Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Exports of Ukrainian rapeseeds in the 2018/19 agricultural year would reach some 2.5 million tonnes, which is 19% more than a year ago, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has said.
According to an annual report for oilseeds and food of the USDA, in 2016/17 agri-year Ukraine exported around 1 million tonnes of rapeseeds, which is 28% less than a year ago. Over 92% of it was exported to the European Union (EU).
According to the report, from July 2017 through January 2018, the trend has changed, and exports reached 2 million tonnes, which is almost 21% more year-over-year. The EU remained the key consumer and bought almost 1.7 million tonnes (92% of total exports). The EU would remain the main buyer of the new season.
According to the report, EXW prices of rapeseeds in 2018/19 agri-year exceeded FOB prices in the ports of the Black Sea.

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The Sikorsky Kyiv international airport (Zhuliany) seeks to invest UAH 500 million to expand Terminal A in 2018-2019, Board Chairman Denys Kostrzhevsky has said.
“This year capital investment in the amount of some UAH 500 million will be sent to expand Terminal A. We plan to commission the terminal before May 2019,” he said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
Kostrzhevsky also recalled that in 2017, Master-Avia managing company built a new apron with an area of 25,000 square meters in the airport.
He said that Master-Avia conducted the thorough analysis and designed a project on reconstruction of the runway of the airport, enlarging it by 600 meters. The runway would be able to service aircraft of Airbus А321 and Boeing 737-900 type.
“We need to settle the legal and technical issues: to finish the allocation of a land parcel for the airport and the extension of the runway in the conditions of the rough terrain. This is difficult to do, but the project includes these works and it is likely that it would be done. The approximate cost of this reconstruction is EUR 84 million. The airport asked the Kyiv City Administration to provide the required sum or start the process of attracting an investor,” Kostrzhevsky said.
He also said that be believes it logical to reconstruct the runway of the airport using budget funds.
“The state or the city is interested in the airport being developed and operating. If the decision on the public private partnership is made, it would depend on the proposal of officials if Master-Avia participates in it or not,” he said.
Kyiv International Airport (Zhuliany) is located in the business center of the capital, seven km from the city center. It is the second largest airport in Ukraine in terms of the number of flights and passenger traffic.
The airport has three terminals with a total area is 21,000 square meters. Terminal B is separate facility for business-class service, it is part of the Fixed Base Operator (FBO) system. The airport’s runway is able to handle B-737 and A-320 aircraft.

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Kyiv is ready to host the final of the UEFA Champions League in 2018 at a proper level, a chief representative of Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA) in charge of preparations for the Champions League final, Andriy Myroshnichenko, has said.
“The city is already prepared for this event. Nine points out of ten on a ten-point scale. Kyiv is ready to host such events, which was proved by the holding of Eurovision in 2017, when we calmly held it and got the best marks from the European Broadcasting Union. It determined that it was the first Eurovision in 11 years without significant remarks. I am sure that we will get the same marks from UEFA,” he said at a press conference in Kyiv on Thursday.
Myroshnichenko said that for the preparation of the city there was no need to implement large infrastructure projects.
“All projects that are being implemented in the city are not directly related to the Champions League final,” he said.



The Epicenter K Group, which has been actively developing agricultural business in the past two years, plans to build a silo with a capacity of 100,000 tonnes in 2018 on the territory of an oil depot acquired from Galnaftogaz Concern, the press service of the group has reported.
According to a posting on the website of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, on May 14, 2018 the committee permitted Epicenter K to buy the oil depot belonged to Galnaftogaz Concern (both based in Kyiv).
The press service of Epicenter K said that the group since 2015 has started investing in agriculture and in two years it boosted its land bank to 110,000 ha.
“In the conditions of the development of the agrarian business, the question arose for us to quickly and substantially increase the capacities of existing ones and build new modern silos. That is why we entered into agreements with PJSC Concern Galnaftogaz on the acquisition of the property complex of the oil depot located at 80, Pryvokzalna Street, Vendychany, Mohyliov-Podilsky district, Vinnytsia region,” the press service said.
The owner of the depot complex did not use for more than 10 years, and the concern did not plan to resume its work.
At the same time, the issue of trade in oil products by the founders of the Epicenter K is not currently being studied and is not being considered.
Epicenter K LLC was established in 2003. Its first construction materials hypermarket was opened in Kyiv in December of the same year.

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PJSC Research and Industrial Center Borschahivka chemical and pharmaceutical plant will export a natural active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) for a medicine in the European Union (EU), the company has said in a press release.
The plant will export belladonna extract to Portugal. The API will be the basis of the patent medicine produced and sold in this country. The API was designed in own research laboratory of the plant in line with the requirements of the customer in short terms.
“An indispensable condition for establishing cooperation was the passage of an external independent audit on the conformity of production and extraction technologies to the requirements of European quality standards, including GMP. The enterprise successfully passed the audit and confirmed that it is a modern and reliable partner for European colleagues,” the plant said.
The plant’s extracts are used by the company to manufacture a number of its own medicines, and also are purchased by other domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers.
As reported, in 2017, the plant started exporting its products to Australia, Estonia and Portugal. Currently, the plant exports its products to 19 countries, including Lithuania, Latvia and the CIS countries. The share of exports of total sales in 2017 was 12.2%.

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The Sikorsky Kyiv international airport (Zhuliany) plans to boost passenger flow by 55.6% in 2018, to 2.8 million people, Board Chairman Denys Kostrzhevsky has said. “In 2017, the Kyiv airport serviced 1.8 million passengers. In 2018, we plan to service some 2.8 million people who arrive and depart with new facilities,” he said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine. Kostrzhevsky also said that new Ukrainian airline SkyUp, which signed a contract on long term cooperation with the airport, in May starts servicing first flights.
“This is a significant event, similar in importance to which Ukraine has not seen for several years. It is really a big Ukrainian airline with ambitious plans. If these plans come true, a good growth in passenger traffic will be ensured,” he said.
The board chairman of the airport said that SkyUp plans to base several aircraft at the Kyiv airport. Kyiv International Airport (Zhuliany) is located in the business center of the capital, seven km from the city center. It is the second largest airport in Ukraine in terms of the number of flights and passenger traffic. The airport has three terminals with a total area is 21,000 square meters. Terminal B is separate facility for business-class service, it is part of the Fixed Base Operator (FBO) system. The airport’s runway is able to handle B-737 and A-320 aircraft.
