Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Wholesale prices for tomatoes are falling in Ukraine

14 February , 2025  

In Ukraine this week prices for imported tomatoes produced in Turkey have started to decrease, analysts of the EastFruit project report. The reason for this was a rather weak interest of wholesale companies and retail chains in the purchase of these products.

Today Ukrainian importers offer Turkish tomatoes for sale at 75-90 UAH/kg ($1.79-2.15/kg), depending on the quality and volume of batches, which is on average 14% cheaper than at the end of last week. At the same time, the supply of imported products is quite voluminous, while the demand for them is quite restrained. As a result, significant volumes of unsold products are accumulated in the warehouses of companies, due to which sellers are ready to concede in price.

Thus, during the week the supply of tomatoes from Turkey continued to increase, as a result of which the supply on the market remained excessive. Due to low sales rates, most wholesalers and retailers reduced the volume of tomato purchases and purchased new batches as the existing stocks were realized.

At the same time, it should be noted that prices for imported tomatoes in Ukraine are currently still 10% higher than in the same period last year. According to key market players, if the sales rates in the tomato segment do not accelerate in the near future, the decline in prices for these products may last until the end of February this year.

You can get more detailed information about market development of tomatoes and other horticultural products in Ukraine by subscribing to the operative analytical weekly – EastFruit Ukraine Weekly Pro. Detailed information about the product can be found here.


