Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

National Bank of Ukraine obliged insurers “Greenwood Life Insurance” and “Alfa Insurance” to eliminate violations

29 June , 2023  

National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has applied the enforcement measures to IC “Greenwood Life Insurance” and IC “Alfa Insurance” (both Kiev) in the form of an obligation to take measures to remedy violations until July 17, 2023, according to the website of the regulator.
“Measures of influence are applied due to non-compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 1 and 11 of the NBU board resolution “On peculiarities of application of registration and licensing procedures of non-bank financial services market participants during martial law …”, – said in a message on the regulator’s website.
According to the document, it refers to written assurances of companies to the National Bank about the compliance of direct and ultimate owners of material participation to the requirements of the regulator on the financial / property status, documents to assess such a position and subsequent responses to the NBU request.
PrJSC “Greenwood Life Insurance” works in the Ukrainian life insurance market since 2007 as the successor of the insurance company “Guarantee Life”. The company is a part of financial and investment holding Green Globe Enterprises INC (USA, New York), which operates in the territory of Europe, Asia, America.
IC “Alfa Insurance” was founded in 2000. On December 5, 2022 NBU has applied to IC “Alfa Insurance” a measure of influence in the form of temporary suspension of the license to provide financial services. Due to the company’s non-compliance with the requirements of the Regulations on licensing and registration of financial service providers and the conditions of their activities in the provision of financial services…, namely, the requirements for business reputation of financial service providers.

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