Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


The supervisory board of PrJSC Kyiv Motorcycle Plant (Kyiv) of businessman Vasyl Khmelnytsky has agreed on signing a surety agreement for Alfa-Bank’s (Ukraine) opening a credit line for Unit Holdings LLC (Kyiv) to finance the construction of UNIT.City. According to a report in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, the decision to consent to the transaction was made during an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting on November 30, 2018.
In particular, the matter concerns the intention of Unit Holdings LLC to raise a five-year non-renewable credit line in the amount of $8 million with an interest rate not exceeding 12% per annum from Alfa-Bank. The guarantor in the transaction will be PrJSC Kyiv Motorcycle Plant.
The press service of UDP company told Interfax-Ukraine the money raised will be used to complete the reconstruction of two new campuses of the first stage of UNIT.City.
As reported, Kyiv City Council at the end of September 2018 decided to lease two land plots with a total area of 22.2 hectares at 8 Simyi Khokhlovykh Street to Unit Zhytloinvest and Unit Holdings for the construction of a housing and office complex.
According to UNIT.City’s website, as of November 2018 two business campuses and the co-working space Chasopys.UNIT with 85 resident companies were operating in the innovation park.
It is planned in 2019 to expand the park with three more business campuses, increasing the number of tenants to 150 companies. It is planned that by 2025 the total area of UNIT.City will be 500,000 square meters.
Earlier it was reported, with reference to UDP CEO Vitaliy Melnyk, that UDP and KAN Development are engaged in the joint development of the construction of a six-storey business center in the territory of UNIT.City. Its total area will be about 13,000 square meters.
UNIT.City Innovation Park was officially opened in April 2017 in the territory of the former Kyiv Motorcycle Plant. The co-working space Chasopys-UNIT, the IT school UNIT Factory, three laboratories, a business campus, a foundation and five accelerators are located in its territory.

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Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada has passed an amendment to the Tax Code, according to which the excise duty on fruit and berry wines is reduced to UAH 0.01 per liter, Head of the Ukrsadvynprom association Volodymyr Pechko has said. “The Verkhovna Rada reduced the excise duty on fruit and berry wines and equated it to the excise duty on grape wines. Previously, it was equated with liquor and vodka products. This industry was dilapidated when there was ‘draconian’ legislation. And now the conditions are optimal to resume production of fruit and berry wines,” he told Interfax-Ukraine. According to a comparative table, the tax rate on non-sparkling wines with 1.2-15% ABV will be UAH 0.01 per liter.
According to the head of Ukrsadvynprom, the parliament also agreed on changes, according to which, new producers of wine products will be considered the fourth group of taxpayers using the simplified taxation system.
As reported, the Cabinet of Ministers has increased government support for hop growing, laying of young gardens, vineyards and berries, from UAH 300 million in 2018 to UAH 400 million in 2019.
According to Pechko, this increase in state support is advisable, since in 2018 the industry will use all the allocated funds. “At the summer meeting the budget allocation committee of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food allocated compensation only for planting material, and at a meeting in autumn refrigerators, shock freezing and sorting lines (except seedlings) will also be reimbursed for. Virtually all funds for gardening will be used,” he explained.
At the same time, the head of Ukrsadvynprom noted that to develop the industry, it is necessary to spend more funds on product processing. “We need to finance not only planting, but also processing, sorting and storing fruits and berries. In particular, funds should be allocated for processing – refrigerators, blast chilling chambers for berries, processing into new products – apple chips, dried goods, grape and fruit wine,” Pechko said.
He added that an increase in processing volumes in future will help fruit and berry producers in the years with large harvests. “This year the price of products of further processing – raspberries, currants, apples – has fallen. Purchase prices for apples, for example, at the plants were UAH 0.52/kg, raspberries some UAH 10-12/kg. This is a very low price, considering harvesting costs. The reduction in excise tax on fruit and berry wine will enable enterprises to process their products themselves,” the expert said.
As reported, the Verkhovna Rada redirected UAH 1 billion from the programs of state support for the agro-industrial complex to the Regional Development Fund. The total amount of state support for agriculture will be about UAH 6 billion. According to information on the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, as of November 16 some 35.8% of state support for the agro-industrial complex had been used. Out of UAH 300 million provided for hop growing and gardening, some UAH 101 million has been used.

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The Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) estimates the volume of the illegal taxi market in Ukraine at 93-98% with the market volume being UAH 40 billion a year, head of the Infrastructure sector at BRDO Vladyslav Prytomanov has said during the round table “The taxi services market” in Kyiv. “According to experts, the total volume of the taxi market in Ukraine is UAH 40 billion a year, which are distributed between carriers (UAH 36 billion) and information and dispatch services (UAH 4 billion). At the same time, the level of market shadowing ranges from 93% to 98%, about 95% on average,” he said.
According to BRDO, there are about 220,000 taxi drivers in Ukraine, serving 280 million passengers annually. The average cost of a taxi ride in Ukraine is relatively low compared to other countries and amounts to UAH 60-90 for a trip within the city.
The expert noted that the budget revenues from the taxi market work are 1-3% of the minimum projected.
Speaker of the Association of Responsible Carriers public organization Oleksandr Diachenko, in turn, said that according to a study conducted by GfK, 42.7% of drivers are willing to work with an illegal taxi service if they need to pay 15-20% of taxes for legal work.

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Areas planted with leguminous crops in 2018 were expanded by 12.4% compared with the previous year, to 568,400 ha, while their harvest fell by 15.9%, to 1.04 million, according to the UkrAgroConsult analytical agency. “Despite the decline in prices and profitability, the area planted with legumes actually increased this year. At the same time, there was a decrease in yield, but the weather factor worked here. One can argue how negative the weather factor is, which affected the decrease in yield, decrease in supply, but it is quite possible it contributed to the prices. The conclusion we are making is that farmers continue to trust legumes,” Director General of the UkrAgroConsult analytical agency Serhiy Feofilov said at a conference in Kyiv.
He said that the export of legumes will be high this season.
“This year, the export of peas will fall quite strongly. Earlier, in the structure of exports from Ukraine, chickpeas dominated, now horse beans and beans, and lentils have recently sold well. According to the nuances of logistics, if two or four years ago up to 90% legumes were exported from Ukraine by containers, but now the situation has changed and up to 60% is exported in bulk and mainly this is export of peas,” Feofilov said.
According to him, in the outlook of three to five years, the drivers of the development of the legume market of the Black Sea region will be: stable growth in demand, the need to restore crop rotation after oversaturation with oilseed crops, attractiveness both for large farms (peas, large batches) and for small farms (other legumes), differentiation of the commodity nomenclature for farms, new trends in healthy nutrition from the use of legumes.
According to Ukraine’s Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry, global demand for legumes is growing faster than supply. Today, the largest producers of legumes in the world are India, China and Canada.
“Ukraine has all the prerequisites to become one of the key producers of these products and a supplier of legumes to the global market,” Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food on European Integration Olha Trofimtseva said.
According to her, Ukrainian exports of legumes are growing significantly. The main buyers of Ukrainian products are India, Turkey, Pakistan, Myanmar and the Netherlands.
“In 2015, we exported legumes to the amount of $60.6 million, in 2017 – $148.5 million, and for the results of January-October, this figure is $97.7 million,” the deputy minister said.

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