Business news from Ukraine

Number of victims of earthquake in Turkey and Syria already exceeds 11 thousand people

8 February , 2023  

The number of victims of a powerful earthquake in Turkey has reached 8,547, the number of victims exceeded 49,000, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday.
“The number of victims of the earthquake with its epicenter in Kahramanmarash province has reached 8,574, with 49,133 people affected and 6,444 buildings destroyed,” Erdogan said, speaking in Kahramanmarash, where he left earlier Wednesday to coordinate rescue efforts. He was quoted as saying by Anadolu Agency.
Earlier data were reported of 6,957 dead and 38.2 thousand wounded.
The president also noted that Turkey has involved “all levers and resources” to eliminate the consequences of the earthquake. He stated that the victims can stay in hotels in Antalya, Alanya and Mersin. Also the President announced that all the families of the victims of the earthquake will receive 10 thousand liras (about $530). According to him, new houses will be built in the affected areas within a year.
Erdogan urged to trust only the data on the earthquake zone, which is disseminated by the Emergency Prevention and Response Administration (AFAD).
At the same time, the EFE news agency reported 2,662 victims in Syria. Thus, the total number of victims of the earthquake in the two countries exceeded 11.2 thousand.
On Monday night, a powerful earthquake and ensuing aftershocks caused deaths and significant damage in several provinces of Turkey, as well as in neighboring Syria.

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