Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Number of ships in Danube ports has decreased 2.5-4.8 times

The number of ships in the port of Izmail (Odessa region), according to data from the Marine Traffic monitoring application, decreased to 48 on Monday, compared to 120 last week. 22 vessels are expected to arrive.

The number of vessels at the port of Reni decreased to 12 on Monday, compared to 58 last week. Another nine vessels are expected to arrive.

The number of vessels in the port of “Izmail” has been decreasing since Thursday, on Friday there were 113 vessels in the port, 21 vessels were expected to arrive. On Sunday the number of vessels dropped to 99 and another 25 vessels were expected to arrive.

At the port of Reni on Thursday, there were 52 vessels at the port and 12 were expected. On Sunday it was 33 and 11 were expected.

The ports of Greater Odessa did not resume work after the termination of the “grain initiative”.

Earlier it was reported that due to the Russian night attack on Wednesday night on the seaport “Izmail” and the infrastructure of the “Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company” destroyed 40 thousand tons of grain, which was expected by African countries, China and Israel.

In addition, about 10 residential houses, 15 apartments, hotel and office buildings of the “Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company” and an educational institution were damaged or destroyed.

After the attack on Wednesday night, two ships heading to the port of Izmail for loading refused to dock.


European Union has increased beer output by 7%

European Union countries increased beer production by 7% in 2022, almost to 34.3 billion liters, the EU statistics office said.

The bottling volume thus approached the pre-pandemic 2019 figure of 34.7 billion liters.

The production of beer with an alcohol content of less than 0.5% (non-alcoholic beer) remained unchanged at 1.6 billion liters.

Total beer output per capita amounted to about 80 liters last year, the report said.

Germany remains the main producer. It accounted for more than 22% of the total volume, or 7.6 billion liters of beer containing alcohol. It is followed by Spain (3.9 billion liters, or more than 11%), Poland (3.7 billion liters, or 11%), and the Netherlands (2.6 billion liters, or almost 8%).

At the same time, the Netherlands continues to be the main exporter of beer, having shipped 2.6 billion liters outside the country, including EU states, in 2022 (up 0.7 billion liters from the previous year). This represents 27% of total EU export sales.

The second place was taken by Belgium (1.6 billion liters, 17%), the third – by Germany (1.5 billion liters, 16%). The Czech Republic (0.6 billion liters, 6%) and Ireland (0.4 billion liters, 5%) were also in the top five.

The main destinations for beer exports outside the EU were the UK (860 million liters, 21%) and the USA (716 million liters, 18%), as well as China (349 million liters, 9%), Russia (271 million liters, 7%), and Canada (155 million liters, 4%).

France remained the largest importer of beer in the European Union, purchasing 0.9 billion liters of beer from union members and other states, accounting for 17% of the total volume. Next came Italy (over 0.7 billion liters, or 14%), Germany (just under 0.7 billion liters, 12%), the Netherlands (0.6 billion liters, 11%) and Spain (0.5 billion liters, 10%).

Britain imported the most significant volumes of beer into the EU (excluding union members) – 290 million liters, or 57% of all shipments. It also imported 99 million liters of Mexican beer (19%), 40 million liters of Serbian beer (8%), 15 million liters of Ukrainian beer (3%) and 11 million liters of Chinese beer (2%).


Extreme heat returns to south of Europe

Extremely high temperatures since the beginning of this week are again registered in the countries of southern Europe, including popular tourist destinations, European media reported on Monday.

Temperatures are expected to reach about 44 degrees Celsius in the Seville region of Spain this week. More wildfires are feared in the country.

In Cyprus, where a major fire is raging near Limassol, it is recorded at about 35 degrees, with strong winds likely to increase the burning area. There, local authorities have appealed for help from European and regional partners, Jordan and Greece have already sent firefighting aircraft to Cyprus.

In Greece, firefighters finally managed to bring about 70 fires under control over the weekend, but several regions of the country are still under the threat of fires due to increased winds. In July, severe fires led to the evacuation of thousands of tourists from the island of Rhodes.

Fire brigades are fighting fires on the Italian island of Sardinia. At least three people have been injured, about 600 had to be evacuated, two highways have been blocked. On Monday, the island declared the maximum, red level of danger.

At the same time, temperatures in central Europe and the northwest were below normal. It is expected that in London and Paris the temperature in the evening may fall to about +14 degrees Celsius.

Storm Hans has reached the north of Europe, causing widespread flooding in several countries, with warnings even issued in Sweden. Big delays are observed at Stockholm airport, ferry service to Poland has been interrupted.

The Norwegian Water and Energy Authority has raised the flood warning to the highest possible level.


Registration of used cars imported from abroad in July increased by 9%

Primary registrations of used passenger cars imported from abroad in July increased by almost 9% compared to June-2023 – up to 18.8 thousand units, which was the highest number of registrations per month for the last 11 months, the association “Ukravtoprom” reported in the Telegram channel.

As reported, the demand for new passenger cars in July turned to negative dynamics, having decreased by 5% by June-2023, to 5.3 thousand units.

According to the association, the largest share in the segment of imported used foreign cars still belongs to gasoline cars – 44% (in June – 43%), followed by diesel cars – 33% (35%), electric cars – 15% (14%), cars with HBO – 5% (no change) and hybrids – 3% (3%).

The average age of used cars that switched to Ukrainian license plates in June is 10 years (10.5% in June).

Volkswagen Golf remains the leader of July registrations (1616 units), followed by Renault Megane (1234 units) and Skoda Octavia (929 units).

The top 10 in this market also include Volkswagen Passat, 741 units; Nissan Leaf, 535 units; Ford Focus, 400 units; Volkswagen Touran, 384 units; Nissan Qashqai, 377 units; Volkswagen Tiguan, 377 units and AUDI A4, 369 units.

In total, in January-July, 106 thousand used cars imported from abroad were first registered in Ukraine, which is 3.3 times more than the sales of new cars in the same period last year.

As reported, Ukrainians in 2022 registered 388.5 thousand imported used cars, which is almost a quarter less than a year earlier, but more than 10 times more than the market for new cars.


Net inflows to Ukraine rose to 36 thousand people

The number of inbound border crossings into Ukraine exceeded its outbound crossings for the third week in a row, and the difference between the two continues to grow: it reached 36,000 this week, up from 21,000 a week ago and 10,000 two weeks ago.

According to data from the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, published on Facebook, exit crossings rose from 348,000 last week to 360,000 this week, while entry crossings jumped even more – from 369,000 to 396,000.

The total number of border crossings in both directions reached 756 thousand for the week – this is the maximum since mid-March last year.

The number of vehicles crossing the western border of Ukraine, according to the agency, in the 31st week of the year also increased – from 140 thousand to 143 thousand, as well as the number of registered vehicles with humanitarian goods – from 788 to 839.

As indicated by the Western Regional Department of the State Border Service, since the beginning of the summer season through checkpoints in Lviv region crossed the state border in both directions 3 million 111 thousand citizens and almost 600 thousand vehicles.

“Characteristics of passenger traffic for two months indicates that during July the number of travelers increased by 326 thousand, transport – by 28 thousand units”, – noted in the Department, also indicating that in July the number of citizens who proceeded to enter Ukraine, prevails over the number of missed on the exit.

It is indicated that the busiest checkpoints remain “Krakivets” and “Shehyni” out of six, round-the-clock functioning in the region. On Friday, August 4, queues to leave Ukraine ranged from 50 to 140 cars at all checkpoints.

“We recommend citizens to follow the approximate state of the queues in front of the checkpoints on the page of the Western Regional Directorate on Facebook. And travelers who follow through Poland in transit, choose for crossing the border checkpoints within the Transcarpathian and Chernivtsi regions”, – added in the Department.

Border Guard Service of Poland for the last seven days also recorded a significant increase in the excess of flow into Ukraine over the flow out – up to 28.5 thousand from 16.5 thousand last week and 9.4 thousand – two weeks earlier.

According to the Polish ministry, the number of people entering Poland from Ukraine increased from 223.8 thousand to 231.8 thousand during the week, while the return flow from Poland to Ukraine increased from 240.3 thousand to 260.3 thousand.

In general, since the beginning of the war, by August 4, 2023, 14.28 million people arrived in Poland from Ukraine, while 12.50 million people traveled in the opposite direction.

As reported, since May 10, 2022, the outflow of refugees from Ukraine was replaced by an inflow, which lasted until September 23 and amounted to 409 thousand people.

However, since the end of September, possibly under the influence of news about mobilization in Russia and “pseudo-referendums” in the occupied territories, and then massive shelling of energy infrastructure, an excess of the number of those leaving over those entering was recorded. It temporarily stopped in the second half of December and the beginning of January for the period of holidays, but from the second week of January it resumed again and in total since the end of September by the anniversary of the full-scale war reached 223 thousand people.

From that time until today, thanks to the statistics of the last three weeks, the number of border crossings to enter Ukraine has exceeded the number of border crossings to leave Ukraine by 60 thousand.

As Deputy Minister of Economy Serhiy Sobolev noted in early March, the return of every 100 thousand Ukrainians home gives a 0.5% increase in GDP.

According to the UNHCR, the number of Ukrainian refugees in Europe as of August 1 was estimated at 5.873 million, and in the whole world – at 6.231 million, which is 12,000 and 13,000 more than a week ago.

In Ukraine itself, according to the UN data as of the end of May, there were 5.088m internally displaced persons.

IC “InterExpress” increased collection of premiums by 16.8%, payments by 1.3%

In January-June 2023, InterExpress Insurance Company (Kyiv) collected insurance payments in the amount of UAH 26.099 million, which is 16.79% more than in the same period a year earlier, according to the information of the rating agency Standard-Rating on updating the company’s credit rating / financial strength (reliability) rating of the insurer on the national scale at uaAA.

It is noted that revenues from individuals increased by 46.59% to UAH 10.626 million in the analyzed period, while revenues from reinsurers in the analyzed period amounted to only UAH 19 thousand.

Despite the increase in premiums from individuals, the insurer’s client portfolio is dominated by legal entities, as indicated by their share in gross premiums, which amounted to 59.22% in the first half of 2023.

Insurance payments sent to reinsurers in the first half of 2023 decreased by 28.33% to UAH 2,881 million compared to the same period in 2022. Thus, the ratio of reinsurers’ participation in insurance premiums decreased by 6.95 p.p. to 11.04%.

Net written premiums increased by 26.69% to UAH 23,218 million, while earned premiums increased by 3.56% to UAH 24,256 million.

The volume of payments and reimbursements made by the insurer in the first half of 2023 compared to the same period of 2022 increased by 1.33% to UAH 9.191 million. Given the higher growth rate of gross premiums compared to claims, the level of payments decreased by 5.37 p.p. to 35.22%.

It is also noted that the company’s activities in the analyzed period were profitable: for the first half of 2023, the financial result from operating activities amounted to UAH 2.306 million, and net profit amounted to UAH 2.497 million.

As of June 30, 2023, the company’s assets increased by 12.75% to UAH 53.997 million, equity showed an increase of 20.60% to UAH 45.307 million, liabilities decreased by 15.81% to UAH 8.690 million, cash and cash equivalents decreased by 35.94% to UAH 4.140 million.

The RA also notes that as of July 1, 2023, PrJSC IC “InterExpress” invested UAH 8,011 million in government bonds. The availability of such investments had a positive impact on the provision of PJSC IC “Interexpress” with liquid assets, which in total exceeded the insurer’s liabilities by 1.4 times.

IC “InterExpress” was registered in 2004 and specializes in risky types of insurance.

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