Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


21 September , 2020  

In the second part of an educational video made by the Expert Club about nutrition, veganism and vegetarianism, Doctor of Biological Sciences Sviatoslav Morozov and healthy nutrition expert Veronika Vero, who promotes vegetarianism, analyzed staple food that is traditionally consumed by Ukrainians.
The experts came to the conclusion that consumption of sausages and sausage products, as well as cakes, some sorts of sweets and canned herrings could be harmful. They also recommended to eat more fruit and vegetables, as well as limit consumption of bread, flour products and bacon.
Honey, dried fruit, raisings, seasonal fruit and vegetables were highly recommended by the experts.
In addition, the experts cast doubt on benefits from regular consumption of dairy products since quality of the raw material (milk) raises questions, while lactose intolerance among many people makes consumption of such products even detrimental.
Doctor of Biological Sciences Sviatoslav Morozov said that food producers aspire to reduce their products’ cost value and often ignore the harm they may cause to consumers’ health.
Otherwise, they will be simply unable to withstand the market competition.
“Speaking about monotonous diet for farm animals and various chemical additives, they are used not to poison consumers. Nobody pursues such a goal. The task is different – to cut the cost value and make products with a very long shelf life, while it is a big question whether this is useful or at least safe for human body,” Morozov said.
The full video is available on the Expert Club YouTube channel
Veronika Vero, a vegetarian and healthy nutrition expert, spent more than eight years of training at the research and development center. She is the author of several programs, seminars, as well as physical, mental and energy retreats.
Sviatoslav Morozov is a scientist with 30 years of experience, a Doctor of Biological Sciences and the author of a series of trainings, titled “Survival in a Megalopolis.”

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