Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


21 December , 2019  

The Ascania multi-profile Ukrainian holding has entered the electricity and natural gas markets by creating Ascania Energy to supply electricity and natural gas to commercial consumers, the founder and shareholder of the holding, Valeriy Gorban, has said.
“We were prompted to open this business line by the fear of a significant increase in electricity tariffs after the launch of the new market model. When the market opened, we predicted an increase in the cost of electricity for enterprises by 20-25%. In fact, after July 1, the price soared by 40-50%. Our group consumes a large amount of electricity. These are tremendous costs. But understanding the market makes it possible to partially compensate for these losses,” he told Interfax-Ukraine.
According to Gorban, today, the company provides customers with about 17 million kWh of electricity monthly, and began to prepare for entering a new segment for itself early 2018.
“In recent years, we have observed the process of gradual liberalization of the energy market of Ukraine. The creation of a fairly free natural gas market in 2016-2017 allowed us to diversify the supply of this resource, gain expertise in this segment and start supplying gas,” the founder of the holding said.
Ascania Energy is part of the Ascania Group, which unites 12 companies. Among the areas of activity are import, production and distribution of food products, honey processing and export – Ascania-Pak, rose growing – Ascania-Flora, soft drinks production – Kvass Beverages, logistics services, electricity supply, small arms production weapons, security services and training of security personnel of private and state structures.
The group has branches throughout Ukraine and offices in Berlin (Germany) and Guangzhou (China).
