Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Internal and external debt of Ukraine in 2009-2023

Internal and external debt of Ukraine in 2009-2023

Source: and

Ukraine’s rolled steel market doubled in 11 months

In January-November this year, Ukrainian enterprises increased their consumption of rolled metal products by 2.06 times compared to the same period last year, up to 3 million 246.6 thousand tons.

According to a press release issued by Ukrmetallurgprom on Monday, 1 million 26.6 thousand tons, or 31.62% of the domestic rolled steel market, were imported during this period.

According to Ukrmetallurgprom, in January-November 2023, Ukrainian steelmakers produced 4.86 million tons of rolled metal products (92.8% compared to the same period in 2022), of which, according to the Expert and Scientific Council of UAVtormet, about 2.64 million tons, or 54.4%, were exported. In the same period of 2022, the share of exports amounted to 80.4% (4.21 million tons with a total production of 5.24 million tons of rolled metal products).

The share of semi-finished products in export deliveries for 11 months of 2023 amounted to 41.79%, which is significantly lower than in the same period of 2022 (43.31%). The share of flat products in export deliveries in 11 months of 2023 is slightly higher than in January-November 2022 (38.46% and 36.64%, respectively). The share of long products is comparable to the figure for 11 months of 2023 (19.74% in 2023 vs. 20.05% in 2022).

“In January-November 2023, the domestic market capacity amounted to 3246.6 thousand tons of rolled steel, of which 1026.6 thousand tons or 31.62% were imported. In the same period of 2022, the domestic market capacity amounted to 1577.6 thousand tons, of which 549.6 thousand tons or 34.86% were imported. Thus, in 11 months of 2023, there was an increase in the domestic market capacity by 105.79% compared to January-November 2022, while the share of the import component decreased by 3.22%,” the press release states.

The structure of imports in January-November 2023 is still characterized by a significant dominance of flat products over long products (75.78% and 24.16%, respectively); in the same period of 2022, the dominance of flat products over long products was also significant (67.69% and 31.30%, respectively).

The main export markets for Ukrainian steel products in January-November 2023, according to the data of the ETS “UAVtormet”, are the countries of the European Union (78.5%) and the rest of Europe (7.2%).

Among metallurgical importers for 11 months of 2023, the first place is occupied by other European countries (41.2%), the second – by the EU-27 (32.4%), and the third – by Asian countries (18.9%).

Ukraine exported furniture for $730 mln

In January-November 2023, Ukraine exported $730 million worth of furniture, which is 3.2% less than in 2022, Oksana Donska, a board member of the Ukrainian Association of Furniture Manufacturers (UAFM) and coordinator of furniture cluster development, told Interfax-Ukraine.

“The main reason for the drop is the blocking of the Polish-Ukrainian border. Trucks with furniture stood in line at the border for weeks in November 2023, and a small share was delivered by vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to three tons. It is expected that the pent-up demand of November and the lifting of the border blockade with Poland will allow us to ship orders and reach the export level of $810 million in 2023 and significantly increase exports next year,” Donska said.

In particular, JYSK buys Ukrainian products for sale in all its international networks. “If we compare the volume of JYSK’s purchases in Ukraine in 2023 with 2021, the company has increased the volume of purchases in physical units, and in monetary terms by almost 20% in euros,” said Iryna Romanchuk, purchasing manager at USK Ukraine LLC.

According to her, JYSK is ready to further increase the volume of purchases if Ukrainian producers are ready to switch to European standards and implement environmental and social initiatives at their production facilities.

Overall, the share of furniture exports in total exports of goods from Ukraine amounted to 2.2% in 11 months of 2023.

From 2009-2021, exports of Ukrainian furniture (product group 94) grew annually by an average of 13.5% from $0.2 billion to a record high of $1.1 billion in 2021. In 2022, Ukrainian furniture producers managed to keep exports at $0.8 billion, of which 91.1% were to the EU.

Donska noted that in 2023, the structure of exports by partner countries changed. Thus, compared to the same period in 2022, the share of exports to Poland decreased from 35.1% ($264.6 million) to 29.5% ($215.2 million). At the same time, the volume of exports to Germany increased significantly by 17%, from $129.3 million to $151.3 million, with the corresponding changes in the share from 17.2% to 20.7%.

The Ukrainian Association of Furniture Manufacturers (UAFM) unites more than 70% of the furniture industry.


“Kyivstar” restores access to SMS services

As of 11:00 a.m. on Monday, December 18, Kyivstar, Ukraine’s largest telecommunications operator, has restored access to SMS services, including international roaming, the company’s press service said.

“Customers also have access to voice communication services, mobile data transmission, and Home Internet services. Access to M2M services for business customers has been restored,” the statement said.

It is noted that in some settlements, in particular in Kyiv, there are still local difficulties with the availability of Home Internet.

“The company has engaged all available personnel, including those from other regions and oblasts, to restore the service as soon as possible,” the mobile operator said.

It is noted that the technical work is being carried out gradually, in compliance with all safety requirements.

Kyivstar also reminded that if the SIM card is not registered in the network, you need to restart the phone or turn on and off the airplane mode. In addition, it helps to select the Kyivstar network in the phone settings.

Bonuses and compensations will be credited to subscribers who could not use communication services due to the hacker attack only after the network is fully stabilized and all services are launched. Please wait for official information from the company, Kyivstar assured.

As reported, after a failure in the early morning hours of December 12 caused by a large-scale cyberattack, Kyivstar began restoring voice services in the evening of December 13, the company’s mobile Internet started working again in some regions a day later, and the company announced its full restoration in the country in the evening of December 15.


Top 10 mining companies earned 14% less in 2022

Which market leaders increased their wealth in the first year of the full-scale invasion?

The revenues of the top 10 mining companies decreased by 14% in the first year of the full-scale war, according to the Opendatabot Index. In total, the market leaders earned UAH 295.15 billion over the year. These are companies engaged in the extraction of iron ore, natural gas, and coal. Six out of ten companies are owned by Rinat Akhmetov, and the leader in the sector is the state-owned Ukrgazvydobuvannya.

The leading companies in the extractive industry earned UAH 295.15 billion. This is 14% less than in 2021, when these businesses earned UAH 343.24 billion. Almost half of the total income of the leaders is accounted for by 3 natural gas companies.

The state-owned company Ukrgazvydobuvannya was the top performer, with revenue of UAH 86.38 billion. This is 29% of the total revenue of the top 10. At the same time, the company’s earnings fell by 4% compared to 2021.

It is worth noting that 6 of the top 10 companies belong to Rinat Akhmetov’s SCM Group. These companies accounted for 54% of the total revenue of the top 10 companies – UAH 159.57 billion.

Three of Akhmetov’s companies in the ranking increased their revenues and moved up in the ranking. These are:
– DTEK Pavlohradvuhillya increased its revenues by 1.8 times, taking the second position or UAH 44.2 billion,
– Pokrovskoye Mine Administration (UAH 38.47 billion) earned 1.8 times more, moving up to the 3rd place in the ranking,
– Naftogazvydobuvannya’s revenues increased by 2.3 times to UAH 35.99 billion. This is the __ position in the ranking

On the contrary, the revenue of 3 other SCM Group companies engaged in iron ore mining has significantly decreased compared to 2021:
– by almost 4 times at Northern GOK, to UAH 13.8 billion
– by more than 3 times, to UAH 12.7 billion, at Inguletsky GOK,
– by one third – at Central GOK (UAH 14.3 billion).

Ukrnaftoburinnya, previously owned by Ihor Kolomoisky, Vitaliy Khomutynnik and Pavlo Fuks, which was transferred to the ARMA by a court decision, was included in the ranking in 2022. This is despite the fact that in 2022 it received 25% less revenue compared to 2021 – UAH 9.7 billion.

The last 2 companies in the top are engaged in the extraction of iron ore and belong to the FERREXPO group (Kostiantyn Zhevago), which reduced their revenues last year. These are Poltava Mining, whose earnings decreased by 2 times, and Yeristovo Mining, whose revenue fell by 16%. Together, these two companies earned UAH 39.48 billion.

The Opendatabot index is an analytical tool for assessing the real situation and geography of Ukrainian business based on data from state registers, Opendatabot registers, financial statements of companies, information on ties with Russia, sanctions lists and other analytical tools of Opendatabot.

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Ukraine cuts coke imports by 11% in January-November

In January-November this year, Ukraine reduced imports of coke and semi-coke in physical terms by 10.9% year-on-year to 303,208 thousand tons.

According to statistics released by the State Customs Service (SCS), coke imports in monetary terms decreased by 29.4% to $119.198 million during this period.

Ukraine exported 3,383 thousand tons of coke in 11 months of 2023, down 12.3% year-on-year. In monetary terms, it decreased by 22.2% to $787 thousand.

Exports were carried out to Moldova (100% of supplies in monetary terms), while imports were mainly from Poland (88.65%), Colombia (8.39%) and the Czech Republic (2.25%).

As reported, in 2022, Ukraine reduced exports of coke and semi-coke in physical terms by 98% compared to the previous year – to 3,856 thousand tons, and in monetary terms by 97.6% – to $1,011 million. The main exports were made to Hungary (42.63% of supplies in monetary terms), Georgia (37.69%) and Turkey (17.41%).

In 2022, Ukraine imported 359.192 thousand tons of coke and semi-coke, which is 54.5% less than in 2021. In monetary terms, imports decreased by 50.3% to $174.499 million. Imports were carried out mainly from the Russian Federation (43.43% of supplies in monetary terms, before the war), Poland (30.07%) and the Czech Republic (13.15%).

As a result of the war, a number of mines and coke plants are located in the territories temporarily not controlled by Ukraine.
