “Pivdenny”. The initiative was concluded for 120 days and was extended twice, most recently on March 18. However, while Ukraine claims it was extended for 120 days, Russia claims it was only for 60.
