Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

77% of Ukrainians believe that president is also responsible for corruption in government – poll

77.6% of the polled Ukrainians believe that the president is directly responsible for corruption in the government and military administrations.

This is evidenced by the data of a public opinion poll on the adaptation of Ukrainians to life in war conditions, conducted by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology in July by order of the Ilk Kucheriv Foundation for Democratic Initiatives.

“Delaying solutions to problems that undermine people’s faith in victory will also hit the president himself. The poll showed that according to 77.6% of citizens, “the president is directly responsible for corruption in the government, military administrations,” – said the executive director of the Foundation “Democratic Initiatives” Petro Burkovsky.

As the sociologist noted, “the widespread argument that ‘the government does not have time everywhere’ does not work after 16 months of war and will no longer play the role of an indulgence for abuse, indifference and incompetence of persons who were elected and appointed precisely so that they ‘had time to do everything and everywhere’ using their powers, all the more expanded under martial law.”

“That is, it is the officials who do not fulfill their duties that are no less a dangerous enemy at this stage than Russia. And citizens expect Vladimir Zelensky’s determination to remove such individuals from power, to listen to and promote performers who honestly point out problems and competently offer solutions,” Burkovsky continued.

“Therefore, the cleansing of the TCC from “invaluable personnel” should be a starting point, not a point in the process of change in the defense sector. In this case, we should not go the way of simple solutions. In particular, we can reasonably assume that the majority of citizens may support such a “simple idea” as “transferring military offenders to the front line.” However, can we trust weapons and soldiers’ lives to people who cynically peddled certificates to evade service? It is unlikely that such a decision will be supported in combat units. But the proposal to replace corrupt officials with veterans will resonate with the public,” summarizes the political analyst.

According to the survey, 72.9% of Ukrainians support the dismissal of wounded military personnel from the ranks of the AFU with the payment of all due compensation for treatment and rehabilitation, and 46.3% – transfer at will to positions in military commissions instead of current employees.

All-Ukrainian survey “Public and Political Attitudes of the Population of Ukraine” was conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology in July 2023 at the request of the Foundation for Democratic Initiatives. The survey was carried out by the method of personal interviews using a tablet. Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts were immediately excluded from the sample due to security issues. Kherson region was initially included for calculations, but due to security issues the task for Kherson region was implemented in the neighboring Mykolaiv region.

A total of 2011 interviews with respondents living in 135 localities of Ukraine were conducted as part of the study. Under normal circumstances, the statistical error of the sample does not exceed 3.3%

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President of Ukraine: Cleaning of state institutions to continue

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the continuation next week of the “cleaning state institutions.”

“Next week will be a continuation of our work on cleaning state institutions of those who tried to drag from the past all those old habits, old schemes that weakened Ukraine for a very long time, for decades,” he said in a video address on Saturday.

“There will be no more old formats in our country – those formats when some defended the state and people, and others tried to put both the state and people at the service of their own benefit. No matter, who this person is – whether he is a ‘military commissar,’ whether he is a deputy, or whether he is an official – everyone must work only for the sake of the state. So be it,” he said.

Oil weakly cheapens, Brent $86.15 per barrel

Oil prices are moderately lower on Monday morning, holding near four-month highs on expectations of an imminent fuel shortage in the global market.

The price of October Brent futures on London’s ICE Futures exchange is at $86.15 a barrel by 8:15 a.m. Q1, down 9 cents (0.1%) from the previous session’s close. Last Friday, these contracts rose by $1.1 (1.3%) to $86.24 per barrel.

Quotes of futures for WTI crude oil for September at the electronic trading of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) by the specified time decreased by 6 cents (0.07%) and amounted to $82.76 per barrel. At the end of the previous session they rose by $1.27 (1.6%) – to $82.82 per barrel.

Over the past week, Brent rose by 2.2%, WTI – by 2.8%, and both brands closed at their highs since April 12.

Saudi Arabia on Thursday announced the extension of an additional voluntary production cut of 1 million bpd for September. Thus, the country’s actual oil production level next month is expected to be 9 million bpd.

In addition, Russia will also continue to voluntarily cut supplies to external markets by 300,000 bpd in September, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said.

“We expect Brent to end the year near the $85 per barrel mark. Ultimately OPEC+ looks determined to limit supply. We also expect global oil demand to grow at a 2% annualized rate in the second half of 2023,” said Edward Gardner, commodity economist at Capital Economics.

Meanwhile, data from oilfield services company Baker Hughes showed that over the past week the number of active oil rigs in the U.S. fell by 4 units to 525.


monobank has limited transactions with Africa

Virtual monobank will keep the possibility of card-not-present transactions in only three countries in Africa: South Africa, Egypt and Morocco, the bank’s co-founder Oleg Gorokhovsky said.

“Due to the increased risk of fraud and to strengthen the fight against illegal gambling traffic, we are closing all card-not-present transactions in Africa, with the exception of South Africa, Egypt and Morocco,” he wrote in Telegram on Friday.

According to monobank on its website, it currently serves 7.439 million customers.

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“Prometey” has received limit of EUR1.27 mln for purchase of vehicles

Prometey Group has received a EUR1.27 million loan from ULF-Finance LLC to purchase vehicles, the agricultural holding’s press service said.

“The company continues to expand its own vehicle fleet to minimize dependence on hired vehicles. In this way, we solve the problem of vehicle shortages during peak loads, such as during the harvest period, and avoid additional costs,” the press service quoted Maxim Voloshin, Prometey financial economist, as saying.

According to the report, Prometey Group plans to receive DAF tractors, Wielton trailers, cars and other automotive equipment from the financial institution.

In total, 23 agreements are in place between Prometey Group and ULF-Finance LLC.

Prometey Group provides storage, processing and logistics services for agricultural crops. Prior to the Russian aggression, it owned 34 elevators in Mykolaiv, Kirovohrad, Kyiv, Khmelnytskyi, Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, Odesa, Kherson, and Dnipro regions.

By the end of 2021, the group planned to generate $45 million in EBITDA, while in 2020 this figure reached $32.6 million, and in 2019 – $30.5 million.

“In 2023, Prometey plans to increase its land bank from 20 thousand hectares to 50 thousand hectares, and in the long term, to increase it to 100 thousand hectares.

Dynamics of reserves of Ukraine from 2012 to 2023

Dynamics of reserves of Ukraine from 2012 to 2023

Source: and