Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Lebedyn Seed Plant agroholding (LNZ-AGRO LLC) has acquired 100% of crop planting business of Shpola-Agro Industry with all infrastructure and machinery in Cherkasy region.
According to a press release of EY, the cost of the deal was $15.9 million for 100% stake with a land bank of around 8,500 ha of leased farmland.
LNZ Group with the acquisition of 100% corporate rights in Shpola-Agro Industry expanded its land bank by 16.7%, to 70,000 ha.
Negotiations to acquire the corporate rights in Shpola-Agro Industry had lasted since November 2017. In April 2018, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine permitted to acquire the stake.
The LNZ Group’s core business is the cultivation and sale of grain, oilseeds and industrial crops; provision of services for primary processing and storage of grain, breeding of dairy cattle, processing of meat and milk, wholesale trade in cereals, production and sale of seeds, planting materials of field crops and plant protection agents. The main asset is Lebedyn Seed Plant.
Shpola-Agro Industry LLC (village Syhnayivka, Shpola district, Cherkasy region) is connected by control relations with business entities that form the ByFrederic Group. The company is engaged in activities for growing wheat, corn, sunflower, growing cattle, growing and selling seeds; activity on providing services of primary processing and storage of grain.
After the concentration the relations of control between Shpola-Agro Industry and the ByFrederic group will be suspended.



Regus Group, headquartered in Luxembourg, an international provider of flexible working space, would open three office centers in Kyiv by autumn 2018, doubling the total area of offices in Ukraine, to 18,000 square meters, the company’s press service has reported.
“The first [of three office centers] – Regus Forum West Side – will be opened late May and will be the seventh center in Kyiv, offering flexible office solutions, including the format of co-working,” the company said.
According to the report, all the new Regus offices will be opened on the right bank of Kyiv.
The company said that the format of co-working is preferred by 56% of Ukrainian companies, since this format is economically more efficient.
“Demand for premises without fixed working places among corporate tenants will continue to grow. For effective work, employees no longer need a permanent workplace, but on the contrary, flexibility is the main advantage in the modern technological world. The opening of three more centers will allow us to meet the trends and requirements for the organization of the work process of both entrepreneurs and international companies,” the press service said, citing Regus Director in Ukraine Yulia Chernyshova.
According to the company, last year Regus opened 300 premises around the world, expanding the territory of its presence to 110 countries. Every day 2.5 million people use the company’s services.



Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) plans to invest over $250 million in 2018 in the launch of the second line at Vinnytsia poultry farm, a biogas complex in Vinnytsia and modernization of existing production facilitiles.
“Total investment this year would be over $250 million. Some $160-170 million will be sent to launch the second line of Vinnytsia poultry farm in a month and a half, near $20 million – to build the second biogas complex in Vinnytsia. The rest of the investment will be sent to modernize existing production facilities,” MHP CFO Viktoria Kapeliushna told Interfax-Ukraine.
According to her, now MHP is considering proposals for the purchase of new assets in several countries.
“The other day the Commercial Court of Rennes (France) decided to satisfy the proposal to buy French Doux – not ours, but of a consortium represented by the French manufacturer LDC and the company from Saudi Arabia Al-Munajem .It is not a matter of selling the company, but selling assets. We were in the process and we saw how things were going. We are still monitoring the European market, the Middle East market, but we are not yet ready to make statements. We are considering proposals in several countries,” the CFO said.
The board’s plans for appointment Roberto Banfi, who previously was in charge of the Middle East region in a large Brazilian company BRF, to the position of director in the middle of June are related to the interest of MHP in the markets of this region.
“The Middle East is interesting. We see growth potential in the markets of this region both for small carcasses, quarters and for processed products. The trade and distribution company has been operating in the UAE for over a year,” Kapeliushna said.
She said that in 2018, as for EBITDA the agroholding intends to reach the level of 2017, possibly 5% higher. As MHP expects, the driver will be the increase in production volume associated with the launch of the second line of the Vinnytsia poultry farm.
MHP is the largest poultry producer in Ukraine. It is also engaged in production of grains, sunflower oil, and meat.
The company supplies cooled halved carcasses of hens to the European market. They are processed there, including at its enterprises in the Netherlands and Slovakia.

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Transportation on the Kyiv city-the Boryspil international airport route could reach 3.8 million passengers in 2019, according to Ukrzaliznytsia.
The company reported that as of May 22, around 25% of total works to build the high-speed railway line between Kyiv city and the airport was completed. A project on construction of the railway track was designed, the land parcels were allocated, and initial works on the site were started.
“According to preliminary data, the volume of passenger transportation by rail in 2019 will be 3.8 million passengers, with a further increase in 2020 to 4.1 million, in 2021 – to almost 4.4 million,” the company said.
In the future, it is planned to build a railway bridge 272 meters long over the Kyiv-Kharkiv highway, build passenger platforms with sheds near the Boryspil airport, completely equip the ground station and build new railroad tracks with a total length of 3.7 km.
The deadline for finishing construction is December 1, 2018. The total cost of the project is UAH 583.3 million.
Transportation of passengers by rail between Kyiv and the Boryspil airport is organized along the route between the stations Kyiv-Pasazhyrsky – Kyiv-Demiyivsky – Darnytsia – the station named after Kirpa – the Boryspil airport (Terminal D). In the future, another stop is planned near the railway overpass in the area of the highway Kyiv-Kharkiv. The rail buses of the Polish company PESA will run the route.
The estimated travel time will be 35-40 minutes. The train dwell time at the destination stations is 10 minutes.



The international hotel chain Marriott International on May 18 officially opened the Aloft Kiev hotel at the intersection of Baseina Street and Esplanadna Street, which became the first facility of the company in Ukraine.
According to a correspondent of Interfax-Ukraine, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko during the official ceremony noted that the opening of a new hotel on the eve of the UEFA Champions League final in the capital is a positive event.
“There are a lot of speculations in this direction, prices are rising, so I’ll say: it is very good now, before the Champions League final, to open an additional hotel, additional rooms,” he said.
The press service of the Aloft Kiev hotel said as of the day of its opening all the rooms have already been reserved.
The hotel room stock is 310 rooms of different categories, the total area of the object is more than 18,000 square meters. Its infrastructure also includes three conference rooms, a restaurant in the Grab & Go format, etc.
In addition, the hotel is equipped with the SPG Keyless system, which provides access to rooms using a telephone without the need to obtain a key at the front desk.
The technical opening of the Aloft Kiev hotel took place on February 27, 2018.
The Aloft brand belongs to the American network Starwood Hotels & Resorts, acquired by Marriott International in 2016.

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Ukraine as of May 21 had sowed spring grains and legumes on 6.9 million hectares, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food has said.
According to the report, this figure is 93% of the forecasted areas.
Early spring grain crops were sown on 2.3 million hectares (96%), in particular wheat on 166,000 hectares (95%), barley on 1.5 million hectares (96%), oats on 189,000 hectares (92%), and peas on 416,000 hectares (99%).
Corn for grain was sowed on 4.4 million hectares (95%), buckwheat on 69,000 hectares (46%), and millet on 32,000 hectares (57%).
In addition, the sowing of industrial crops continues. Currently 280,000 hectares have been sown with sugar beets (94% to the forecast), 5.4 million hectares (98%) with sunflower, and 1.6 million hectares (81%) with soybeans.