Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada has returned bill No. 2285-d on the public regulation of activities in the sphere of organization of gambling for refining by the committee and preparing it for repeated first reading. The document was registered in parliament on December 18.
An Interfax-Ukraine correspondent has reported that MPs did not support the bill at first reading casting only 213 votes with at least 226 required, while 243 MPs backed the decision to send the document for repeated first reading.
As reported, the Cabinet of Ministers registered bill No. 2285 in the parliament, and MPs submitted seven more alternative documents, among is finalized bill No. 2285-d, authored by MP Oleksandr Dubinsky (the Servant of the People parliamentary faction).
The bill proposes to limit the number of licenses for gambling establishments. In addition, it is proposed to establish mandatory verification of players when accepting bets and registering winners in the online monitoring system.
At the same time, the government bill proposes to establish special gambling zones for casinos and slot machines: the territory of five-star hotels for casinos and three star and higher rated hotels for slot machines.
The law on the national budget for 2020 provides for revenues from licenses in the field of gambling in the amount of UAH 4.4 billion, which will be sent to the budget’s special fund, and everything that exceeds the amount specified in the law will be spent on subventions to local budgets to finance various educational and healthcare programs.



National bank of Ukraine’s official rates as of 21/12/19

Source: National Bank of Ukraine


Official rates of banking metals from national bank as of December 21

One troy ounce=31.10 grams



The Ascania multi-profile Ukrainian holding has entered the electricity and natural gas markets by creating Ascania Energy to supply electricity and natural gas to commercial consumers, the founder and shareholder of the holding, Valeriy Gorban, has said.
“We were prompted to open this business line by the fear of a significant increase in electricity tariffs after the launch of the new market model. When the market opened, we predicted an increase in the cost of electricity for enterprises by 20-25%. In fact, after July 1, the price soared by 40-50%. Our group consumes a large amount of electricity. These are tremendous costs. But understanding the market makes it possible to partially compensate for these losses,” he told Interfax-Ukraine.
According to Gorban, today, the company provides customers with about 17 million kWh of electricity monthly, and began to prepare for entering a new segment for itself early 2018.
“In recent years, we have observed the process of gradual liberalization of the energy market of Ukraine. The creation of a fairly free natural gas market in 2016-2017 allowed us to diversify the supply of this resource, gain expertise in this segment and start supplying gas,” the founder of the holding said.
Ascania Energy is part of the Ascania Group, which unites 12 companies. Among the areas of activity are import, production and distribution of food products, honey processing and export – Ascania-Pak, rose growing – Ascania-Flora, soft drinks production – Kvass Beverages, logistics services, electricity supply, small arms production weapons, security services and training of security personnel of private and state structures.
The group has branches throughout Ukraine and offices in Berlin (Germany) and Guangzhou (China).



The real New Year`s extravaganza reigns in Ancient Kyiv in the Principality of Kyivan Rus («Kyivan Rus Park»). Beginning from December, 14 in the largest historical-entertaining complex near Kyiv the festive «Winter fairy tale» show-programs cycle for children and adults, including the New Year`s night on December, 31 is taking place.
Already from December, 14 the Main New Year`s Residence is open in the Principality, where the good wizard meets children and adults and every guest can put his letter in the magic wish box.
The real fairy tale in the Kyivan Rus style with horse-trick performances, theatrical stagings with costumed historical characters, traditional Slavic amusements, live vocals and fiery round dances will be waiting for the guests.
Also the visitors are awaited by walks on a horseback, rides in sledges or carriages, hot drinks and tasty dishes prepared on fire, medieval tinctures, zip line «Politaylo» and the speed slide «Firedrake», festive photo location, master-classes, the location of the fortune-teller, flash mobs, games, competitions and the gifts lottery.
The inhabitants of the Principality will light hot fires on the territory and will invite all the guests to take part in winter amusements and merry round dances.
The cooks of Ancient Kyiv will please everyone in the warm Princely tavern and in the medieval kitchens with hot drinks and tasty dishes prepared on fire.
The thrilling musical performance «Gogol-mogol» with special effects and lights will be the highlight of the fairytale program. The horses of rare ancient breeds will participate in the performance together with people, the actors-stuntmen. The musical performance is filled with sparkling humor and will be interesting for both children and adults. All the guests can become the participants of the action.
(The performance takes place on December, 14-15, December, 19, December, 21-22, December, 25, December, 28-29, on January, 2 till 7 and on January, 11-12.)
On December, 25 the “Christmas in Ancient Kyiv” festive performance based on Slavic mythology, with horse-trick performances, costumed characters and the interactive musical performance show will be taking place. Also the Christmas nativity scene in the ancient Slavic language will come to life in front of the guests of Ancient Kyiv. After this the master-class on learning and singing Christmas carols will be waiting for the viewers.
On the New Year night on December, 31 2019 from 20:00 to January, 1 2020 a grandiose show with the New Year`s masquerade, the twin show, horse performances, love vocals, interactive musical performance with fire special effects will be taking place in the Principality. Ancient Kyiv will shine with multicolored lights and garlands, bonfires and torches. Also the guests will be awaited by tasty dishes prepared on fire, hot drinks and medieval tinctures, free horse riding (from 19:00 till 21:00), gifts and treats for everyone and finally – fireworks. The end of the program around 3:00.
The main events of the program:
December, 20 2019 – New Year program “Magic Town”
December, 21-22 2019 – New Year performance “Winter Fairy Tale”
December, 23-24 2019 – New Year program “Magic Town”
December, 25 2019 – New Year performance “Christmas in Ancient Kyiv”
December, 26-27 2019 – New Year program “Magic Town”
December, 28-29 2019 – New Year performance “Winter Fairy Tale”
December, 30 2019 – New Year program “Magic Town”
On the night on December, 31 2019 from 20:00 to January, 1 2020 – the New Year`s night in Ancient Kyiv.
January, 1 2020 – New Year program “Magic Town”
January, 2-5 2020 – New Year performance “Winter Fairy Tale”
January, 6-7 2020 – New Year performance “Christmas in Ancient Kyiv”
January, 11-12 2020 – New Year program. Old New Year
January, 18-19 2020 – the Epiphany holiday in Ancient Kyiv
Ancient Kyiv opens at 10:00. The program starts at 13:00.
The ticket price for «Winter Fairy Tale»:
Full adult ticket:
December, 14-24, December, 26-30, January, 2-5, January, 11-12, January, 18-19 – 190 Uah.,
December, 25, January, 6-7 adult ticket – 200 Uah.
for pensioners and students – 150 Uah.,
for schoolchildren – 80 Uah.,
for preschool children – for free.
The ticket price for the New Year`s night: full adult ticket – 395 Uah., for pensioners and students – 250 Uah., for schoolchildren – 150 Uah., for preschool children – for free.
Ancient Kyiv in the «Kyivan Rus Park» is located in the vill. Kopachiv, Obukhiv district, Kyiv region.
Route taxis leave from Kyiv from the «Vydubychi» metro station, see the schedule on the website.
Details on the website
The Interfax subscribers can save money with the “openbusiness-20” promo code for a 20%-discount for the adult ticket (at full price) to the Principality of Kyivan Rus:
– by previous order by tel.: +38 044 461-99-37, +38 050 385-20-35
– or at the cash desk at the entrance to the «Kyivan Rus Park».

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The Verkhovna Rada has ratified a financial agreement between Ukraine and the European Investment Bank (EIB) to improve road safety. Some 334 deputies voted on Thursday for corresponding draft law No. 0014 of December 13, 2019, the parliament’s website said.
According to the text of the explanatory note, the agreement stipulates the provision by Ukraine of the EIB state guarantee to ensure the implementation of the project “Improving Road Safety in Ukrainian Cities.”
It is expected that the project will reduce the number of accidents and the severity of their consequences; increase the share of travel by bicycle, on foot or by public transport in the total volume of traffic and, accordingly, reduce the number of trips by private transport. In addition, the project will reduce the time spent by passengers at public transport stops, as well as the operating costs of road transport owners and emissions of harmful substances into the air.
According to Minister of Infrastructure Vladyslav Krykliy, the estimated cost of the project is EUR 177 million, of which an IEB loan is EUR 75 million (the agreement was signed on July 9, 2018), a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is estimated at EUR 75 million (it is planned to sign the agreement in 2020 year), and own funds of cities and technical assistance totaling EUR 27 million.
“Improving safety for the cities of Lviv, Odesa, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Kamenetz-Podilsky includes improving the infrastructure of road intersections, infrastructure for cyclists and public transport, arranging facilities to reduce speed in settlements and near schools, etc.,” he said on his Facebook page on Thursday evening.

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