Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Italian artist Manu Invisible presented his new work “TRY-FLY” in Bucha

The Italian Development Cooperation Agency in Kyiv, together with the Embassy of Italy in Ukraine and the Italian Institute of Culture, announce a new work by street artist Manu Invisible in Bucha.

Manu Invisible, recognizable by his glossy black mask with geometric shapes and black clothes decorated with traces of paint, has a career that ranges from graffiti to traditional mural techniques and is known for his urban interventions that combine words of high symbolic value with cityscapes.

These days, he has created an impressive mural measuring over 12 meters by 6 meters on a building opposite the Bucha City Council called “TRY-FLY”, depicting a dove that emits light as it takes off, wrapped in a Ukrainian flag. In the background, you can see the rainbow refraction of light, reminiscent of the colors of the Italian flag.

“Try-Fly” depicts a dove striving to fly over the world, bringing hope for peace,” the artist explained, ”It does so by spreading its wings, despite being wrapped in a torn and mangled Ukrainian flag. Glimpses of light in the void emanating from the chest irradiate the composition, myriads of rainbow effects frame this special attempt to rise and then fly. Above, on the right, is a radiance that reflects familiar colors: it is Italian solidarity that illuminates this attempt.”

The choice of Bucha as a place for this art project is not accidental. After 90 days of terror during the occupation, the city has become a symbolic place where solidarity can play a key role in recovery and collective healing.

“Bucha was the scene of horrific crimes. The Italian Cooperation Agency has already funded several projects to support the population immediately after the Russian occupation. We are proud to have contributed to transforming the walls of this city into canvases that tell stories of rebirth and hope. Thanks to the efforts of the city authorities and artists from all over the world, Bucha is gradually turning into an open-air museum, a symbol of resistance to barbarism. The presence of Manu Invisible and his work embody support for the local community. The pigeon, freeing itself from the bandages wrapped around its legs, gets rid of the wounds received during the occupation and wraps itself in the flag of freedom. In this act of liberation, the inner light gives him the strength and ability to fly. This scene represents for us a community that, despite incalculable losses, managed to liberate itself and regain its freedom, both yesterday and today,” said Pietro Pipi, Head of the Italian Development Cooperation Agency in Kyiv.

On Saturday, May 25, the street artist will continue his work as part of the “Day of Italian Culture in Bucha”. The event, organized by the local authorities, involves the entire Italian system in Ukraine and various NGOs, and will include a performance by Manu Invisible accompanied by Ukrainian musicians playing opera arias and Italian songs, as well as numerous other activities to celebrate the friendship between the two nations and Italy’s unconditional support for Bucha and Ukraine.

Photo: Enrico Monni, photographer

Link to download the photo:

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Ukraine and Turkey agree to cooperate in rehabilitation of servicemen

Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Natalia Kalmykova and Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine Mustafa Levent Bilgen reached an agreement on cooperation in the field of rehabilitation of servicemen at a meeting.

“We are very grateful for the assistance provided to Ukraine by the Republic of Turkey. Now the list of such assistance has been expanded to include cooperation in the rehabilitation sector. A pilot project for the rehabilitation of military personnel has recently been launched. Its goal is to create an effective rehabilitation space with the participation of civilian and military health care facilities, social services, and local governments,” Kalmykova said.

As reported, the pilot project envisages, among other things, the creation of centers of excellence – institutions that will take the lead in rehabilitation.

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“Zaporizhstal” purchased respirators for gas rescuers for UAH 6 mln

Zaporizhstal Iron and Steel Works will save UAH 1.6 million by implementing one of its rationalization proposals in the sinter shop for the use of used equipment.

According to the company, Zaporizhstal employees continue to generate effective rationalization ideas and implement them in production, receiving additional remuneration for this, and the company receives additional savings.

“This time we are talking about the Proposal Submission System (PSS) in the sinter shop. Here, specialists have found a solution to save money on the production of bandages for coke oven rolls. Instead of purchasing billets for their production, the sinter plant proposed to use the used backup rolls of the BTS-1680 continuous thin-sheet mill in the hot strip mill shop. One such roll will replace two billets,” the company explains.

According to preliminary estimates, the savings will amount to more than UAH 1.6 million per year.

Another press release reports that Zaporizhstal has purchased 20 modern breathing protective apparatus for specialists working in gas-hazardous work areas, as well as a device for testing breathing apparatus. The company allocated about UAH 6 million for these purposes.

It is specified that DEZEGA’s P-30EX compressed oxygen isolating regenerative respirators will provide comfortable and safe working conditions for gas rescue specialists. This is the lightest and most reliable breathing protective apparatus certified by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and compliant with European standards.

Twenty sets of modern breathing apparatus will replace the previous generation of protective equipment and ensure safe work in gas-hazardous areas of the sinter and blast furnace processing and other units.

The breathing apparatuses provide autonomous operation for up to four hours and are equipped with signaling devices. To check the serviceability of the new breathing apparatus, the plant purchased an additional modern DEZEGA CheckUp device. The device is connected to the apparatus and automatically checks the technical condition of the protective equipment. The results of a thorough check of the breathing apparatus are displayed on the station’s electronic display, and in case of deviations from the norm or the slightest malfunctions, the devices are serviced or calibrated to the design parameters.

“Zaporizhstal is one of the largest industrial enterprises in Ukraine, whose products are in great demand among consumers both in the domestic market and in many countries around the world.

“Zaporizhstal is in the process of integration into Metinvest Group, whose major shareholders are System Capital Management (71.24%) and Smart Holding (23.76%). Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.

“Kametstal” expands range of steel produced using economical technology

Metinvest Group’s Kametstal plant, which was built at the facilities of Dnipro Metallurgical Plant (DMK, Kamianske, Dnipro region), is expanding the range of steel that can be smelted using economical technology with preheating of scrap metal.

According to the company, the peculiarity of the efficient preheated smelting technology is that immediately after scrap metal is fed into the converter, before liquid iron is poured, the scrap is heated with oxygen and using gas coal. This makes it possible to increase the use of scrap metal, which reduces the consumption of liquid iron in steel production and thus its cost.

It is noted that to develop and implement this technology in Kametstal’s BOF Shop, the smelting parameters were carefully selected, the amount of oxygen and gas coal for heating was determined, as well as the optimal scrap heating modes to prevent the formation of a liquid phase during pig iron pouring and the modes of smelting blowdown.

“The proven technology has already proved its economic efficiency in compliance with the parameters and requirements for the quality of steel produced in the converter. Therefore, steelmakers continue to develop and improve their achievement, systematically increasing the share of melts with scrap preheating and reducing the consumption of liquid iron during steelmaking,” the information summarizes.

“Kametstal was established on the basis of Dnipro Coke and Chemical Plant (DKKhZ) and Central Steel Works (DMK).

According to the 2020 report of Metinvest Group’s parent company, Metinvest B.V. (Netherlands) owned 100% of the shares in DCCP.


Concert on occasion of 214th anniversary of Argentine May Revolution and 78th anniversary of Day of Italian Republic took place at Kyiv Conservatory

On June 1, 2024, the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine hosted an artistic event dedicated to the 214th anniversary of the Argentine May Revolution and the 78th anniversary of the Day of the Italian Republic, dedicated to the Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla.

This joint project was initiated and supported by the Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Ukraine, the Embassy of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute in Ukraine in cooperation with the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine.

The artistic event of the friendly states of Italy and Argentina was a great manifestation of solidarity with the Ukrainian people and a significant example of cultural diplomacy.

At the beginning of the concert, the anthems of Italy, Argentina and Ukraine were performed by the Orchestra of Folk Instruments under the direction of Honored Artist of Ukraine Andriy Ivanysh.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic to Ukraine Ms. Elena Leticia Teresa Mukusinski, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Italian Republic to Ukraine Mr. Pier Francesco Zazzo and Acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Mr. Rostyslav Karandieiev delivered welcoming speeches.

In her speech, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic to Ukraine, Ms. Elena Leticia Teresa Mukusinski, elaborated on the common history of Argentina and Italy in organizing this cultural event.

Between 1847 and 1957, Argentina received about 3 million Italian immigrants and it is estimated that 60% of the population of

Argentina are of Italian descent. Argentina is the Latin American country with the largest number of Italian immigrants, ranking second in the Americas after the United States.

In addition, Argentina has the largest Italian community on its territory, followed by Germany, Switzerland, Brazil and France. 15% of Italians who have settled abroad live in Argentina.

In fact, General Manuel Belgrano, a national hero who played one of the most important roles in the process of Argentina’s independence when the First National Government was formed in May 1810 and became the creator of the Argentine flag, was the son of an Italian immigrant from the province of Imperia in the Liguria region.

The list of Argentine presidents of Italian descent is no less significant: Bartolomé Mitre, Carlos Pellegrini, Arturo Frondisi, Arturo Illia, Mauricio Macri, and our current president, Javier Milei.

And the number of famous people, artists, scientists, scholars and athletes is countless, including Pope Francis, Juan Manuel Fangio, Clorindo Testa and, among others, our dear Astor Piazzolla,” the diplomat said.

The Ambassador also expressed her deep admiration for the courage and resilience of the Ukrainian nation: “As you know, Argentina has voted against Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine in all UN General Assembly resolutions and international forums. We are participating in two working groups of President Zelenskyy’s “Formula for Peace”.”

For his part, the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Ukraine, Pier Francesco Zazzo, noted in his speech that Astor Piazzolla “was not only considered one of the greatest composers of the twentieth century for his unique tango works, which also contains elements of jazz and classical music, but he was also a descendant of an Italian family in Argentina, and his compositions intertwine Italian roots with the Argentine soul, symbolizing the unbreakable friendship between two nations united by a passion for music and culture.”

A musical gift for the guests was a performance by the world-famous Italian bandoneon player Mario Stefano Pietrodarki accompanied by the Academy’s string quintet and orchestra of accordionists under the direction of artistic director and conductor Joseph Franz.

Maestro Pietrodarki captivated the audience with his virtuoso playing and unsurpassed style of performance, performing works by the legendary Argentine musician and composer Astor Piazzolla, as well as by no less legendary Italian composers Ennio Morricone, Nino Rota, and Niccolo Piovani.

Argentina recognized Ukraine on December 5, 1991. On January 6, 1992, Ukraine and Argentina established diplomatic relations. The Argentine Embassy in Ukraine was opened in May 1993.

Italy recognized Ukraine’s independence on December 28, 1991. Diplomatic relations with the Italian Republic were established on January 29, 1992.

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Switzerland allocates over EUR 60 mln to support Ukraine in digitalization

The Swiss government has allocated CHF 58.7 million (EUR 60.6 million at the NBU exchange rate – IF-U) to continue supporting Ukraine in the field of digitalization and e-government over the next four years.

The decision was made by the Federal Council at a meeting on June 7, the Swiss government’s press service reports.

“Thus, Switzerland promotes democratic reforms in Ukraine through digitalization and at the same time increases the transparency of public services. Both areas are crucial for Ukraine’s recovery,” the statement said.

Switzerland will provide a total of 58.7 million Swiss francs in the period 2024-2028. The funding will come from the regular budget for international cooperation and will focus in particular on projects in regions directly affected by the war and important for the country’s future recovery. Some of the key areas will include health, education, and humanitarian demining.

It is noted that Switzerland will announce its support in the field of digitalization and e-government at the next Ukraine Recovery Conference, which will be held on June 11 and 12, 2024 in Berlin.
