Since the beginning of 2024-2025 marketing year (July-June) and as of January 24, Ukraine exported 24.475 mln tonnes of grains and pulses, of which 2.514 mln tonnes were shipped this month, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported, citing the data of the State Customs Service of Ukraine.
According to the report, as of the same date last year, the total shipments amounted to 22.246 mln tons, including 3.682 mln tons in January.
In terms of crops, since the beginning of the current season, the country has exported 10.563 mln tonnes of wheat (650 thsd tonnes in January), 2.035 mln tonnes of barley (36 thsd tonnes), 10.8 thsd tonnes of rye (0), and 11.729 mln tonnes of corn (1.82 mln tonnes).
Thus, the volume of wheat exports for 2024/2025 MY agreed by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and grain market participants at 16.2 mln tonnes has already been exhausted by 65%.
The total exports of Ukrainian flour since the beginning of the season as of January 24 are estimated at 41.6 thsd tonnes (4 thsd tonnes in January), including 38.2 thsd tonnes of wheat (3.7 thsd tonnes).