Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Kyivpastrans has again announced tender for purchase of trolleybuses for EUR50 mln with EIB financing

Kyivpastrans, as part of the implementation of the European Investment Bank-financed program “Urban Public Transport of Ukraine”, has announced a new tender for the purchase of 12m and 18m trolleybuses for a total amount of up to EUR50m.

According to the announcement published in the Official Journal of the EU, to which the AllTransUA portal refers, it is planned to purchase low-floor trolleybuses, as well as the necessary spare parts, tools and equipment.

Disclosure of the bids is scheduled for July 31. The first batch of trolleybuses should be delivered in 24 weeks after the receipt of the advance payment by the supplier, and the entire contract is designed for 78 weeks.

As reported, under this loan agreement with the EIB, Kiev has already tried twice to purchase trolleybuses – the tender announced in November 2022 failed, and the one announced in August 2023, with bids submitted by the Czech Republic’s Škoda and Turkey’s Bozankay, was recently finally canceled, according to AllTransUA.

“Unfortunately, just like last time, single and two-section trolleybuses are to be delivered within one lot, and the quantity ratio is not specified in the announcement. This creates exactly the same problems as last time, when Ukrainian manufacturers could not participate, and foreign manufacturers offered a purely formal number of two-section trolleybuses (1 and 3 pcs.),” – notes AllTransUA.

As reported, the EIB and Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko on December 10, 2021 signed a loan agreement for EUR100 million for the project of renewal of the trolleybus fleet, as well as the car fleet of the capital’s metro. This was the first loan from the EIB in Ukraine offered directly to the city without state guarantees.


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Due to bad weather in Kyiv region 36 lines and 611 substations have been de-energized – regional administration

As a result of a thunderstorm with heavy rain and wind up to 25 m/s on the morning of June 12 in the Kiev region 36 lines and 611 transformer substations are de-energized, according to the website of the Kiev regional military administration on Wednesday morning.

“A thunderstorm front has hit all regions of the Kiev region….. Specialists are already eliminating the consequences of bad weather. The task is to restore as quickly as possible the work of all lines of the highest voltage – 10 kV and go to the applications of customers on the networks of the lower voltage class 0.4 kV to return light to all homes. Strong wind with rain makes it difficult to work, which may provoke new accidents in the networks”, – stated in the message.

At the same time, the regional administration reminds that on June 12, the restriction of electricity consumption in the Kiev region will be in effect from 15:00 to 23:00.

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European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to provide EUR140m to Ukraine for municipalities

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will provide EUR140 million to support municipalities in Ukraine, EBRD Vice President for Policy and Partnerships Mark Bowman said.

“We need to support Ukraine, in particular the environmental infrastructure during the war and lay a strong foundation for its green recovery. This is a really important part of Ukraine’s European integration. I was very surprised by the super commitments that Ukraine has made on its way to the EU,” he said on the sidelines of the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin on Tuesday.

Bowman recalled that the EBRD has been supporting Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war and has invested more than EUR4 billion in support of Ukraine. In addition, investments in energy efficiency projects, water supply, water drainage, public transportation in Ukraine continue to receive about EUR160 million.

“We are ready to provide additional funding of EUR140 mln to support municipalities that face serious problems and are in a difficult situation. They need to cope with the devastation. These difficulties are big,” the EBRD representative emphasized.

Bowman also recalled that the EBRD has developed the Green Cities program. This project started in 2016 and seven Ukrainian cities joined it. They continue to work even in conditions of war. In particular, two participants of this program have introduced war plans and continue to implement them.

In addition, the EBRD this week announced a EUR55 million investment in a joint venture with Goldback Solar Investment to build and operate new renewable energy facilities, predominantly solar, on 522 MHz.

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Dynamics of import of goods in Jan-Feb 2024 by most important items in relation to same period of 2023, %

Dynamics of import of goods in Jan-Feb 2024 by the most important items in relation to the same period of 2023, %

Source: and

“Ukrnafta” has transferred UAH 3.5 bln in dividends to state for 2023

Ukrnafta has transferred UAH 3.5 billion in dividends to Naftogaz of Ukraine based on its 2023 performance, the company’s press service said on Tuesday.

Taking into account the previously transferred dividends for the previous year, the company paid a total of about UAH 8 billion to another shareholder represented by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine under this item.

“About UAH 8 billion has been transferred to the accounts and depositories of the company’s state shareholders – the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and Naftogaz of Ukraine. The company is supporting the country’s economy and working for victory,” said Sergiy Koretsky, CEO of Ukrnafta.

As a reminder, in 2023, the company also paid UAH 25.7 billion in taxes and fees to the budgets of all levels.

As reported, in early February, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine established that Naftogaz of Ukraine should allocate 95% of its net profit to dividends, and Ukrnafta – 30%, provided that 50% of the profit will be used for capital investments approved by the government in the company’s financial plan for 2024.

“Ukrnafta, in which Naftogaz owns 50%+1 share, announced that in 2023 it made a net profit of UAH 23.6 billion compared to a loss of UAH 1.1 billion in 2022.

Earlier, Naftogaz Group CEO Oleksiy Chernyshev said that in terms of dividend policy, Naftogaz would receive UAH 12.1 billion from Ukrgasvydobuvannya last year, UAH 6.6 billion from Ukrtransgaz, UAH 5.3 billion from Ukrtransnafta, and UAH 3.5 billion from Ukrnafta.

“Ukrnafta is the largest oil producer in Ukraine and operates a national network of 537 filling stations, of which 456 are in operation.
The company is implementing a comprehensive program to restore operations and update the format of its filling stations. Since February 2023, Ukrnafta has been issuing its own fuel coupons and NAFTAKarta cards, which are sold to legal entities and individuals through Ukrnafta-Postach LLC.

Ukrnafta’s largest shareholder is Naftogaz of Ukraine with a 50%+1 share. On November 5, 2022, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine decided to transfer to the state a share of corporate rights of the company owned by private owners, which is now managed by the Ministry of Defense.


“Energoatom has announced tender for MTPL insurance

State enterprise NAEK Energoatom (Kiev) on June 11 announced a tender for compulsory motor third party liability insurance for owners of land vehicles (MTPL).

According to the Prozorro electronic public procurement system, the total expected cost is UAH -1.645 mln.

The deadline for submitting tender documents is June 19.

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