Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine processed 1 mln tons of rapeseed – Ukroliyaprom

In 2023-2024 marketing year, Ukraine processed 1.0 mln tonnes of rapeseed, which was 22.3% of the 2023 harvest, despite the fact that rapeseed is considered to be mainly export-oriented agricultural raw material, reports the association Ukroliyaprom.
“The export of rapeseed oil in July-June of 2023/24 MY reached the record level of over 420 thsd tonnes. Ukrainian rapeseed oil is confidently entering the markets of China, EU countries, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries. Positive dynamics is also observed in rapeseed meal,” the analysts said.
Experts pointed out the continued growth of soybean and meal exports, and, accordingly, their production and processing, especially in January-June 2024.
“The growth of domestic processing of seeds and soybeans, as well as a significant increase in exports of high value-added products, namely oil and meal, confirms the position of the Association on the need to create conditions for maximum processing of oilseeds at domestic facilities. Further development of the oil and fat industry of Ukraine is envisaged not so much in increasing the processing of sunflower seeds as in such oilseeds as soybeans and rapeseed, which are still considered export-oriented,” Ukroliyamprom emphasized and expressed hope for the support of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food and the Ministry of Economy.
At the same time, the industry association is skeptical about the prospects for the oilseed harvest in the 2024 season in Ukraine. Experts noted that the oilseed market participants have different forecasts. Most of the players expect an increase in soybean production and a decrease in rapeseed production.
The production of sunflower seeds and oilseeds in general will be almost the same as in 2023/24 MY. However, the abnormal heat can significantly adjust all the forecasts, the industry association stated.


In January-June, State Customs Service of Ukraine detected 5,078 violations of customs rules

InJanuary-June 2024, the customs of the State Customs Service of Ukraine detected 5,078 violations of customs rules worth UAH 13.4 billion. The value of this figure increased almost 3 times compared to the same period in 2023.

In 1407 cases of violation of customs rules, the objects of offenses worth almost UAH 217 million were temporarily seized. In particular

– industrial goods worth almost UAH 148 million;

– food products worth over UAH 32 million

– vehicles worth UAH 35 million;

– currency worth UAH 1.6 million.

In 1679 cases of customs rules violations, including those initiated in previous periods, customs applied administrative penalties in the form of fines amounting to UAH 39 million and collected fines amounting to UAH 41 million.

The customs authorities submitted 2, 543 cases of customs rules violations worth UAH 11 billion to the courts. As a result of court proceedings, including those initiated in previous periods, penalties (confiscation of goods and fines) amounting to over UAH 1 billion were imposed.


Ukraine’s rolled steel market grew by 7.7%

In January-June of this year, Ukrainian enterprises increased their consumption of rolled metal products by 7.73% year-on-year to 1 million 736.4 thousand tons.
According to a press release issued by Ukrmetallurgprom on Monday, 592.4 thousand tons, or 34.12% of the domestic rolled metal consumption market, were imported during this period.
According to Ukrmetallurgprom, in January-June 2024, steel companies produced 3.140 million tons of rolled metal products (132.3% compared to the same period in 2023), of which, according to the State Customs Service of Ukraine, about 1.996 million tons, or 63.6%, were exported. In January-June 2023, the share of exports amounted to 52.9% (1.257 million tons with a total production of 2.374 million tons of rolled steel).
The share of semi-finished products in export deliveries in the first half of 2024 was 45.39%, which is the same as in January-June 2023 (45.90%). The share of flat products in export deliveries in January-June 2024 is significantly higher than in the same period of 2023 (41.73% and 33.65%, respectively). The share of long products is significantly lower than in January-June 2023 (12.88% in 2024 vs. 20.45% in 2023).
“In the first six months of 2024, the domestic market capacity amounted to 1 million 736.4 thousand tons of rolled steel, of which 592.4 thousand tons, or 34.12%, were imported. In January-June 2023, the domestic market capacity amounted to 1 million 611.8 thousand tons, of which 494.8 thousand tons, or 30.17%, were imported. Thus, in the first six months of 2024, there was an increase in the domestic market capacity compared to the first six months of 2023 – by 7.73%, with a simultaneous increase in the share of the import component by 3.42%,” the press release states.
The structure of imports for the first six months of 2024 is still characterized by a significant dominance of flat products over long products (80.06% and 18.30%, respectively); in January-June 2023, the dominance of flat products over long products was also significant (78.88% and 20.09%, respectively).
According to the State Customs Service, the main export markets for Ukrainian rolled steel products in January-June 2024 were the European Union (77.1%), the rest of Europe (6.9%) and Africa (6.4%).
Among metallurgical importers in January-June 2024, the first place was taken by other European countries (46.5%), the second by the EU-27 (31%), and the third by Asian countries (20.5%).
As reported, Ukraine’s rolled steel market grew 2.19 times in 2023 compared to 2022, to 3 million 505.6 thousand tons. The company imported 1 million 118.6 thousand tons, or 31.91% of the domestic rolled metal consumption market.

“Avtostrada” wins tender for construction of metro to Vynohradar

Avtostrada Group of Companies has been recognized as the winner of the procurement procedure for the construction of the metro in Vynohradar, its founder Maxim Shkil said.
“We will start work without advances, at the expense of our own working capital. For us, the decision to enter the metro construction market is strategic, the company has been preparing for this for 3 years,” Shkil wrote on Facebook.
According to the public procurement platform Prozorro, the winner of the tender was determined on July 12 with a price of UAH 13 billion 785 million, which is slightly lower than the stated expected cost of the purchase of UAH 13 billion 956 million 843 thousand 711.13. The decision can be appealed until July 18.
The terms of the procurement stipulate the completion of construction (5th and 6th launch complex) of the Syretsko-Pecherska subway line to the Vynohradar residential area by December 30, 2026.
Shkil said that before the start of work, a detailed analysis of the status of work performed by previous contractors is required. Next, it is necessary to compare the actual amount of work performed and those that should be performed in accordance with the existing design solutions. After that, it is necessary to adjust the project in terms of the scope, type of work, and cost.
“For this purpose, Avtostrada has its own design institute with a separate underground construction unit, where employees have considerable experience in metro design. Accordingly, we will start this stage of work immediately,” said the founder of the group of companies.
In parallel with the documentary work, it is planned to start the construction of the metro to Vynohradar in the coming months.
He noted that there are difficulties with organizing the construction process at the highest possible pace, i.e. nine construction sites with round-the-clock operation.
“In today’s realities, it is impossible to ensure such an approach from the very first days, as the subway construction industry has been practically lost over the past ten years. From the very first days, Avtostrada will engage its employees, and in parallel, to reach the maximum construction schedule, we will recruit and train personnel, which will actually revive the metro construction industry,” said Shkil.
According to him, a significant factor that will affect the pace of construction is timely funding from the state for the work.
“We set ourselves the task of reaching the full pace of work around the clock in all construction sites in 2025, provided that we have adequate funding. In total, we plan to employ more than 4000 people. The total investment in this project will be more than $50 million. Next month, the company plans to contract the necessary equipment for the construction of the subway for more than $30 million. In addition, to avoid construction interruptions, we are counting on loans and our own working capital of up to UAH 1 billion. – These funds will be used in case the customer has a delay in financing. This will allow us to cover short cash gaps and continue to operate,” Shkil said.
As reported, on May 13, Kyiv Metro announced a tender for the continuation of the construction of the Syretsko-Pecherska line towards the Vynohradar residential area with a total cost of UAH 13,956 million.
In December 2023, Kyiv Metro terminated the contract with Kyivmetrobud JSC in court due to unsatisfactory terms of construction works performed by the contractor. The claim also seeks to recover a portion of the prepayment, the use of which was not confirmed by the relevant acts of completion. As of May 2024, the facility has constructed a right distillation tunnel with a length of almost 1,250 meters from Mostytska station to Syrets station, and completed the construction of the main structures of the distillation ventilation unit. Also, the wall-in-soil method of enclosing structures, monolithic and reinforced concrete support of the pit with metal structures – with excavation and removal of soil – were partially installed; the main structures of the combined traction substation were built; two-tier tunnels were partially constructed, etc.

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Heat will prevent harvesting record corn and soybeans – Vysotsky

The heatwave in Ukraine will not have a major impact on the harvest of early crops, but we can no longer count on high yields of late oilseeds, including corn and soybeans, said Taras Vysotsky, acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, during the Unified National Telethon.
He reminded that there are two types of crops grown in Ukraine – early and late. The harvest of early crops is already underway. We are talking about wheat and barley, as well as oats, peas, rye, and rapeseed.
“These crops are also subject to the heat effect, but it is not critical. They are even favorable for harvesting,” the acting minister said.
According to him, the average yield of early grain crops is 37 centners per hectare. However, it will grow as the harvest continues in the southern and central regions. In particular, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kirovohrad, and Dnipro regions have already harvested more than 1 million tons each. Next, the western and northern regions will start harvesting, where yields will be higher.
As of today, the average yield of early crops is expected to be around 45-48 cwt/ha, Vysotsky emphasized.
“If we look at the later crops, which are primarily corn, sunflower and soybeans, there may be a negative effect of the heat, as it is the peak of flowering, pollination and growth of these crops. It all depends on the weather in the coming weeks. But as of today (it can be stated – IF-U), the current heat will not allow us to collect record figures for corn and sunflower,” said the acting Minister.
Vysotsky said that the production of early grains is expected to reach 27 million tons. The domestic consumption of this group of crops is about 6-8-9 million tons, which is three times higher than the domestic demand. Therefore, there will be no grain shortage in the country, and no sharp price fluctuations are expected.
At the same time, he said, the situation may change in the fall. In August, after the early grain harvest is completed, the situation with other crops will become clear.
“As of today, the price change is expected to be more at the level of inflation or devaluation, because these (crops – IF-U) are export-oriented goods. They are also tied to the hryvnia exchange rate. No sharp price changes are expected based on this levy (of early grain crops – IF-U),” the acting minister stated. He added: “The final forecast for the crop harvest will be made in the second half of August.”

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Charity wine evening was held at Bunker club in Kyiv

On Bunker Club hosted a charity wine evening organized by Experts Club. The guests of the event were given the opportunity to taste 12 varieties of Ukrainian wine, each of which has its own unique characteristics and history. In particular, the following Ukrainian wines were presented:

Sparkling white wine My wine by Eduard Gorodetsky, which is distinguished by its fresh and light taste, perfect for a summer evening.

Sauvignon blanc 2023 by Demidi wine with bright fruity notes and delicate acidity that gives the wine a special freshness.

Telti-Kuruk 2023 from Big Wines, which has a rich flavor with hints of ripe fruit, making it an ideal choice for red wine connoisseurs.

Dnipro Hills Riesling 2023 from Stoic Ukrainian winery has a pleasant aroma with notes of flowers and honey, complemented by a light fruity aftertaste.

The 2020 Furmint from Chateau Chizay has a rich flavor and a complex bouquet that combines fruity and smoky notes.

Beycush red 2023 from Beycush winery, which has a deep color and rich flavor with hints of ripe berries and spices.

Odesa black 2023 from Big Wines is noted for its rich taste and aroma of dark fruits, which gives it a special charm.

El Capitan Pinot noir 2021 from 46 ParaleI has an elegant taste with notes of cherry, raspberry and light spicy hints.

Freedom Blend from the legendary Purcari winery (Moldova) combines the best traditions of Moldovan winemaking, offering a rich taste with hints of black berries and spices.

Ice wine Riesling from Chateau Chizay is characterized by its sweet taste and rich aroma of ripe fruit and honey.

Shabo Reserve Sherry Dry White by Shabo has an expressive flavor with light notes of nuts and spices, making it an excellent choice for special moments.

Shabo Luxe de Charente by Shabo is distinguished by its mild and refined taste with notes of vanilla and caramel that give it a special charm.

The charity event was not only an opportunity to enjoy fine wines, but also to support important initiatives. All the funds raised will go to charity, which adds even more value to the event.

The tasting was held to promote Ukrainian wine producers. The partners were Experts Club and the Ukrainian Wine Industry Association. UkrSadvynProm unites about 200 enterprises from different regions of Ukraine, established in 2016 to unite market participants and provide practical assistance in solving problematic issues in viticulture and winemaking, as well as horticulture, including berry and nut growing.

Experts Club is a Ukrainian information and analytical center founded in 2020 to create an analytical framework to increase the competitiveness of Ukraine and Ukrainian business in the world.
