Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Kyiv-based Myasnyi Rai chain of stores is up for sale

The Myasniy Rai chain of stores, known for its high-quality meat products, announces the sale of its assets and trademark. The offer opens up new opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs seeking to develop their business in the retail sector.

The Myasniy Rai chain was founded in 2017 and quickly gained the trust of customers due to its high quality products and focus on local suppliers. The first store was opened on Shevchenko Boulevard, after which the chain was constantly expanding, opening new outlets. During 2018-2022, 8 stores were opened. The total investment in business development and support amounted to more than $700,000. Now Myasnyi Rai includes three stores, a production shop, a coffee shop and an online store providing a wide range of products for customers.

Key assets:

  1. A store at 32a Olesya Honchara Street, opened in 2018. Area: 130 m²; Assortment: fresh meat, sausages, frozen food, spices, sauces; Special features: focus on quality products and local suppliers;
  2. Store at 2 Generala Almazova Street, opened in 2022. Area: 109 m² Assortment: similar to the store on Gonchar Street
  3. The store at 24 Serhiy Danchenko Street, opened in 2022. Area: 95 м². Assortment: similar to the previous stores
  4. The production shop opened in March 2020. Area: 211 м². Capacity: up to 12,000 kg of frozen products per month. Products: sausages, smoked meats, salads (sold in the retail chain).
  5. A coffee shop on Honchar Street, opened in July 2020. Area: 70 м². Assortment: hot drinks, pastries, desserts, snacks. Special features: a cozy place for meetings and relaxation, located in the business center of Kyiv.
  6. The online store has been open since 2018. Assortment: fresh meat, sausages, frozen food, spices Services: delivery in Kyiv, convenient online ordering system.

Advantages and prospects

The Myasnyi Rai chain offers a unique opportunity for investors to enter the food market with a ready-made, well-established business.

Main advantages:

  • Registered trademark “Meat Paradise”, which ensures brand recognition.
  • High quality products and a positive reputation among local residents and restaurants.
  • Developed marketing strategy with an active social media presence and loyalty programs.
  • Potential for further expansion in both retail and manufacturing.

This offer for sale is an ideal option for entrepreneurs who want to invest in a stable and profitable business with broad development prospects. For more information, please call +380 67 230 00 17.

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Grain – Pigs – Meat: value chain

On June 12, Kyiv hosted the business forum “Grain. Pigs. Meat – 2024”, which brought together representatives of agribusiness, processing, supply, finance and investment, government agencies, experts and bloggers. We are grateful to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for this opportunity!  

We are grateful to the guests, participants, partners and sponsors of the Forum from Kyiv, Chernihiv, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Lviv, Kharkiv and other cities and towns of Ukraine who attended the business forum “Grain. Pigs. Meat – 2024” and joined the discussion of crucial issues that help businesses move from confrontation to cooperation, provide new opportunities for scaling and development of entire sectors of the Ukrainian economy!

The Forum highlighted the issues that hinder the development of the Grain – Pigs – Meat value chain, held active discussions, proposed solutions and provided effective tools.

Forum participants learned about:
– The importance of developing industries that create added value in Ukraine’s economy in times of war, with raw material exports blocked, expensive logistics, and a cheap price for the raw material itself and its minimal added value
– The possibility of replacing grain exports with exports of meat and meat products, which are high value-added goods.
– The state and prospects of the pig and meat industry in Ukraine during and after the war.
– The next stages of implementation of the New Pig Breeding of Ukraine program, which envisages a fourfold increase in the number of pigs, from 6 to 12 billion euros of added value.
– Possibility of eradicating ASF in Ukraine through vaccine prevention, lifting the stamping out in industrial pig production and unblocking pork exports.
– Establishment of an international consortium to support ASF control measures in Ukraine and Europe.
– Adaptation of pig production in Ukraine to a possible decline in pig prices due to overproduction in the absence of pork exports.
– Investment opportunities for the meat industry, pig production and farmers.
– Newest and digital technologies for pig production and meat processing.
– The Family Pig Farms social project, which will help war veterans start a successful pig farming business.
– Opportunities to obtain additional funding, grants, and investment.
– Training of highly qualified personnel for meat industry enterprises.
– Implementation of a mechanism for cooperation between producers and processors to protect profitability throughout the chain.

We call for cooperation for the development of Ukraine and believe in Ukrainians who, even in the most difficult times, do their best to rebuild our country. Only together we can make the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex stronger, more sustainable and competitive in the global market!

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Ukraine bans import of meat from Thailand

The Eastern Interregional Main Directorate of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection has imposed restrictions on the import of meat products from Thailand to Ukraine due to the registration of African swine fever (ASF) in that country, the agency’s press service reports.

According to an order of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of Ukraine dated October 13, 2023, the ban applies to the import of animals belonging to the families of pigs, tayas and tapirs, as well as genetic material and products from animals of the listed families.

At the same time, the ban does not apply to products that have been processed by a method that guarantees the destruction of the causative agent of this disease in accordance with the requirements for the import (shipment) into the customs territory of Ukraine of food products of animal origin, feed, hay, straw, as well as by-products of animal origin and products of their processing, processing, approved by Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food No. 553 of November 16, 2018.

African swine fever (Montgomery’s disease) is a contagious viral disease of domestic and wild pigs, first recorded in 1903 in South Africa. It cannot be treated or vaccinated. The spread of the virus can only be stopped by quarantine measures.

ASF is not dangerous for humans, but it causes economic losses, as all animals in the infected area must be destroyed.

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Ukraine bans imports of meat from Belgium

The Eastern Interregional Main Directorate of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection has imposed restrictions on the import of meat products from Belgium due to the registration of bluetongue disease (ASF) in this country, the agency’s press service reports.

According to the order of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of Ukraine dated October 13, 2023, the ban applies to the import of animals susceptible to the bluetongue virus and genetic material from them.

Bluetongue is a viral disease of ruminants (small and cattle), also called “bluetongue” or “blue tongue”. It is characterized by lesions of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasal cavity, swelling of the tongue, swelling of the face, lesions of the extremities, and changes in skeletal muscle.

The disease spreads through insect bites, causing loss of livestock productivity and infertility. Mortality in the herd can reach 70-90%.


Business forum “Grain. Pigs. Meat – 2023”

On September 15, Kyiv will host the business forum “Grain. Pigs. Meat – 2023”. This is an unprecedented event that will bring together the grain business, pig farming and meat industry to overcome the consequences of the war. This is an event where the possibility of increasing the profitability of crop production will be substantiated, where real tools for obtaining added value will be presented, where an alternative to grain exports will be justified and why pig production will save the grain market of Ukraine!

The main goal of the forum “Grain. Pigs. Meat – 2023” forum is to prevent losses in crop production due to the blocking of grain exports and to create added value of more than 200% from the implementation of the intersectoral program “New Pig Production 2025”.

Also, within the framework of the business forum “Grain. Pigs. Meat – 2023” business forum, a specialized exhibition Meat Industry Expo-2023 will be held, where you will be able to present and get acquainted with modern solutions from feed production, pig keeping and breeding to meat processing and trade. The exhibition will be open throughout the day of the forum.

So, if you don’t want to miss this unique opportunity to communicate with leading experts, manufacturers and suppliers of advanced equipment, pig genetics, producers and meat processors, as well as learn about current trends, financial and technical opportunities to start a new business or scale an existing one in pig production, you should visit the business forum “Grain. Pigs. Meat – 2023”.

The forum will be held on September 15, 2023 in Kyiv, Golf Center Kyiv (20 Obolonska embankment).

The forum is organized by the Meat Industry Association, the Center for Efficiency Improvement in Livestock Production and Agro Marketing Agency.

Forum partners: Cofarming Ukraine, Eurofeed, Topigs Norsvin.

The forum is for you if you:
– Aiming to jump out of raw material production
– A grain producer who does NOT want to give grain at cost price
– You are engaged or want to engage in pig production, but do not know how
– You want to process meat or already process it, but dream of your own pig farm
– Want to scale up your existing pig business
– Looking for or providing financing
– You can share your experience and present equipment
– A bioethanol producer who wants to double profits on production waste
– Decided to expand the range of products and markets
– A supplier who wants to expand its customer base
– Planning to diversify your business
– Aiming to create added value

The main topics of the forum
– Prospects of Ukraine in the world pork market
– State and prospects of development of pig breeding and meat industry of Ukraine
– Analysis of grain market development through the prism of pig production
– Presentation of a model for replacing grain exports with exports of meat and value-added meat products
– Prevention of ASF as an incentive for the development of pig farms
– Real benefits in the “grain and meat products” chain from the implementation of the intersectoral program “New Pig Production 2025”
– Biofuels and animal husbandry: smart synergy – big profits
– Financing of pig production: available loans, grants, investments
– Investment opportunities of the New Pig Production 2025: benefits for grain producers and future pig producers
– The lowest cost of Ukrainian pigs in the world now and forever
– Feed production: an underestimated area of grain processing
– Effective technologies in pig and meat industry
– Quality, safety and certification of meat products
– Modern technologies for producers and processors of meat products
– Modern pig genetics and feeding

The conference will also include a specialized exhibition “Meat Industry Expo”

Preliminary program*.
9:00-9:30 Registration. Welcome coffee.
Permanent exhibition “Meat Industry Expo”
9:30-10:00 Opening of the conference. Greetings of the organizers and partners
10:00-12:00 Session 1: Development of the pig industry in the conditions of war. The role of the government and business efforts
12:00-12:30 Coffee break
12:30-14:00 Panel discussion “How grain producers can earn 200% on pig production”
14:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:00 Round table discussion “Bioethanol and livestock or how to get 400% profit from the right synergy”
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-17:30 Discussion “New pig production = Precision pig production. Cost, profitability, profit, investments”
17:30-18:00 Summarizing the results. Closing of the conference
18:00 – 20:00 Friendly dinner, free communication, golf game

* The program is subject to change, please follow the announcements and updates on the conference website –

Registration is required at the link –

*Accommodation is not included in the participation fee and is to be provided by the participants themselves.

For participation, sponsorship, advertising, presentation, please contact the conference coordinators:

Sponsorship and participation
Agro Marketing Agency
Svyatoslav Tkachenko
+38(063)357 73 59

Participation in the exhibition and partnership
Association of “Meat Industry”
Vladyslav Kachmar
+38(068)500 30 04

Interfax-Ukraine is a media partner

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Sales of meat for slaughter in Ukraine (in live weight) in January of this year decreased by 1.5% compared to January 2021, to 307,300 tonnes, milk production – by 1.5%, to 522,100 tonnes, and eggs – by 8.1%, to 934.6 million pieces.
According to the website of the State Statistics Service, as of February 1, 2022, the total number of poultry in Ukraine increased by 0.7% compared to the same date last year, to 193.9 million birds. The number of pigs decreased by 3.4%, to 5.56 million animals, cattle – by 6.5%, to 2.7 million animals (including the number of cows – by 6.6%, to 1 .55 million animals), and sheep and goats – by 3.3%, to 1.09 million animals.
As of the indicated date, the number of cattle and pigs in the households of the population decreased the most – to 1.7 million animals of cattle (9.7% less versus February 1, 2021) and 1.92 million pigs (7.5% less). At the same time, by February 1, 2022, the country recorded an increase in the number of poultry at agricultural enterprises by 2.9%, to 110.9 million birds, and sheep and goats – by 8%, to 165,000 animals.
The population of cows at agricultural enterprises also increased by 0.2%, to 423,700 animals, while the total number of cattle decreased by 0.5%, to 1 million animals.
Sales of poultry for slaughter by agricultural enterprises in January 2022 increased by 3.8% compared to January a year earlier, to 56.96 million birds, sheep and goats – by 60.2%, to 3,700 animals, while sales of pigs decreased by 10.5%, to 0.35 million animals, and cattle – by 0.4%, to 23,100 animals.
Sales of eggs by agricultural enterprises for the specified period decreased by 12.3%, to 570,000 pieces, while the households reduced their sales by 1.4%, to 360,900 pieces.
The State Statistics Service specified that in January of this year, Kyiv region became the leader in production of eggs – 241.1 million eggs (9.3% less compared to January 2021), Khmelnytsky region – 68.6 million pieces (5.2% more), Dnipropetrovsk region – 56.1 million pieces (9.7% less) and Cherkasy region – 52.1 million pieces (13.7% less).
According to the statistics service, in January of this year, Ukrainian agricultural enterprises increased milk production by 6.9% compared to January last year, to 243,300 tonnes, while its production by households decreased by 7.8%, to 278,800 tonnes.
Most milk was produced in Poltava region – 50,900 tonnes (0.2% less), Vinnytsia region – 45,100 tonnes (7.8% less), Khmelnytsky – 40,000 tonnes (2.8% more), as well as Kharkiv and Cherkasy regions – by 34,000 tonnes (more by 2.1% and 2.7% respectively).

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