Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

National Bank has published rating of most profitable banks in Ukraine

23 September , 2024  

State-owned PrivatBank in July 2024 reduced its net profit by 2.6% by June – to UAH 6.25 billion and with this indicator headed the top five most profitable banks in the country in July, according to the data of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) on its website.
According to them, Privat is followed by state-owned Oschadbank, which in July received 2.18 billion UAH of net profit compared to 0.07 billion UAH in June.
Universal Bank (mono) rounded out the top three, having almost eightfold increased its profit compared to June – up to UAH 0.84 bln.
It is followed by two banks with foreign capital: Credit Agricole and Raiffeisen Bank with UAH 0.62 bln (+28.3% to June) and UAH 0.56 bln (+78%) respectively.
The second five most profitable banks in July were headed by Ukrsibbank, which increased its net profit by 10.1% to UAH 0.55 bln. It also included: City Bank – UAH 0.54 billion, Ukrgasbank – UAH 0.43 billion, FUIB – UAH 0.42 billion and Ukreximbank – UAH 0.38 billion.
In July 2024, net profit of over UAH 100 million was received by three more banks: OTP Bank – UAH 365.3 million, Pivdennyi Bank – UAH 340.7 million and Kredobank – UAH 193.5 million.
At the same time, the three most unprofitable banks in July were formed by Sense Bank with net loss of UAH 65.67 mln, Alliance Bank – UAH 17.81 mln and Pravex Bank – UAH 13.34 mln.
The list of the most profitable banks in general for seven months of this year is also headed by Privat with a large gap – UAH 37.16 billion, followed by Oschadbank – UAH 11.00 billion.
Next in a denser group are Raif – UAH 4.87 billion, Ukrexim – UAH 4.74 billion, FUIB – UAH 4.24 billion, Credit Agricole – UAH 4.22 billion Ukrsib – UAH 3.97 billion and Ukrgas – UAH 3.73 billion.
Six other banks also received net profit over UAH 1 billion for 7 months of this year: mono – UAH 3.19 billion, OTP – UAH 3.00 billion, City – UAH 2.73 billion, Sense – UAH 2.21 billion, Pivdennyi – UAH 1.61 billion and Credo – UAH 1.16 billion.
A-Bank is a little short of this threshold – UAH 0.92 billion, while ProCredit Bank, which follows it, has a net profit of UAH 0.60 billion.
As for unprofitable banks, according to the results of January-July, there are 8 out of 62 banks in Ukraine. The worst indicator is Pravex Bank – UAH 95.79 billion, followed by Industrialbank – UAH 39.00 billion.
At the First Investbank and Motor-Bank, which were transferred to the state from the sub-sanctioned owners following the results of the trial, the net loss for 7 months amounted to UAH 25.69 mln and UAH 14.69 mln, respectively.

