Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

UGA opposes another increase in tariffs for grain transportation by rail

6 September , 2024  

The Ukrainian Grain Association (UGA) opposes another increase in railroad tariffs for grain transportation, as it will further hit farmers who have already suffered $80 billion in losses due to Russia’s armed aggression, the association said in a statement.

The UGA recalled that in 2021-2022, Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ) significantly increased tariffs for grain transportation, which led to a 96% increase in the cost of grain transportation. Subsequently, with the outbreak of war, the company resorted to raising tariffs due to a drop in transportation volumes.

“Indeed, during the blockade of Ukrainian seaports by Russia, grain transportation in their direction dropped significantly. However, with the opening of the Ukrainian sea corridor, grain exports from the country’s ports have almost recovered to pre-war levels, and, accordingly, the volume of grain transportation by rail to ports has increased,” the business association noted.

The UGA argues that the 11% increase in grain transportation tariffs proposed by UZ will hit Ukrainian farmers hard, who are suffering losses due to the war, lower global grain prices and lower crop yields this year. This move will make the price of grain uncompetitive on the global market, as exporters will be forced to reduce their purchase prices due to the rising cost of logistics, and as a result, farmers will suffer even greater losses.

At a time when the agricultural sector is one of the drivers of the Ukrainian economy, ensuring food and economic security for a country at war and in dire need of tax revenues, its losses will lead to a drop in production and exports. As a result, tax revenues to the state budget will decrease, and the country will face a shortage of funds to finance the Armed Forces and purchase weapons, the association states.

At the same time, the UGA welcomes UZ’s proposal to unify freight transportation, as the transportation of a ton of cargo costs the same, regardless of whether it is grain or coal. For many years, the Association has been pushing for the unification of railroad transportation tariffs.

According to the UGA, with the opening of the Ukrainian sea corridor, Ukrzaliznytsia has significantly expanded its freight transportation base and increased its own revenues. Therefore, the best way to avoid unprofitability is for the company to optimize costs and improve the efficiency of production processes.

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