Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine has increased salt imports by 65.6%

21 October , 2024  

In January-September 2024, Ukraine imported 526.545 thousand tons of salt worth $69.844 million, which is 65.6% and 6.64% more than in the same period last year, respectively.
According to statistics released by the State Customs Service (SCS), Egypt became the largest supplier of salt to Ukraine, accounting for 55.41% of total imports worth $38.7 million in January-September 2024.
Turkey and Romania accounted for 15.7% and 15.6% of supplies, for which these countries earned $10.96 million and $10.81 million, respectively.
A year earlier, Ukraine’s top three salt importers were Turkey with a 30.9% share, Egypt and Romania with 21.6% and 20.9%, respectively. Their revenues from salt sales amounted to $20.3 million, $14.11 million and $13.697 million, respectively.
In January-September 2024, Ukraine reduced its salt exports to a record low of 21 tons, for which it earned $21 thousand. Its buyers were Romania, which purchased 17 tons (80.9%), Moldova and Spain purchased a ton each, which was 4.8% for each country.
A year earlier, salt exports amounted to 38 tons, for which Ukraine earned $155 thousand. Exports of this product were supported by Romania, which bought 35 tons (94.6%), and Moldova – a ton (2.7%).
As reported, in pre-war 2021, Ukraine exported 710.04 thousand tons of salt for $28.32 million, while in 2022 it fell fivefold in physical terms to 142.038 thousand tons, and revenue fell even more, to $3.82 million. In 2021, the main buyers of Ukrainian salt were Poland (39.1%), Hungary (27.4%), and Romania (7.3%). In 2021, Ukraine imported 142.81 thousand tons of salt worth $12.92 million.
After the occupation of the country’s largest salt producer, Artemsol, by Russian troops, Ukrainian salt exports amounted to only 149 tons for $32 thousand in the first half of 2023.
