Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


19 May , 2022  

Ukraine in January-April this year reduced the export of coke and semi-coke by 97.2% compared to the same period last year, to 2,532 tonnes.
According to statistics published by the State Customs Service (STS), in monetary terms, the export of coke and semi-coke over this period fell by 97%, to $758,000.
At the same time, the main exports were to Georgia (43.54% of supplies in monetary terms), Hungary (34.83%) and Turkey (21.64%).
Ukraine in January-April 2022 imported 233,003 tonnes of coke and semi-coke, which is 2.6 times more compared to January-April 2021. In monetary terms, imports increased 5.1 times, to $117.023 million. Coke was mainly imported from the Russian Federation (64.76% of deliveries in monetary terms), the Czech Republic (18.56%) and Poland (10.66%).
As reported, in 2021, Ukraine increased the export of coke and semi-coke in quantity terms by 3.3 times compared to 2020, to 194,535 tonnes. In monetary terms, the export of coke and semi-coke over this period increased 4.8 times, to $41.838 million. The products were mainly exported to Kazakhstan (29.03% of supplies in monetary terms), Turkey (20.06%) and Algeria (15.77%).
Ukraine last year imported 789,903 tonnes of coke and semi-coke, which is 2.1 times more compared to 2020. In monetary terms, imports increased 4.3 times, to $351.238 million. The products were mainly imported from the Russian Federation (65.48% of supplies in monetary terms), the Czech Republic (20%) and Poland (8.45%).
Due to hostilities in eastern Ukraine, a number of mines and coking plants occurred in territories temporarily not controlled by Ukraine.

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