Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine has launched urban planning cadastre

2 October , 2024  

In Ukraine, the administrator of the town-planning cadastre at the state level has been working since October 1, the connection of local governments to the state cadastre has begun, according to Natalia Kozlovska, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure (Ministry of Infrastructure), during an extended meeting of the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine on Tuesday.

“Now local governments must upload to the urban planning cadastre the available urban planning documentation and all approved DPTs. We have started connecting local governments to the town planning cadastre,” Kozlovska said.

As specified in the press service of the Ministry of Infrastructure, the state enterprise “Administrator of town-planning cadastre at the state level”, which is entrusted with these functions, will also be the administrator of the Unified State Electronic System in the field of construction (USESS) and the Unified State Register of Addresses (USRA).

The administrator’s task is to ensure transparency, accessibility and efficient management of the Town Planning Cadastre at the state level. It is expected that the work of urban cadastre at the state level will contribute to greater transparency in urban planning, development of digital economy and improve conditions for investors.

As reported, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the launch of a two-year pilot project for the implementation of the town-planning cadastre at the state level by Resolution No. 909 “Some issues of realization of the pilot project on the implementation of the town-planning cadastre at the state level”.

The cadastre, in particular, provides services to support the development, verification of draft documents, as well as their preservation in a single register. An electronic cabinet of the Cadastre user has also been introduced.

As it is supposed, Gradkadastr will be connected with other information resources, in particular, with the Unified Ecological Platform “EcoSystem”, the State Register of property damaged and destroyed as a result of hostilities, terrorist acts, sabotage caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, regarding obtaining information (data) on damaged and destroyed property.

On October 5, the Ministry of Infrastructure will hold a meeting with regional military administrations (OBA) to discuss the issue of providing information on the customers of urban planning documentation, on October 10 the first community training on the functionality of the customer of urban planning documentation is scheduled.

The project on creation of the City Cadastre is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Community and Territory Development, Ministry of Digital Transformation with the assistance of the project “Support for Digital Transformation”, funded by USAID and UK Dev. The project partner is the Eastern Europe Foundation.
