Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


19 June , 2021  

The Verkhovna Rada is proposed to introduce ceiling prices for certain types of export products, upon exceeding which exporting companies will be obliged to pay 50% of the revenues received in excess of the established limit to the state budget, which will make it possible to replenish the state budget for a total amount of $ 6.37 billion per year and redirect these funds to support the social sphere.
Corresponding bill No. 5666 was registered in the Verkhovna Rada on June 16 by MPs Oleh Dunda, Bohdan Yaremenko and Oleksandr Aleksiychuk (all of them are from the Servant of the People parliamentary faction).
According to an explanatory note to the bill, it is proposed to tax a portion of foreign currency earnings exceeding the limits established by the bill with a 50% tax. For wheat, the limit is proposed to be set at $ 230/tonne (as of June 1, its average export price is $ 283/tonne), corn – $ 170/tonne ($ 271/tonne), rapeseeds – $ 350/tonne ($ 568/tonne), oats – $ 230/tonne ($ 265/tonne), sunflower oil – $ 850/tonne ($ 1,300/tonne). Accordingly, if a 50% tax is imposed on part of the profits received by exporters in excess of the established limits, the state budget will receive $ 450 million from taxation of exported wheat, corn will bring $ 1.21 billion, rapeseeds – $ 440 million, oats – $ 10 million, sunflower oil – $ 1.57 billion, the document says.
It is also proposed to tax the profits exceeding the established limits for exporters of iron ore, steel scrap and rebar, aluminum, copper, zinc and nickel.
According to the explanatory note to the document, the taxation of “excess profits” in these commodity groups will make it possible to replenish the state budget for a total of $ 6.37 billion per year.
“The tax is levied on excess profits, that is, the profits that a business entity received by taking advantage of the favorable market conditions. Usually this is a temporary measure that is applied when the country’s budget is experiencing an acute deficit,” the authors of the bill explain.

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