Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Zaporizhstal” has invested over UAH 1.2 bln in equipment maintenance during war

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Zaporizhstal Iron and Steel Works has invested more than UAH 1.2 billion to upgrade production equipment and treatment facilities at the complex.

According to the company, in 2023, the plant invested UAH 750 million in projects to maintain the stability and reliability of the company’s main technological facilities, which is half the amount of UAH 500 million invested in 2022.

At the same time, it is stated that the full-scale invasion had a negative impact on Zaporizhstal’s operations: the plant’s production figures for 2021 – 4.4 million tons of iron, 3.7 million tons of steel, and 3.2 million tons of rolled products – are comparable to the total production volumes for two years: 2022 and 2023, respectively.

“Despite the partial utilization of production capacities, blackouts and terror on the part of the aggressor country, we continue to implement the investment program to maintain equipment reliability, operate steadily and strengthen the national economy on the way to Victory,” said Roman Slobodianiuk, CEO of Zaporizhstal.

During the full-scale invasion, the program focused on maintaining and updating equipment to ensure its reliable operation in unforeseen conditions. Key equipment upgrade projects were implemented in the sintering and blast furnace division of the plant. In particular, the repair of sinter machines at the sinter plant, as well as technological maintenance and full support of gas cleaning systems by professional services to ensure that the design indicators for the purification of waste gases are achieved: from dust to 30 mg/cubic meter, and for sulfur dioxide – below 400 mg/cubic meter.

Blast Furnace No. 3 was overhauled in the blast furnace shop. The production life and design characteristics of the unit were restored, and the efficiency of production and environmental equipment was improved. Air heaters No. 9 and 12, which operate in conjunction with the plant’s blast furnaces, were overhauled.

Zaporizhstal specialists performed a comprehensive overhaul of the hot rolling shop equipment: in addition to rolling mills, the equipment of tick cranes and method furnaces was updated. The mechanical, power and electrical equipment of the main rolling mills at the production site was updated.

In addition, a number of projects have been implemented to ensure sustainable operation and increase the production life of power equipment and infrastructure facilities, improve the safety of the production process for personnel, digitalize, etc.

In 2024, Zaporizhstal plans to implement a capital investment program totaling about UAH 1 billion. The program is aimed at maintaining and modernizing equipment, implementing functional programs for occupational health and safety, information technology, and social sphere.

“Zaporizhstal is one of the largest industrial enterprises in Ukraine, whose products are in great demand among consumers both in the domestic market and in many countries around the world.

“Zaporizhstal is in the process of integration into Metinvest Group, whose major shareholders are System Capital Management (71.24%) and Smart Holding Group (23.76%).

Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.

Polish farmers resume blocking checkpoints

Polish farmers have resumed blocking the Korchova-Krakovets and Medyka-Shehyni checkpoints, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported on its Telegram channel on Thursday morning.

“The protesters on the territory of Poland took such actions today after 09:00. In the direction of the Krakovets checkpoint, the movement of trucks heading towards Ukraine is restricted, and in the direction of Shehyni – both exiting and entering Poland. According to available information, the protesters plan to block traffic in Krakowiec until 9:00 a.m. on April 20, and in Shehynia until 9:00 a.m. on April 19,” the statement said.

According to the border guard agency, on Thursday morning, about 1,500 trucks are waiting in queues in Poland in these directions to cross into Ukraine. No complications are expected for the movement of cars and buses.


IC “Respect” plans to increase its authorized capital by 79%

Insurance Company “Respect” PrJSC (Odesa) plans to increase its authorized capital from UAH 30 million to UAH 53.7 million by increasing the nominal value of ordinary and preferred registered shares from UAH 10 to UAH 17.90 by allocating to the authorized capital part of the profit received in 2018-2023 in the amount of UAH 23.7 million.

This issue is on the agenda of the company’s shareholders meeting scheduled for May 3, according to the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC).

As reported, IC Respect has been operating in the Ukrainian market since March 1995. It has 21 licenses for various types of insurance. The company’s main risk portfolio is related to the transportation sector. In June 2023, Saggarco Limited (Cyprus), which owns 70.001% of MTB Bank (Chornomorsk, Odesa region), announced its intention to acquire 96.382% of the shares of PJSC Insurance Company “Respect”.

“Ukrainian Insurance Group” reduced net premiums last year by more than 10%

Insurance company “Ukrainian Insurance Group” (Kiev) in 2023 collected UAH 2.036 billion of net premiums, which is 10.7% less than in 2022, and UAH 2.936 billion of gross premiums (-7.3%).

This is reported on the website of the rating agency “Standard-Rating”, which confirmed the financial strength rating/credit rating of the insurance company at the level of “uaAA+” at the end of the reporting period.

At the same time receipts from individuals have decreased by 16.82% – to UAH 1.773 bln, and from reinsurers, on the contrary, have increased in 2.33 times – to UAH 10.112 mln, hence the share of individuals in gross premiums of the company has amounted to 60.36%, and the share of reinsurers – 0.34%.

Insurance payments sent to reinsurers for 2023 have increased by 1,55% compared to 2022 – up to UAH 900,401 mln. Thus, the ratio of participation of reinsurance companies in insurance premiums has increased by 2,67 p.p. – up to 30,66%.

The volumes of insurance payments and indemnities made by IC “USG” in 2023 have amounted to UAH 1,478 billion, that has exceeded the volume of payments and indemnities in 2022 by 87,63%. At the same time the level of payments has increased up to 50,33%.

RA also notes that following the results of 2023 the company has received a negative financial result from operating activities in the amount of UAH 321,997 mln, and the net loss of the insurer has amounted to UAH 38,515 mln.

Assets of the company as of December 31, 2023 have increased by 2,44% – to UAH 3,522 billion, shareholders’ equity has decreased by 12,01% – to UAH 566,501 million, liabilities have increased by 5,77% – to UAH 2,955 billion, cash and cash equivalents have decreased by 43,68% – to UAH 825,414 million.

Thus, as of the beginning of 2024 the company had a satisfactory level of capitalization (19.17%), and cash covered 27.93% of its liabilities. At the same time RA notes that on the reporting date the insurer has formed a portfolio of financial investments in the amount of UAH 1,087 billion, consisting of government bonds (57,89% of the portfolio) and deposits in banks with high credit rating (42,11% of the portfolio). The presence of such investments in aggregate covered 64,73% of the insurer’s liabilities.

As it was informed, the controlling shareholder of IC USG is an international insurance group headquartered in Austria Vienna Insurance Group, which is represented by 50 companies in 30 countries and is the leader of the insurance market of Central and Eastern Europe.


“Lutsk Foods” increased its net profit by 8.5%

Lutsk Foods PJSC (Volyn region), one of the largest producers of grocery products in Ukraine, received UAH 45.981 million in net profit in 2023, up 8.5% year-on-year.

According to the company’s report in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC), its revenue last year increased by 19.9% to UAH 856.515 million, debt obligations decreased by 28.2% to UAH 93.892 million, and assets – by 4.5% to UAH 265.767 million.

During the year, the company increased its staff by three employees to 355 people.

According to the report, at the annual meeting of shareholders on April 18, shareholders will be asked to leave the profit of UAH 45,981 thousand received in 2023 undistributed.

In addition, the shareholders are asked to authorize the company’s chairman of the board to enter into significant transactions during the year to attract investments in the modernization of production facilities and production premises, other agreements, the maximum aggregate value of each of which should not exceed UAH 200 million, with the provision of movable and immovable property of the company as security for performance without limiting its value.

Lutsk Foods PJSC was founded in 1997 on the basis of the Lutsk City Food Processing Plant, established in 1945. The company produces a wide range of tomato paste-based sauces, as well as ketchup, adjika, mustard, mayonnaise and various types of vinegar under the Runa, Ridniy Krai and Sribnytsia trademarks. Since 2009, the company has been cooperating with a number of retail chains and produces more than 40 products under their private labels. Lutsk Foods exports its products to the markets of more than 20 countries.


Boryspil automobile plant sold for UAH 108 mln

On Wednesday, the state-owned Ukreximbank (Kyiv) sold a complex of buildings and structures and a land plot in Kyiv region to the only bidder through the OpenMarket electronic trading system (SE SETAM of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine) at a starting price of UAH 108.412 million.

As reported, the Boryspil Automobile Plant of Etalon Corporation in Prolisky village (Boryspil district, Kyiv region) was put up for auction.

According to SETAM, 8 bidders initially submitted applications for participation in the auction, but seven of them were rejected due to non-payment of the guarantee fee.

The total area of the lot is 18.67 thousand square meters. It includes, among other things, the main production building (7,679.9 sq m), a production building (644.8 sq m), an administrative and amenity building with a canteen (3,213.6 sq m), a spare parts warehouse (4,016.6 sq m) and other buildings.

The land plot has an area of 7.5205 hectares. Purpose: for the placement and operation of the main auxiliary and auxiliary buildings and structures of the processing, machine-building and other industries.

As noted, the buildings and structures are in a suitable technical condition for operation. The facility is fully operational as a production and warehouse complex with an administrative part. Its territory is fenced and guarded.

The winning bidder paid UAH 10.84 million as a guarantee fee and, according to the bidding protocol, must transfer UAH 99.197 million to the seller’s account by May 1 this year.

Boryspil Automobile Plant was established in 2002. The Etalon corporation organized the production of small class buses on the chassis of the Indian TATA. Then the production of buses was transferred to the corporation’s Chernihiv Automobile Plant, which now produces buses of various classes and trolleybuses.

According to the register of court decisions, in January 2023, BAS PJSC was declared bankrupt and liquidation proceedings were initiated.

According to the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC), as of the third quarter of 2023, Bodmin AG (registered in Switzerland) owned 74.37% of BAZ shares, while another 22.81% was owned by Kirayne LLC (Kyiv).