Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


KYIV. Sept 30 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has expressed appreciation to the United States for the decision on loan guarantees and invited U.S. companies to join the National Investment Council.

“The last decision on granting loan guarantees from the U.S. government is the recognition of our achievements, as well as the decision of the International Monetary Fund to issue the next tranche to us,” Poroshenko said at a meeting with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker and U.S. business representatives in Kyiv.

He also welcomes the plans of the leading U.S. Corporations such as Cargill, Bunge, General Electric to increase their investment in Ukraine and invited the U.S. companies to join the National Investment Council.

Pritzker, in turn, speaking about the third visit to Ukraine over two years, noted the great efforts and potential of Ukraine in carrying out reforms.

“Having started key economic reforms two years ago, your country has continued the implementation of the crucial IMF program for securing financial aid not only from the IMF, but also from the United States. You have created institutions to ensure the rule of law and struggle against corruption. You have improved public procurement and ensured transparent asset declaration of civil servants,” she said.



1 Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and part of the anti-terrorist operation zone. 2 Data can be corrected.



1 Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and part of the anti-terrorist operation zone. 2 Data can be corrected.



1 Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and part of the anti-terrorist operation zone. 2 Data can be corrected.


KYIV. Sept 29 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The U.S. Department of Transportation has granted Ukrainian operator Antonov Company (Antonov Airlines) broad air charter exemptions for flights to and from the US, according to Air Cargo Week.

These exemptions follow the U.S.-Ukraine Open Skies agreement which was concluded by July 14, 2015, and became effective earlier this year. The U.S. DOT has also tentatively granted Antonov Company a foreign air carrier permit.

The Antonov Company no longer needs obtain U.S. DOT statements of authorization, following non-objections from U.S. operators, but normal U.S. Customs notifications and approvals are required for flights.

Commenting on the decision to Interfax-Ukraine, Antonov Airlines’ management said that the U.S. sets quotas for foreign airlines on charter freight transportation to safeguard U.S. companies’ commercial interests.

“Antonov Airlines transports oversized and superheavy cargo, which cannot be handled by U.S. operators,” the source said.

Its fleet consists of seven An-124-100 Ruslan, one An-225 Mriya and one An-22 Antei aircraft.

Since 2006, Antonov Airlines has been fulfilling a contract under NATO’s Strategic Airlift Interim Solution program, servicing 18 NATO and EU member states. In December 2014, the contract was extended until the end of 2016.


KYIV. Sept 29 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Public joint-stock company Ukrzaliznytsia is testing TE33А freight diesel locomotive made by General Electric Corporation (the United States).

“The General Electric’s locomotive is being tested in Ukraine. The tests will last for four months. All its capabilities will be tested,” Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Volodymyr Omelyan said at the presentation of the locomotive in Kyiv on Wednesday.

He recalled that by late October Ukrzaliznytsia will draw up a five-year Ukrainian locomotive and wagon modernization plan. Foreign experts will be involved in this work in the second half of October – leading locomotive manufacturers and experts with experience of railways transformation.

“We believe that the locomotive presented by General Electric will be a success. I would like that General Electric was not only a strategic partner of the Olympic Games, but a strategic partner of Ukraine. The corporation has all facilities for this. There are enough directions for cooperation: railways, aviation, other spheres where the corporation has proved to be a global leader,” the minister said.

Omelyan said that TE33А diesel locomotive allows saving fuel and lubricants and doubling the loading capacity.

The minister did not give an affirmative response to the question what the likelihood to buy the locomotive is. He said that negotiations with all leading manufacturers would be held to determine a strategic partner in production of locomotives in Ukraine.