Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine exported 49.5 mln tons of grains and pulses

21 June , 2024  

As of June 21, 2023-2024 marketing year (July-June), Ukraine exported 49.54 million tons of grains and pulses, up 2.3% year-on-year, according to the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.

According to the report, in June, exports of grains and pulses amounted to 2.608 million tons, while a year earlier this figure was recorded at 3.087 million tons.

In terms of crops, since the beginning of the current season, Ukraine has exported 18.123 mln tonnes of wheat (686 thsd tonnes in June), 2.461 mln tonnes of barley (75 thsd tonnes), 1.6 thsd tonnes of rye (0), and 28.416 mln tonnes of corn (1.366 mln tonnes).

Total exports of Ukrainian flour as of June 21 are estimated at 96.7 thousand tons, which is 35.9% less than a year earlier. In June, Ukraine supplied 4.2 thsd tonnes to foreign markets. At the same time, in 2023-2024 MY Ukraine exported 91.3 thsd tonnes of wheat flour, and in June – 4.1 thsd tonnes.
