Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine has accelerated customs clearance for NCTS users

15 July , 2023  

Ukraine has created a legislative basis for priority cross-border passage of goods placed under the joint transit procedure, and also made it possible to carry out internal transit of goods using the NCTS, similar to the Union transit provided for by the EU Customs Code.

So the Ministry of Finance on its website commented on the main innovations of the law “On Amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine on the use of customs declarations and electronic transit system provided by the Convention on the procedure of joint transit (NCTS – IF) for transit under the terms of this Code” (No. 9014-1) adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on July 13.

“The adopted amendments to the Customs Code create favorable conditions for Ukrainian businesses to open T1 declarations in internal customs, which, combined with the electronic queue at the border, will unload customs checkpoints and reduce the time of customs clearance for NCTS users,” the Ministry of Finance pointed out.

The ministry added that the law also provides for the introduction of additional transit simplifications, in particular, the status of authorized TIR consignor and authorized TIR consignee and the registration of a single transit declaration for goods that are or will be moved in one vehicle (container or package) from one customs office of departure to one customs office of destination.

Other simplifications include bringing in line with the EU customs legislation and the provisions of the Convention on the Joint Transit Procedure the requirements to seal all transit movements or, if sealing is impossible, to ensure identification of the relevant goods

The draft law was developed in fulfillment of Ukraine’s European integration commitments in the customs sphere, the Finance Ministry said.

Earlier, roundtables were devoted to customs reform, where the event’s organizer and moderator Maksym Urakin stated that the State Customs Service accounts for 35-40% of state budget revenues, and these figures have remained stable in recent years. That is why customs reforms are so important for the country.