Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Forecast of dynamics of changes in ukrainian GDP in % for 2022-2025 in relation to previous period

Forecast of dynamics of changes in ukrainian GDP in % for 2022-2025 in relation to previous period

Source: and

PIN-UP Ukraine contributed more than UAH 3.4 bln to budget in 2023

PIN-UP Ukraine paid UAH 3.4 billion to the state budget in 2023. Tax payments included income tax, single tax, tax on winnings, personal income tax, military duty, unified social contribution, as well as an annual license fee of UAH 23.4 million. The company remains the largest taxpayer in Ukraine in the gambling sector.

“PIN-UP Ukraine is the largest taxpayer among the representatives of the legal gambling business in Ukraine. Despite the martial law in the country, we continue to operate and make all necessary payments to the budget of Ukraine in a timely manner. Honesty and transparency are important to us, so we will continue to fulfill our tax obligations for the economic stability of the country. We will also continue our humanitarian mission and help Ukrainians affected by the war,” commented Igor Zotko, owner of PIN-UP Ukraine.

The company regularly donates to the PIN-UP Foundation, a charity fund that allocates all its resources to support and develop Ukraine. The company has donated more than UAH 153.3 million to charitable and humanitarian projects. PIN-UP has evacuated more than 100 Ukrainians who lost their homes abroad, participated in a rescue mission after the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant explosion, repaired and equipped children’s centers in Kyiv region, and installed stationary street shelters in Kherson and Kharkiv region. As part of the LINE-UP project, the Foundation delivered 200 tons of essential goods to frontline cities and helped 15,000 Ukrainians from more than 100 settlements in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Mykolaiv and Zaporizhzhia regions.

PIN-UP Ukraine is a Ukrainian online casino that was one of the first in Ukraine to obtain an operating license. The license to organize and conduct casino gambling on the Internet was issued to UKR GAME TECHNOLOGIES LLC by the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries in 2021.

UKR GAME TECHNOLOGIES LLC, a licensed representative of the PIN-UP Ukraine market, tops the rating of businesses with an impeccable business reputation in the gambling industry by Opendatabot.


Hotel Business Forum-2024 will be held in Tashkent from February 29 to March 1

From February 29 to March 1, Tashkent will host the Hotel Business Forum-2024, which will discuss key issues of tourism and hospitality development in Uzbekistan with the participation of world experts, investors and leading industry players.

The event, organized with the support of the Tourism Committee and the Hoteliers Association of Uzbekistan, will become a significant event in the hospitality industry, a platform for business meetings, dialogue and exchange of experience for company representatives and leading experts on new trends in the industry.

The forum focuses on the development and implementation of innovative concepts, turning them into successful enterprises from design to market entry.
It is planned to cover various issues, including green technologies, return on investment in franchises, the role of information technology, environmental aspects, and the digitalization of services in the hotel business.

The event will also feature the National Hospitality Award of Uzbekistan, designed to identify the best companies in the hospitality industry and increase the country’s tourist attractiveness.



EU to allocate €75 mln for humanitarian aid to Ukraine

The European Commission (EC) announced on Tuesday the allocation of €83 million in “initial humanitarian aid” to Ukraine and Moldova for 2024.

“To help the most vulnerable people (…) in 2024, the EU will provide an initial €75 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine and €8 million to Moldova. And we will continue to closely monitor the changing needs on the ground to respond to the most urgent humanitarian challenges,” said Janez Lenarčič, EC Member for Crisis Management.

The European Commission’s communiqué explains that €75 million for Ukraine has been allocated for humanitarian projects “to provide emergency assistance, including access to basic needs such as shelter, protection services, drinking water, education and healthcare.”

Humanitarian projects for Moldova worth €8 million provide “targeted assistance to the most vulnerable populations, including humanitarian cash assistance to meet basic needs, protection and health care.”

The European Commission said that with this new funding, it has allocated a total of €926 million for humanitarian assistance programs for the civilian population of Ukraine after February 2022. Of these funds, €860 million is earmarked for humanitarian programs inside Ukraine and €66 million for support to Ukrainian refugees in neighboring Moldova.


UNITED24 rebuilt 24 bridges in 7 regions of Ukraine – Fedorov

The UNITED24 platform has rebuilt 24 bridges in seven regions of Ukraine that were destroyed by the Russian occupiers, said Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology Development and Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

“The fundraising platform has rebuilt 24 bridges in seven regions thanks to contributions from all over the world, a regular partner, AWT Bavaria, and the State Special Transport Service,” Fedorov said in a telegram on Monday evening.

He thanked everyone who donated to the restoration of Ukraine.

“The rebuilt bridges mean restored communication, convenient and fast


Polish protesting farmers have begun to restrict traffic on border with Ukraine

Protesting Polish farmers have begun to restrict vehicle traffic on the border with Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine says.

“Medica-Shegyni. Polish farmers have completely blocked truck traffic through the checkpoint. No deadline for the completion of such a blockade was announced,” the State Border Guard Service said in a statement on its Telegram channel on Tuesday.

According to the State Border Guard Service, the protesters plan to block traffic for all types of transport near the Dolhobychuv-Uhryniv checkpoint until 17.00 on February 20.

“At the Zosin-Ustyluh checkpoint, from 13:00 to 16:00, the protesters intend to restrict the movement of buses, trucks and cars in both directions. They promise to let through only trucks with humanitarian aid,” the State Border Guard Service said in a statement.

At the Korchova-Krakovets checkpoint: “Until 21.00 on February 20, the protesters plan to block the movement of trucks leaving Poland, except for those carrying critical cargo. At the same time, buses, minibuses, and cars will be able to move freely in both directions.”

According to the State Border Guard Service, at the Hrebenne-Rava-Ruska checkpoint, “protesters have completely blocked traffic in both directions for all categories of vehicles, except for those carrying critical cargo and humanitarian aid, since 13.00 on February 20.”

At the Dorohusk-Yahodyn checkpoint, the protest organizers intend to completely block truck traffic in both directions until “19.00”.

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