Business news from Ukraine

Turkish company Dalgakıran Kompresör has invested UAH 400 mln in plant for production of industrial power equipment in Kiev region

Turkey’s Dalgakiran has invested UAH 400 million in launching a plant to produce industrial power equipment in Bilogorodka in Kiev region, Dalgakıran Kompresör Ukraine LLC said in a press release.
The construction project was started before the large-scale Russian aggression, and now thanks to the investment of the Turkish side it has been completed. The investment in the production site and office will create 50 new jobs.
“The office and new production in Ukraine will contribute to the development of enterprises in all sectors, giving them the opportunity to continue economic activities, save money and resources,” said Vyacheslav Dinkov, director of Dalgakiran Compressor Ukraine.
According to him, the company’s plans include further development and localization of production, development and supply of new equipment necessary for the restoration of energy and industrial production in Ukraine.
In turn, Chairman of the Board of Dalgakiran Kompresör Adnan Dalgakiran noted that the scaling of business in Ukraine is a contribution to support the country’s economy and energy sector in difficult times. “In conditions of power outages, our equipment is able to ensure the continuity of business processes and production, enable businesses to continue to operate, pay taxes and give Ukrainians jobs,” he said.
“Dalgakiran Compressor Ukraine” is a representative office of Turkish Dalgakiran, specializing in the manufacture and service of generator and compressor equipment, cooling systems and industrial pumps.
Ukrainian representative office sells equipment and improves it to meet the needs of the national customer. The basic equipment is manufactured in Turkey, where a full cycle of quality control is introduced, as well as its own design office.
The company has been working in Ukraine for 19 years, has representative offices in 11 cities and more than seventy own mobile service teams.


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Ship with 1 thousand tons of flour for Palestine arrived from Turkey to Jordan – Yermak

A vessel with 1,000 tons of wheat flour for Palestine arrived from Turkey to Jordan as part of the presidential program Grain from Ukraine, the head of the Presidential Office, Andriy Yermak, said on his Telegram channel.

“President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Grain from Ukraine initiative in cooperation with the WFP sent the first of three shipments to Palestine, which will provide food aid to more than 100,000 families caught in the middle of the conflict between Israel and Hamas,” he wrote, noting that this shipment was the first to be delivered to Palestine under this initiative.

Yermak emphasized that Ukraine continued to provide vital assistance to innocent civilians suffering from food shortages and at risk of starvation.

“Ukraine has always been and will continue to be a donor of food security for the whole world. Over the course of the program’s existence, Ukraine has supplied essential foodstuffs to many countries, including Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Yemen. Food security is one of the important points of the Formula for Peace, and I call on all countries to join our collective efforts to achieve it,” he wrote.

According to Yermak, other ships are also scheduled to depart in the coming months. “In total, Ukraine plans to deliver more than 7,000 tons of wheat flour to Gaza under the initiative with the support of donors, including Norway, Austria, Estonia, France and Iceland,” the head of the Presidential Office said.

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Chinese company may build plant in Turkey worth $1 bln

Turkish authorities are set to announce an agreement with Chinese automaker BYD Co. to build a $1 billion company facility in the country, Bloomberg reported.

According to the agency’s sources, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will announce it on Monday at a ceremony in Manisa province, where the plant is planned to be built.

The opening of the plant in Turkey could make it easier for BYD, China’s largest electric car maker, to access the European Union market, with which the country has a customs agreement.

The day before, the European Commission imposed additional duties on imports of Chinese electric cars into the EU. For BYD Co. this duty amounts to 17.4%. Previously, the EU already had 10% duties on imports of electric cars from China.

The Turkish market is also of interest to BYD. Last year, cars with electric engines accounted for 7.5% of car sales in Turkey.

On Friday, it became known that the Turkish authorities refused to introduce an additional duty of 40% on imports of Chinese electric cars into the country, which was announced in June. This came after Erdogan’s talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) leaders’ meeting in Astana.


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Turkey, Romania, and Bulgaria launch joint mine-sweeping operation in Black Sea

Turkey, Romania, and Bulgaria on Monday launched a joint mine-sweeping operation in the Black Sea to improve shipping safety, especially during the export of Ukrainian grain, Bloomberg reports.
The publication noted that the Istanbul-led initiative is the first major joint action by the Black Sea countries since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and focuses on clearing mines drifting in certain areas of the Black Sea as a result of the war.
“Russia and Ukraine are key grain producers, and the war has jeopardized the safe passage of goods. Kyiv launched its own Black Sea export route last year after the failure of a secure corridor agreement backed by Russia, Turkey and the United Nations. It has successfully boosted exports and helped the economy grow faster than forecast, but the route remains risky,” Bloomberg writes.
Among the major maritime losses, the publication named a Russian missile attack near the key Ukrainian port of Odesa on a merchant ship, killing the captain and other crew members, as well as a ship hired by Cargill Inc. that was damaged in November by an explosion while leaving a Ukrainian port in the Black Sea.
Ukraine said in March that exports from its Black Sea ports had almost returned to pre-war levels after repeated attacks and disruptions following Russia’s full-scale invasion. However, ports around Odesa frequently face strikes from Russia that continue to interrupt operations, Bloomberg recalled.

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Ukraine and Turkey agree to cooperate in rehabilitation of servicemen

Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Natalia Kalmykova and Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine Mustafa Levent Bilgen reached an agreement on cooperation in the field of rehabilitation of servicemen at a meeting.

“We are very grateful for the assistance provided to Ukraine by the Republic of Turkey. Now the list of such assistance has been expanded to include cooperation in the rehabilitation sector. A pilot project for the rehabilitation of military personnel has recently been launched. Its goal is to create an effective rehabilitation space with the participation of civilian and military health care facilities, social services, and local governments,” Kalmykova said.

As reported, the pilot project envisages, among other things, the creation of centers of excellence – institutions that will take the lead in rehabilitation.

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Head of Ukrainian Parliament visits Turkey

Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk is on an official visit to Turkey on May 13-15.

According to the press service of the Ukrainian parliament’s apparatus, Stefanchuk will hold a number of bilateral meetings and negotiations in Ankara, including with the chairman of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Numan Kurtulmuş.

During the meetings will touch upon the topics of realization of the Formula of Peace of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the reconstruction of Ukraine, in particular, the involvement of Turkey in the reconstruction process.

“The purpose of the visit is to deepen strategic cooperation between Ukraine and Turkey, to expand interparliamentary cooperation, as well as to overcome the negative consequences of Russian aggression, which threatens stability and development in the Black Sea region”, – stated in the message of the press service.

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