Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Astarta” exported 833 thousand tons of products to 40 countries of world

Agro-industrial holding Astarta, the largest sugar producer in the country, exported 833 thousand tons of products to 40 countries during the 2022-2023 marketing year (MY, September-August) under conditions of limited logistical opportunities.

“Despite the constant blocking of Russian maritime trade routes and other export restrictions, we managed to deliver to foreign markets and 563 thousand tons of grains and oilseeds, including 177 thousand tons of wheat and 386 thousand tons of corn. Italy, Spain, Indonesia and Kenya became the main importers of wheat, and China, Portugal and Spain – corn,” – reported the press service of the holding in Facebook.

According to the company’s data, the main consumers of soybean products during this period were EU countries, where Astarta supplied 48 thousand tons of soybean oil and 133 thousand tons of soybean meal, taking the second and first place among exporters of these products to the EU, respectively.

In addition, the holding also supplied 52 thousand tons of sugar to European markets, which also allowed Astarta to maintain its leading position among Ukrainian exporters.

“Due to our properly built reputation, transparency and consistency of business, we were ready for integration into European markets with both our main products and niche products. Incidentally, the niche ones, including organic flax and mustard, were one of the discoveries last season. It was their presence in our product portfolio that allowed us to work with both major and regional players in the European Union,” said Astarta’s commercial director Vyacheslav Chuk, whose words are quoted in the report.

He added that Astarta plans to deepen trade relations with key European partners and develop a product line under its own brand.

“Astarta” is a vertically integrated agro-industrial holding operating in eight regions of Ukraine. It includes six sugar factories, agricultural farms with a land bank of 220 thousand hectares and dairy farms with 22 thousand cattle, an oil extraction plant in Globino (Poltava region), seven elevators and a biogas complex.

In the first half of 2023, Astarta’s revenue from sales of key products increased by 64.8% year-on-year to UAH 10.72 bln. The main contribution was made by sales of sugar – UAH 3.27 bln, which increased by 75.5%, corn – UAH 2.66 bln (+53.2%) and soybean meal – UAH 1.96 bln (+84.5%).


Ukraine’s Ministry of Agrarian Policy has improved crop forecast for 2023

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine due to favorable weather conditions has improved the forecast of harvest in 2023 by about 4%, Minister Mykola Solskiy said on the air of the national telethon.

“We have adjusted our forecast of this year’s harvest compared to last year’s … by 10% down. But the weather is really this year, according to the state as of today, ufu-tufu-tufu, so that it would continue to be so, it is good enough, let’s say, cautiously. And we have already adjusted this forecast for the better: we think that the drop will be by +/- 6 percent compared to last year. This is preliminary, because there are still a few months ahead,” said the Minister.

He specified that the initial forecast was based on the change in the structure of sown areas caused by logistical problems in favor of more expensive crops, but with lower yields (for example, soybeans or sunflowers instead of corn), as well as less investment in land.

Solsky specified that canola, barley and wheat have been harvested for several weeks now.

“Rapeseed (will be) like last year, maybe even a little more. Barley – less, because less was planted, by 15-20 percent. And there will be less wheat because less was planted. We hope to compensate with spring crops in the fall, but let’s not guess,” – said the Minister.

As reported, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Taras Vysotskyy at the end of June predicted grain harvest this year at the level of about 46 million tons compared to 53.1 million tons in the previous season.

At the same time, Ukrhydrometeocenter in early July gave a more optimistic estimate – about 49.6 million tons.


Taiwanese government to allocate $2.5m to Kiev for construction of bridge in Kiev

The Taiwanese government will allocate $2.5 million to Kiev for the construction of a bridge to Obolonsky Island in the capital, according to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan.

According to the press release, earlier $1 million for the construction of the bridge was sent to Kiev by the Metropolis of Greater Paris. Taiwan, along with other countries, supports the reconstruction of Ukraine and emphasizes the importance of solidarity and cooperation of the democratic community during the Russian-Ukrainian war, noted in the message.

As reported with reference to Obolonska Regional State Administration, Kiev received about UAH 20 million from the Metropolis of Greater Paris to complete the construction of a pedestrian bridge on Obolonsky Island.

The pedestrian bridge on Obolonsky Island is being built since 2020 at the expense of patrons. According to the project, the bridge will rest on four supports, two of which are located in the strait. The width of the pedestrian facility is 4 meters, length – 164 meters.

By the beginning of 2023, three bridge supports were installed and materials were purchased. With the funds provided by the Metropolis of Greater Paris, it was planned to complete the installation of the fourth bridge abutment, purchase and install the auxiliary and partially purlin structures, and purchase steel structures.


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Export changes in % to previous period in 2022-2023

Export changes in % to previous period in 2022-2023

Source: and

Exports of major commodities in 2022-2023, million tonnes

Exports of major commodities in 2022-2023, million tonnes

Source: and

A presentation of new books by writer Sergei Petkov took place in “SHINE of Book” bookstore

On July 21, 2023, in support of the collection for the mobile hospital, the bookstore “SHINE of the Book” hosted a presentation of new books by writer, scientist, military officer, specialist in the theory and history of state and law – Sergei Petkov. There was a discussion on the founding of Kyiv. How many capitals did the state of Rus have? Where did Svyatoslav the Brave die? Where did Russia come from? And other historical questions and myths.

The oldest bookstore, Siaivo Knytsi, filled with the smell of paper and the sound of rustling books, has always been a place where various stories and famous authors meet. This time, Siaivo Knytsi witnessed a meeting between author and writer Serhiy Petkov and readers. Visitors were full of curiosity and desire to see the face of the soldier and author who so skillfully introduced them to the world of the past.

A bookstore filled with books, an audience that the author greeted with a smile, a friendly handshake and words of gratitude for their support. Visitors who have become part of the literary world have responded to the author’s words, to his research and development. And the author knows that it is thanks to readers that his books and research live on, find their fans, arouse interest, and expand their boundaries.

Talking about historical figures, events, favorite princes… the author gets the opportunity to hear direct impressions of his work. He or she feels surprised when readers tell him or her that they were absorbed by each page, how they lived every step of the way with famous figures, felt their atmosphere, and became participants in history.

Such a meeting is an opportunity for readers not only to touch the author, but also to hear about the process of creating a book, to feel the complex and almost magical atmosphere that reigns at the literary table.

The meeting lasted for a long time, but it was like a moment for those who were transported to the world of books and unexpectedly found their creator there. People were saying goodbye to the historian-writer, charged with new impressions, with a glow in their eyes and an undisguised desire to return to his works as soon as possible.

The bookstore, a place where different destinies come together, witnessed a meeting that captured the moment of communication and confirmed that words have the power to bring people together, open up new worlds, and preserve our history.

The moderators of the event emphasized that it is for the sake of preserving Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian language, Ukrainian books… – Ukrainian identity – that Ukrainian soldiers are fighting the insidious enemy. The organizers reminded about the Mobile Frontline Hospital project – – run by the Charitable Foundation for Reconstruction and Development of Ukraine under the leadership of Artem Honcharenko. The mobile hospital has already been transferred to the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine since November 2022. The proceeds from each book that is currently being popularized in the Siaivo bookstore are used to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Ukraine will win. Glory to the Armed Forces! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!

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