Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

IC Inter-Policy plans to increase its authorized capital by UAH 17.7 mln

Inter-Policy Insurance Company (Kyiv) plans to increase its authorized capital by 58.4%, or by UAH 17.691 million to UAH 48 million, according to the agenda of the shareholders’ meeting scheduled for February 29, 2024, in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC).

According to the document, the issue will be carried out through the issue of 31,422 thousand shares of the existing nominal value.

As reported, Inter-Policy Insurance Company was founded in 1993. It has 20 licenses for voluntary and compulsory insurance, as well as branches and representative offices in all major regional centers of the country.

According to the NSSMC, as of the second quarter of 2023, 50.0046% of the insurer’s shares were owned by JSC Ukrzaliznytsia, 9.9608% by IC Vostok-Zakhid, 9.96%, 9.786%, 5.312% and 5.076% by individuals.

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Ukrainian entrepreneurs are able to export fish and fish products to Kuwait

Ukrainian entrepreneurs have been granted the opportunity to export fish and fish products to Kuwait, the press service of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection reports.

“This is the second foreign market for Ukrainian exporters that the Foreign Ministry and the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection are opening this week. The first was the Chinese market for honey producers, and now the Qatari market for fish and fish products. Negotiations with foreign partners to facilitate the entry of Ukrainian goods to foreign markets are ongoing. This is an important part of our work and a broader strategy to create new opportunities in the world for Ukrainian business,” said Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

According to Serhiy Tkachuk, head of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the work on opening markets is ongoing, with the priority being Asia and North America.

The agency advised fish and fish products producers to familiarize themselves with the requirements for importing these products to Kuwait.

The health certificate for the export of marine and river aquatic animals (fish, mollusks, crustaceans, needlefish, including those grown on farms) and products from them from Ukraine to the State of Kuwait is published on the official web portal of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection in the section “International Cooperation”, heading “Certificates for export from Ukraine”.

The State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection reminded that Ukraine has already agreed on the forms of bilateral certificates for exports of fish and fish products to the European Union, Azerbaijan, Great Britain, Israel, Iraq, Kuwait, Moldova, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

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Over 1 mln doses of Bulgarian diphtheria and tetanus vaccine delivered to Ukraine

More than 1 million doses of the Bulgarian diphtheria and tetanus vaccine (ADP-M) with a reduced antigen content, procured by the state-owned enterprise Medical Procurement of Ukraine (MPU), have been delivered to Ukraine.

According to the Ministry of Health’s website, the next delivery will be 18,300 doses.

The Ministry of Health specifies that 75% of the vaccine will be distributed to medical institutions in the regions, and 25% of the vaccine will be stored at the national level as a reserve and can be distributed to the regions if necessary.

The vaccine is intended for free vaccinations in the diphtheria and tetanus preventive vaccination schedule and contains purified antitoxins.

Vaccination for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus with ADP-M vaccine is carried out at the age of 16 and during the revaccination of adults.

“Despite the military challenges, the Ministry of Health managed to secure the supply of vaccines for routine vaccination,” commented Deputy Minister of Health, Chief Medical Officer Ihor Kuzin.

The vaccination calendar includes vaccinations against 10 infectious diseases: tuberculosis, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and hib infection.

Snow and rain and ice all over Ukraine on Saturday

Moderate rain is expected in Ukraine on Saturday, February 10, with heavy rain in the Carpathians and Transcarpathia, snow with rain and ice in the northeastern, nighttime and Cherkasy, Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions.

According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, ice is expected on the roads of Ukraine, with sleet sticking in some places, and no precipitation in the south of the country. Wind from the south, 7-12 m/s.

The temperature at night in the northern and eastern parts of the country, in Poltava and Cherkasy regions will be from 2° C to 3° C (in Sumy and Chernihiv regions 3-8° C), in the rest of the country 3-8° C; during the day in the northeastern regions around 0°, in Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions 1-6° C, in the rest of the country 7-12°, in Transcarpathian, southern Odesa regions and in the Crimea up to 16° C.

In Kyiv, on February 10, there will be sleet with rain. At night and in the morning, there will be ice cover on the roads. The wind will be mostly southeast, 7-12 m/s. The temperature will be 0-2° below zero at night and 1-3° above zero during the day.

According to the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, the highest daytime temperature in Kyiv on February 10 was +10.3° in 2002, the lowest nighttime temperature was -24.6° in 1911.

On Sunday, February 11, there will be no precipitation in Ukraine, only rains at night in the northern and eastern regions, with sleet in some places. In the northern part, there is ice on the roads. Wind from the south, 7-12 m / s.

The temperature will be 2-7° C at night, 7-12° C during the day, 12-17° C in the south and some places in the west of the country, about 0° at night and 3-8° C during the day in the northeastern regions.

In Kyiv, on February 11, there will be light rain at night and no significant precipitation during the day. Wind from the south, 7-12 m/s. The temperature at night will be 3-5°, during the day 7-9° Celsius.

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1.4 million debts accumulated by Ukrainians since beginning of full-scale war

Top reasons why people end up in the Register of Debtors

1.4 million debts have been accumulated by Ukrainians since the beginning of the full-scale war, according to the ERB. Among the debts in the register, the largest number is currently in favor of the state, administrative offenses and traffic fines.

The Unified Register of Debtors has increased by 1.4 million debts since the start of the full-scale war. For comparison, in 2021 alone, 1.5 million entries were added to the Register. The vast majority of new debts – 1.2 million or 80% – appeared last year.

What did Ukrainians owe during the full-scale war?

The number of debts for fines for administrative offenses and for non-payment of utility bills increased the most – by 38% and 30%, respectively. For comparison, the number of utility debts increased by one and a half times in 2021.

The number of debts in favor of the state remained almost unchanged: 1.95 million debts. In the first year of the great war, their number fell by 300,000, but in 2023 it reached the same level.

Debts for traffic fines increased by a quarter. It is worth noting that the vast majority of these debts, namely ⅔ of them, were added to the register in 2022. However, in the category of “Collection of funds”, debts decreased by 27.5% – in contrast to 2021, when the number of such debts increased by almost one and a half times.

The number of alimony debtors has increased by 4.5% in two years. For comparison, in 2021, their number increased by 4.7%.

It is worth noting that as of February 24, 2022, the category “Document that does not fall into the above categories” was added to the register. It may include debts from other sections.

In total, 8.91 million debts are currently recorded in the Unified Register of Debtors. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the list has increased by 1.4 million new debts.
Starting in February 2024, Ukrainians may once again have their utilities cut off, their cards blocked, and penalties charged for debts. By Resolution No. 1405, the Government lifted the moratorium on utility disconnections for debts. This decision does not apply to IDPs and people living in the temporarily occupied territories or in the war zone.


“Lemtrans” reduced volume of cargo transportation by 9.6%

Lemtrans, Ukraine’s largest private railroad operator, reduced the volume of cargo transportation of various types by 9.6% in 2023 compared to 2022, to 17 million tons.

According to the company’s press service on Friday, the bulk of the cargo transported was coal. It accounted for about 79% of the transportation volume (13.5 million tons).

The company mainly transported coal from mines to power plants, the company said. And while the volume of its transportation remained unchanged compared to 2022, the volume of construction materials increased by 30% to 2.9 million tons. The volume of iron ore cargo decreased the most – by 4.1 times, to 0.4 million tons. Other types of cargo were transported at 0.2 million tons.

“Business still depends on the potential threat of destruction of the frontline industry, logistical bottlenecks such as ports and congestion at the EU border. But despite the war, we are not stopping and are focused on the development of Ukraine. Our investment activities were an important area of focus last year. We are investing in new infrastructure projects, such as the terminal and container business,” the press service quoted Lemtrans CEO Volodymyr Mezentsev as saying.

In 2023, Lemtrans Group invested more than UAH 160 million in infrastructure and logistics projects, mainly in the development of the container business. The development of the Mostyska container terminal (Lviv region) continued.

In addition, it was decided to start design work on two new container terminals in Ukraine.

In 2023, Lemtrans implemented an investment program aimed at further improving the efficiency and increasing the productivity of its car repair facilities.

In 2023, the volume of planned and current repairs of freight cars at Lemtrans’ car repair site amounted to 5.2 thousand units.

In 2023, Lemtrans Group transferred about UAH 929 million to the budgets of all levels. In particular, UAH 840 million was transferred to the state budget. Local budgets were replenished by more than UAH 88 million, and the unified social tax amounted to approximately UAH 64 million.

Last year, the company allocated more than UAH 41 million to support the Armed Forces, the TRO, humanitarian aid to the population and other charitable projects.

Earlier it was reported that the Mostyska container terminal, which began operations in mid-2022, handled more than 72.4 thousand TEU of containerized cargo in 2023, the press service of the Lemtrans logistics company said. The total volume of cargo handled by the container terminal in 2023 amounted to 286 thousand tons. About half of it, 122 thousand tons, was grain cargo, 62 thousand tons – liquid bulk, 35 thousand tons – general cargo, and 37 thousand tons – beam cargo. In addition, in 2023, the terminal received electric vehicles – 36 containers with 108 cars were unloaded.
