Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian sunflower prices will continue to grow – experts

21 June , 2023  

Prices for Ukrainian sunflower rose by 11.5% during the week against the background of the growth of exchange prices for vegetable oils and amounted to 14000-14500 UAH/tonne and will grow further, according to experts of analytical center of the cooperative “PUSK”, created within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Rada (AAR).
“Last week, the price of soybean oil on world exchanges jumped up a lot, which caused the physical market, prices for raw materials for production of vegetable oils, including prices for sunflower oil,” the analysts explained.
This led to the fact that the current week began with a price range for sunflower around 14000-14500 UAH/ton, while last week began with prices at 12000-12500 UAH/ton.
“Uniformly, the market is moving from falling to rising. The other day India bought 80 thousand tons of sunflower oil from Ukraine, which increased the prices for vegetable oil on FOB terms by $ 60-70/ton, on CPT terms the oil went up by $100-110/ton. The market has become more active, the sunflower has most likely passed the “price bottom” of this season”, – stressed the analytical department of the cooperative “PUSK”.
Experts reminded that in July plants will begin to process rape, which could lead to a sunflower price subsidence in the second half of July.
Further rise in sunflower prices will be moderate, they will not exceed 15 500 hryvnias/ton, “PUSK” forecasts.