Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrgasvydobuvannya paid almost UAH 16 bln in rent payments to budget

In January-August 2023, Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC (UGV) paid almost UAH 16 billion in rent payments, the company’s press service said on Tuesday.

According to the press service, UAH 792.1 million, or 5%, of this amount went to the budgets of the local and regional levels where the company operates.

From January to August 2023, the budgets of Kharkiv and Poltava regions received the largest payments – UAH 385.67 million and UAH 332.72 million, respectively.

The amount of rent payments is calculated in accordance with the sale price of Ukrgasvydobuvannya’s natural gas in favor of Naftogaz of Ukraine.

As reported earlier, Ukrgasvydobuvannya aims to increase natural gas production by 1 bcm in 2023 to 13.5 bcm. In 2022, UGV produced 12.5 bcm of natural gas (commercial), which is 3% less than in 2021.

NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine owns 100% of Ukrgasvydobuvannya shares.


Searches underway at Ukrenergo’s headquarters

Investigative actions are underway at the headquarters of NPC Ukrenergo on Wednesday, the company’s press service reports.

According to the press service, the searches are being conducted by the Prosecutor General’s Office on the basis of a ruling of the Pechersk District Court of August 30, 2023.

“Ukrenergo facilitates investigative actions and voluntarily provides representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office with all the documents specified in the ruling. It should be noted that the company would have voluntarily provided the investigators with all the necessary documents without conducting a search. However, no such request was received from law enforcement officers,” the NPC said in a statement.

Ukrenergo clarified that from the list of documents of interest to law enforcement officers, some contracts were subject to an audit by the State Audit Service, which completed the audit of the company in March this year.

“Ukrenergo is challenging the results of the SASU audit in court, as it considers them biased and unprofessional, and some of them directly contradict the law. It is unfortunate that energy companies, like defense companies during the war, are forced to fight against the biased conclusions of the SASU. This is not conducive to effective preparation for the heating season, nor to increasing the country’s defense capability,” the company summarized.

NovaPay Credit issues bonds for UAH 100 mln

Credit institution NovaPay Credit LLC, a member of the non-banking financial group NovaPay, has registered with the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) an issue of interest-bearing C series bonds for UAH 100 million.

According to the prospectus, this bond issue has a maturity of two years instead of three years in the previous two issues, and coupon payments are made quarterly, while in issues “A” and “B” interest payments are made at the end of the circulation.

The interest rate is set at 20% per annum, as in the previous series, but only for the first year of circulation, while for the second year it will be additionally determined, but not higher than twice the discount rate, and announced by September 4, 2024.

The prospectus provides for the possibility of presenting the bonds for redemption from September 14 to 19, 2024 at par.

As in the two previous series, 100 thousand bonds with a par value of UAH 1000 are being issued.

It is noted that 20% of the funds raised are planned to be used for lending to legal entities, and 80% – to individuals.

The start date of the public offering is September 22, 2023, and the end date is September 21, 2024.

The company indicates that it will not use the services of an underwriter and will place the bonds through the PFTS stock exchange.

As reported, earlier this year, NovaPay Credit placed two issues of three-year bonds for UAH 100 million each.

In the first quarter of 2023, NovaPay Credit increased its authorized capital by UAH 120 million to UAH 175 million. NovaPay LLC remained the owner of the company with a 100% stake, and the beneficiaries are the owners of the Nova Poshta group of companies Vyacheslav Klimov and Volodymyr Popereshnyuk.

The company ended the first half of 2023 with a net profit of UAH 17.34 million, while in the same period of 2022 it posted a net loss of UAH 6.04 million. Its revenue increased 2.9 times to UAH 31.75 million.


New McDonald’s opened in Vyshgorod

On September 20, McDonald’s opened its first restaurant in Vyshgorod, Kyiv region, the company’s press service said.

This restaurant at 7-L Naberezhna Street is reportedly the seventh opening this year. The project was approved in the chain’s development plan before the full-scale invasion and the company continued construction as soon as it became possible.

The one-story McDonald’s has a hall with 131 seats and a terrace with 88 more. The restaurant, along with McDrive, will be open from 07:00 to 22:00, with delivery service from 09:00 to 21:00. The restaurant adheres to the company’s enhanced security rules, namely: establishments close during an air raid and reopen approximately one hour after the alarm is canceled.

To take care of the environment, the restaurant has installed a recuperation system that eliminates the need for gas supply and heating.

The chain is developed by McDonald’s Ukraine Ltd. The first restaurant was opened on May 24, 1997 in Kyiv.

As reported, on September 20, 2022, McDonald’s began a phased opening of restaurants in Ukraine. By February 24, 2022, McDonald’s in Ukraine had 109 restaurants in 24 cities of the country.

As of September 20, the company’s network in Ukraine has more than 90 restaurants.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, the participant in FDI in McDonald’s Ukraine Ltd. is MCD Europe Limited (100%, London, UK).


Zelensky held a meeting with the President of the Republic of Kenya

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has held a meeting with President of the Republic of Kenya William Ruto on the margins of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

According to Zelensky’s press service, he thanked Kenya for supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

“Thank you for supporting our people and our country. I would like to invite you and your team to visit Ukraine at a convenient time. We have many topics for discussion. Support in such a difficult time of war is important for us. To be strong and to hear your voices of support,” the President said.

The leaders discussed preparations for the next meeting on the implementation of the Ukrainian peace formula at the level of advisers.

Also during the talks they talked about preparations for the Global Peace Summit at the level of state leaders.

The sides discussed concrete steps to create grain hubs in Kenya. The Presidents emphasized the importance of stable supply of Ukrainian agricultural products to the region.

Zelensky also informed the President of Kenya about the functioning of an alternative route for exporting Ukrainian grain by the Black Sea, as well as about the work on the creation of other export routes.

In addition, the heads of state discussed security cooperation between Ukraine and Kenya.

Oil is getting cheaper, Brent is near $93.5 per barrel

Benchmark oil prices continue to decline on Wednesday morning after falling the day before.

The cost of November futures for Brent on the London ICE Futures exchange at 8:10 a.m. is $93.51 per barrel, which is 83 cents (0.88%) lower than at the close of the previous session. On Tuesday, these contracts fell by 9 cents (0.1%) to $94.34 per barrel.

Quotes for October futures for WTI in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) by 8:04 a.m. fell by 82 cents (0.9%) to $90.38 per barrel. At the end of the previous session, they fell by 28 cents (0.3%) to $91.2 per barrel. October contracts for WTI will expire at the close of the market on Wednesday. Futures for November, which are more actively traded, are losing 74 cents (0.82%) to $89.74 per barrel.

By Tuesday, both brands had been rising in price for three consecutive sessions.

DTN Senior Market Analyst Troy Vincent believes that the main threat to the continuation of the oil rally is a change in fundamentals.

“At current prices, lower demand for imported crude from China and rising exports of its refined products will certainly help to curb this rally in the short term,” Vincent told MarketWatch. – “If that happens – and especially if demand elsewhere begins to weaken – Saudi Arabia could quickly change its mind about how far it is willing to go with voluntary production cuts.

Market participants are also awaiting the outcome of the September meeting of the Federal Reserve Board, which will be held on Wednesday at 21:00 p.m. Wall Street experts are almost certain that the US regulator will leave the interest rate at 5.25-5.5% per annum following this meeting.
