Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Energy ministry of Ukraine announces competition to select members of Ukrenergo supervisory board

23 September , 2024  

The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine announced a competitive selection of candidates for three positions of independent members of the supervisory board of Ukrenergo and instructed Ukrenergo to engage a professional consultant on personnel selection.
“The government remains fully committed to ensuring the independence, integrity and compliance with the highest professional standards of the new supervisory board. The selection of all members of the board – four independent and three representatives of the state – is to be completed by December 9,” the ministry said on Friday evening.
As reported, EU Ambassador to Ukraine Katarína Mathernová, regional heads of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the business ombudsman in early September called for stopping the dismissal of the company’s head Volodymyr Kudrytsky until the election of the seventh member of the board.
However, Kudrytsky was dismissed, after which the independent members of the Ukrenergo supervisory board, former ENTSO-E Presidents Daniel Dobbeni and Peder Andreasen, called the dismissal politically motivated and decided to leave the supervisory board early.
In addition, the G7 ambassadors emphasized the importance of quickly organizing a selection procedure according to the standards of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for “competent and professional independent experts” to the Ukrenergo supervisory board.


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