Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine increased pork exports by 36%, and reduced imports by 23.5%

Exports of Ukrainian pork increased by 36% in July 2024, while imports decreased by 23.5% compared to June, the Ukrainian Pig Association (UPA) reported, citing data from the State Customs.
“During July, almost 150 tons of pork (UKTZED 0203) were imported to Ukraine, which is 23.5% less than a month earlier. At the same time, the volume of pork exports in the second month of summer amounted to more than 400 tons, exceeding the June figure by more than 36%,” the report says.
According to analysts, pork imports for 7 months of 2024 amounted to 1.78 thousand tons, while exports amounted to 1.64 thousand tons. In currency terms, the difference does not exceed 10%, or $ 0.4 million.
“The average purchase price of pork in July slightly exceeded the June figure, but in general, quotations remain at a fairly low level. On the one hand, this forms an organic entry barrier for imports, on the other hand, it supports the competitiveness of Ukrainian pork in foreign markets,” the experts explained.
According to the USBA, the UAE remains the main foreign market for Ukrainian pork (85.7% of total exports for the period), and its importers are the EU countries (37.8%) and Canada (62.2%).

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Forecast of power system capacity deficit, %

Forecast of power system capacity deficit, %



Gas production in Ukraine may double this year – expert

Gross gas production in Ukraine in January-June 2024 amounted to 9.4 billion cubic meters and by the end of the year can grow twice – by 100-200 million cubic meters more than last year’s figure (18.7 billion cubic meters), said Artem Petrenko, executive director of the Association of Gas Producers.

“According to our conservative forecasts for today, Ukraine in 2024 will be able to increase its own production by 100-200 million cubic meters compared to last year’s figure. We are oriented at 18.8 billion cubic meters per year. But this is such a conservative base scenario, which takes into account neither possible positive nor negative aspects,” he said in comments to Energoreforma on the sidelines of the Ukrainian Gas Open 2024 Energy Club, held on Thursday in Kiev.

According to Petrenko’s presentation at the forum, drilling of about 70 wells (150 wells for the whole of 2023) has been started in half a year.

He named the state-owned Ukrgasvydobuvannya as the flagship in this process, noting that private companies are also actively involved in drilling and working to increase production.

“In particular, Smart Energy is now resuming hydrocarbon production at three sites in Kharkiv and Poltava regions. Therefore, I hope that by the end of the year they will add to the total gas production,” said the executive director of the association.

At the same time, he noted that the daily production of private companies fell by 18% compared to last year.




Dry port is being built in Vinnytsia Oblast with investment of $15 mln

A dry port is being built in the Vinnytsia community to help connect the central regions of the country with the ports of Odesa and the EU countries through the Mostyska container terminal, with an investment of $15 million, Vinnytsia Deputy Mayor Andriy Ocheretnyi wrote on Facebook.

“This will be a railroad terminal that will improve the prompt transportation and handling of cargo, as well as the export and import potential of our country. It will help to connect the central regions of the country with the ports of the big city of Odesa and, through the Mostyska container terminal, with the EU countries,” Ocheretnyi emphasized.

According to him, the first phase of construction began in the spring of 2024. At the first stage of the dry port construction, the railway infrastructure and the first container yard with a capacity of about 30 thousand TEU/year will be built. Meanwhile, 2000 TEU is the capacity of the container warehouse, which will also be built at this stage.

Currently, part of the railway tracks, a weighing system, and a 3.5 thousand square meter warehouse are ready.

“The Dry Port is scheduled to be commissioned in the third quarter of this year. It will employ about 50 people and is currently looking for machine operators. A total of 100 jobs are planned to be created, summarized the deputy mayor of Vinnytsia.

Ukrainian ports increased transshipment volume to 60 mln tons

In January-July 2024, Ukrainian ports increased their transshipment volume by 1.7 times compared to the same period in 2023 – up to 59.9 million tons, according to the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA).
“According to the operational data of USPA for January-July 2024, the ports of Ukraine handled 59.9 million tons of cargo, compared to 34.4 million tons in 2023,” the USPA said on its Facebook page on Monday.
In July, 7 million tons were handled, the same as in June. This figure exceeds the volume handled by ports in July 2023 by 2.2 times.
More than half (4.2 mln tons) was accounted for by agricultural products exported to 46 countries.
Earlier it was reported that amid an increase in transshipment volumes in the Black Sea ports and a decrease in the Danube ports in January-June 2024, Ukrainian ports increased transshipment volumes by 1.6 times compared to the same period in 2023, to 53 million tons.


IMC completes winter wheat harvest with record yield of 6.9 t/ha

IMC Agro Holding has completed harvesting winter wheat from 20.2 thousand hectares and harvested 139.8 thousand tons with an average yield of 6.9 t/ha, which is the second best result in the history of the company and 60% higher than the average wheat yield in Ukraine, the company’s press service reported on its Facebook page.
According to the report, the agricultural holding is satisfied with the results, as most of the harvested winter crops meet the quality parameters of milling wheat.
“Last fall’s weather conditions were favorable for timely sowing, good germination and tillering of winter wheat. This spring, we carried out fertilization and plant protection against weeds, diseases and pests in accordance with the technological map. All operations were completed on time according to the crop development stages and weather conditions,” said IMC Production Director Mykola Pylypenko.
He noted that the agroholding started wheat harvesting earlier than usual due to the lack of precipitation needed for optimal plant development in the Poltava cluster. This led to a slight decrease in yields and an early start of the harvest in Poltava region.
“In other regions of the company, Chernihiv and Sumy, weather conditions were more favorable, and we significantly exceeded our targets for yield and gross production of winter wheat,” summarized Pylypenko.
“IMC is an integrated group of companies operating in Sumy, Poltava and Chernihiv regions (north and center of Ukraine) in the crop production, elevators and warehouses segments. The land bank is about 120 thousand hectares, storage capacity is 554 thousand tons, with a 2023 harvest of 1.002 million tons.
In 2023, IMC posted a net loss of $21.03 million compared to $1.12 million a year earlier, and its EBITDA decreased 11.3 times to $3.22 million. The holding’s revenue increased by 22.3% to $139.45 million, while the share of exports decreased to 68% from 73% a year earlier.

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