Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Samsung launches Map mode based on SmartThings and AI

Samsung Electronics has announced the global launch of Map mode, which was first introduced at CES 2024. It is now available in all countries where SmartThings is available.

“Map simplifies home management by turning real floor plans into virtual maps in the SmartThings app. Users can view the location of devices and control lighting, temperature, improve air quality, and monitor energy consumption from anywhere, anytime.

The mode makes it easier to manage a large number of devices in your home, so you don’t have to search for each device individually to use it. “The Map displays a floor plan of your entire home and is updated in real time – every time you connect a new device.

The previous version of the Map mode was in 2D format, which only worked for homes that had a floor plan uploaded. However, the updated map takes advantage of the spatial artificial intelligence in Samsung devices, such as the Bespoke Jet Bot™ robot vacuum cleaner, which uses LiDAR1 sensors to scan the home and then turn that data into a plan. Users can now better understand their space with a 3D map.

In addition, the feature that allows users to filter devices by category has been improved to improve monitoring and management. By the end of the year, the company plans to offer more personalized and convenient smart services using AI-powered devices, which were also shown at CES 2024.

The Map mode is available in the SmartThings app on Android and iOS mobile devices2 and on TVs.

The mode was initially launched in Korea and the United States last year. But now it can be used in all countries where the SmartThings app is available.

“Samsung is constantly working to ensure that customers can control their home devices seamlessly from anywhere, anytime, and Map mode is the result of these efforts,” said Seungbeom Choi, head of the Device Platform Center at Samsung Electronics. “We will continue to introduce a variety of relevant services and features so that our customers can enjoy the optimal smart home experience and improve their lives.”

Samsung is currently working with construction companies to expand the scope of the mode to include apartments and office spaces. The company aims to help create smart environments for customers around the world by adding new functionality. These include an optimized user interface (UX) for large screens that helps administrators of B2B Signage screens, as well as a quick control feature that allows users to easily access key functions.

About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Samsung brings cutting-edge ideas to life and introduces advanced technologies, inspiring people and shaping the future of the consumer market through smartphones, TVs, wearables, tablets, home appliances, medical devices, networking systems, memory solutions, semiconductors, foundries, and LED solutions.

Heating boiler manufacturer Mayak will pay UAH 2.2 thousand in dividends per share

In the period from July 25 to October 25 of this year, the manufacturer of heating boilers JSC Mayak Plant (Zmiiv, Kharkiv region) plans to pay dividends to shareholders based on the results of 2023 in the amount of UAH 2.195 thousand per share (nominal value of UAH 1 thousand).

The relevant information is contained in the published agenda of the company’s general meeting of shareholders scheduled for April 23.

The announcement does not specify the amount of net profit received by Mayak Plant JSC in 2023, but according to the Clarity-project resource, it amounted to UAH 4.613 million, down 2.6 times over the year.

According to the company, last year it paid dividends based on the results of 2022 in the amount of UAH 2,896 thousand per share.

The authorized capital of the company is UAH 210 thousand, divided into 210 shares.

According to the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC), as of the third quarter of 2023, 52.381% of the shares of Mayak Plant JSC are owned by CEO Oleksiy Mushtay, and 14.2857% each by Tatyana Samusenko and Zoya Garagata.

The Mayak plant was established in 1991 and produces household heating appliances under the Mayak brand.

According to Clarity-project, the company’s net income in 2023 decreased by 23.5% compared to 2022, to UAH 69.8 million.

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Ukrainian Ministry of Culture wants to increase the presence of Ukrainian language in computer games

Acting Ukrainian Culture and Information Policy Minister Rostyslav Karandeyev has said that the agency is preparing a communication with global computer games manufacturers regarding the presence of Ukrainian-language versions of their products on the country’s domestic market.

“We will soon come out with a global proposal to the world manufacturers of computer games regarding the presence of Ukrainian-language versions in the most popular games of the largest manufacturers, in order to ensure that it is they came to the Ukrainian market,” Karandeev said on the air of the national telethon on Friday.

At the same time, he noted that this is a rather specific market, and communication with program developers should be built not quite traditionally, in particular, through personal communications.


France plans to invest in military production in Ukraine – French ambassador

France has increased defense spending, some of which will be invested in production in Ukraine, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to Ukraine Gael Vesierre has said.

During the 16th annual Kyiv Security Forum founded by Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s Open Ukraine Foundation, the Ambassador noted that France’s defense spending exceeded 2% of GDP.

Regarding investments in defense, the diplomat stressed that investments are also needed to produce in Ukraine what the Ukrainian Armed Forces need.

“We say: if we can start such production in Ukraine, we should do it,” Vesier said.

He also called for supporting Ukraine to achieve victory.

“Let’s imagine for a second if Russia wins. It means that Russia can destroy a neighbor and the international community can do nothing in response. It means that many countries will say: we now need to join the nuclear club because our security is at risk. It will be a more risky and unstable situation than today,” the French diplomat emphasized.

The 16th annual Kiev Security Forum, organized to mobilize transatlantic support for Ukraine, is taking place March 21-22.

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Number of refugees from Ukraine in selected countries as of 31.12.2023

Number of refugees from Ukraine in selected countries as of 31.12.2023

Source: and

Scrap collectors increased scrap supplies to steelmakers by 71%, while exports grew by 63%

In January-February of this year, ferrous scrap companies increased scrap supplies to Ukrainian steelmakers by 71.4% year-on-year, up to 206 thousand tons from 120.2 thousand tons.

As reported in the operational information of the Ukrainian Association of Secondary Metals (UAVtormet) on Thursday, scrap metal procurement in the first two months of this year increased by 70% compared to the same period last year – up to 258.7 thousand tons from 152.2 thousand tons.

At the same time, exports of scrap metal for the period amounted to 40.4 thousand tons compared to 24.8 thousand tons in January-February 2023 (an increase of 62.9%). At the same time, imports of scrap amounted to 0.02 thousand tons, while in January-February 2023 – 0.05 thousand tons.

As of March 1, 2023, the level of scrap stocks at Ukrainian steelmakers was estimated at 20-30 thousand tons.

As reported earlier, ferrous scrap companies may increase their scrap procurement by 17-33% year-on-year in 2024, to 1.5-1.7 million tons.

According to UVTORMET’s forecast, Ukraine will produce 6.8-7 million tons of steel in 2024 (6.228 million tons in 2023 and 6.263 million tons in 2022), procure 1.5-1.7 million tons of scrap metal (1,277.3 thousand tons in 2023 and 996.7 thousand tons in 2022), and steel companies will consume 1,277.3 thousand tons (1,277.3 thousand tons in 2023 and 996.7 thousand tons in 2022). tons in 2023 and 996.7 thousand tons in 2022). tons), steelmakers will consume 1.2-1.4 million tons of scrap (1 million 34.7 thousand tons in 2023 and 895.7 thousand tons in 2022), export 250-300 thousand tons of scrap (182.5 thousand tons and 53.6 thousand tons, respectively), increasing the export of strategic raw materials for steelmakers by 37-64% compared to last year.
