Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

About 7,000 Ukrainian servicemen missing – commissioner

As of April 2023, about 7,000 servicemen are considered missing in Ukraine, the Commissioner for Missing Persons in Special Circumstances Oleg Kotenko said.
“The figure is really there, it’s just over seven thousand. We are counting on the fact that those people we are looking for as missing, they are still captured,” Kotenko said on Tuesday’s telethon.
He specified that about 60-65% of the missing according to statistics are alive and in captivity.

Monday in Kiev to 16-18 ° heat

Monday, April 24, it will be cloudy with clearing in Ukraine. At night, no precipitation, during the day on the left bank, in the Crimea and the Carpathian region short rains, thunderstorms, in the rest of the territory in some places light rain, said Ukrhydrometecenter.
Winds are mostly southeasterly, 5-10 m/s.
The temperature at night is 3-8°C, during the day it will be 14-19°C, in the Carpathians it’s about 0°C at night, while during the day it will be 6-11°C.
Cloudy with clear skies in Kiev on Monday. No precipitation at night, light rain in some places during the day. Wind south-east, 5-10 m/s. The temperature at night is 6-8°C, while during the day – 16-18°C.
According to the Central Geophysical Observatory. The highest daytime temperature in Kiev on April 24 was 27.0 in 1950, the lowest night-time temperature was -2.2 in 1893.
Tuesday, April 25, it will be cloudy with clear skies in Ukraine.
Intermittent rains in the western and eastern regions, sometimes with thunderstorms during the day, heavy rains in the Carpathian region in some places, no precipitation in the rest of the territory.
Winds are mostly south, 5-10 m/s.
The temperature at night is 4-9° warm; during the daytime it is 15-20°, in the west and east of the country – 9-14°,
In the Carpathian highlands, moderate to heavy rain with sleet in places, the temperature at night and daytime is 1-6° warm.
Cloudy with clear skies in Kiev on Tuesday. No precipitation. The wind is south, 5-10 m/s. The temperature at night is 7-9°, and 17-19° during the day.


Flooding in Kiev is on decline

The flooding in Kiev has receded, in particular, compared to yesterday’s day, the water level has decreased by another 5 centimeters, the Kiev city military administration said.
“All week the flood is going to recede. But still held waterlogging floodplains and low areas of garden-garden development, homestead plots. Emergency flooding in the city of Kiev has not been recorded,” wrote the head of the KGVA Sergey Popko in the telegram channel on Sunday.
The measurements were made near the bridge “Metro”.
Recall that the peak of the flooding in Kiev was predicted for April 22.


“Ukrhydroenergo” restored 500 MW of lost 2,000 MW of capacity

Ukrhydroenergo PJSC has already restored 500 MW and is set to resume another 1,500 MW of capacity lost due to Russian attacks in the second phase, the company said in its Telegram channel, citing Natalia Nikolska, a member of the company’s supervisory board (SB), on Friday evening.
“We are now looking for new partners for out-of-the-box solutions for restored critical infrastructure with additional security,” Nikolskaya said during the Ukrainian Energy Transition Forum, according to the report.
According to her, the restoration of capacities will be carried out with maximum protection of equipment, and for further development of hydropower, new solutions will be introduced to restore lost capacity and increase the company’s share in the United Energy System (UES) of Ukraine.
“It should be emphasized that despite the war, Ukrhydroenergo has remained profitable and intends to continue development and rehabilitation projects,” stressed the NA member.
“Ukrhydroenergo estimates its direct losses from the beginning of the war, including the occupation of Kakhovska HPP, at $1 billion.
The company’s hydro and hydroelectric plants are actively involved in the balancing market, namely in adjusting the daily schedule of loads to cover peaks and troughs and in frequency/capacity regulation. In addition, hydropower plants compensated for the lack of generating capacity in the Ukrainian energy system when nuclear and thermal power units were unloaded as a result of Russian missile strikes.
“Ukrhydroenergo operates all major hydroelectric power plants located on the Ukrainian sections of the Dnieper and Dniester rivers. The total installed electric capacity of the general company’s hydroelectric power plants is 6,208.3 MW.

MZU supplied mobile CT scanner to Ukrainian hospital

State Enterprise Medical Procurement of Ukraine (MZU) has delivered the first of four mobile CT scanners to a Ukrainian hospital.
According to the MZU press release, the first mobile CT scanner has been delivered to the specialized multidisciplinary hospital №1 of Ministry of Health of Ukraine in Dnepr.
The cost of Revolution Maxima CT scanner makes up UAH 28 mln. It has the capability to scan the entire human body.
The CT scanner is mounted in a container, which, in addition to the diagnostic unit itself, has a workstation for medical staff and additional equipment that ensures the autonomous functioning of the tomograph.
“The CT does not need an additional room in the hospital and can be put into operation as quickly as possible. It can be used both stationary and mobile, without losing its performance,” specifies MZU.
Three more mobile CTs will be delivered to Mykolaiv, Izyum and Dobropillya in the near future.

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“TAS Agro” will increase area of oilseeds and grow sugar beets

TAS Agro agrarian group will reduce sowing areas of oilseeds, expand the grain group and start growing sugar beet in season 2023, the company’s press service said.
“Despite the late start of the sowing season caused by weather conditions, all works will be performed in optimal agronomic terms. Modern technological complexes, which increase the accuracy of seeding and increase the productivity of works, are involved in the sowing campaign”, – stated in the press release.
It is specified that the spring sowing campaign in Kirovograd region started with sunflower sowing.
“TAS Agro” is planning to sow 23.3 thousand hectares of corn, 16.1 thousand hectares of sunflower and 11.5 thousand hectares of soybeans in 2023. “Compared to the last year we are going to reduce the area of oil crops and increase the area of grain group. Sowing area in the company as a whole has not changed, but because of food security and market situation this season sugar beet was added to the structure of crops”, – stressed the press service.
After the end of the sowing season the holding will make additional application of nitrogen fertilizers. The company intends to change the technology of plant nutrition, for which the yield of crops in each field over the past five years has been analyzed. According to the data received, the fields were divided into categories, according to which the yield and nutrition system will be planned. “We will be able to not just save money, but increase the efficiency of the money invested in fertilizers,” the company notes.
Before the war TAS Agro worked 83 thousand hectares in Vinnitsa, Kiev, Kirovograd, Chernigov, Nikolaev, Sumy, Kherson and Dnipropetrovsk regions, was engaged in dairy farming (up to 5.5 thousand cattle), owned six elevators with simultaneous storage capacity of 250 tons.
TAS Group was founded in 1998. The sphere of its business interests covers the financial sector (banking and insurance segments) and pharmacy, as well as industry, real estate, venture projects.
The founder of TAS is Sergiy Tigipko.

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