Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine starts work on legal regulation of artificial intelligence

3 August , 2023  

A strategy session with the participation of experts, officials, MPs and lawyers was the beginning of work on the regulatory field for artificial intelligence (AI), it discussed the paths Ukraine can follow in the field of its legal regulation, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhail Fedorov.
“We should not lag behind the rest of the world, but lead the AI trend. It is impossible to talk about a digital state if we do not form a progressive policy in the direction of artificial intelligence and agendu for the world “, – wrote Fedorov in his Telegram channel on Wednesday.
According to him, the use of AI in Ukraine is planned in various spheres, in particular, the Ministry of Digitization is developing a virtual assistant in “Diya”, the task of which is to quickly find answers to users’ questions. In addition, AI will help Gosstat to process and analyze data, added the head of the Ministry of Digitals.
Separately, Fedorov noted the usefulness of AI in military technologies. According to him, artificial intelligence helps to fix the movement of equipment and personnel of the enemy, to shoot down missiles, to more effectively target UAVs, etc.
“We are creating conditions for top international companies dealing with artificial intelligence to come to the Ukrainian market,” Fyodorov added.