Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Ukraine in January-October 2019 increased import of manganese ore and concentrate in natural terms by 29.4% compared to the same period in 2018, to 1.027 million tonnes.
According to customs statistics released by the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, imports of manganese ore and concentrate in monetary terms grew by 18.7%, to $183.574 million.
Major imports were made from Ghana (75.99% of deliveries in monetary terms), Russia (20.46%), and Georgia (3.1%).
In January-October 2019, Ukraine exported 27,026 tonnes of manganese ore and concentrate for the amount of $2.587 to Hungary (40.59%), Slovakia (23.04%) and the Czech Republic (19.87%), while in January-October 2018 the country exported 53,617 tonnes for $3.527 million.
As reported, Ukraine in 2018 reduced import of manganese ore and concentrate in natural terms by 27.9% compared to 2017, to 938,946 tonnes. Imports of manganese ore and concentrate in monetary terms fell by 18.2%, to $182.788 million.
Major imports were made from Ghana (57.5% of deliveries in monetary terms), the Republic of South Africa (16.74%), and Russia (17.98%).
In 2018, Ukraine reduced export and re-export of manganese ore and concentrate in natural terms by 31.1%, to 59,597 tonnes, in monetary terms – by 19%, to $3.829 million. Exports and re-exports were carried out to Hungary (40.35% of deliveries), Slovakia (21.6%), and the Czech Republic (23.32%).
In Ukraine, manganese ore is mined and enriched at the Ordzhonikidze and Marhanets ore-mining and dressing mills (both based in Dnipropetrovsk region).
Dnipro-based PrivatBank controls the Stakhanov and Zaporizhia ferroalloy plants, Ordzhonikidze and Marhanets mills.
Nikopol ferroalloy plant (NFP) is controlled by EastOne Group, founded in autumn 2007 as a result of Interpipe Group restructuring, and Privat Group.

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Former president of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma and former chairman of the Supreme Council of Belarus Stanislav Shushkevich have discussed a preparation for holding Baltic Black Sea Forum.
“Today in Kyiv, Leonid Kuchma received Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus (1991-1994) Stanislav Shushkevich. The conversation was about preparations for the seventh Baltic Black Sea Forum,” Kuchma press secretary Darka Olifer wrote on Facebook.
As reported, the first Baltic Black Sea Forum “Through dialogue to trust” was held in Kyiv in 2016. The agreement on the creation of this platform was signed by former statesmen and leaders of Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Russia.

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Mariupol seaport (Donetsk region) in January-October 2019 increased cargo transshipment by 5.5% compared to the same period in 2018, to 5.285 million tonnes.
According to the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority, over this period the port increased transshipment of exported cargo by 1.8%, to 4.333 million tonnes, imported by 33.5%, to 946,480 tonnes and significantly reduced transshipment of cabotage goods, to 5,500 tonnes. At the same time, the port did not transship transit cargo.
According to the nomenclature of goods, for the ten months of 2019 Mariupol port increased transshipment of liquid cargo by 10.2 times, to 125,200 tonnes, dry cargo by 42.8%, to 1,976 tonnes and reduced the handling of packaged goods by 11.9%, to 3.184 million tonnes.
As reported, the volume of cargo transshipment in Mariupol seaport in 2018 decreased by 9.62% compared to 2017, to 5.89 million tonnes.
Mariupol seaport is one of the largest ports in Ukraine. Its capacities allow transshipment of over 17 million tonnes of cargo per year.

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Ovostar Union, one of the leading producers of eggs in Ukraine, saw its net profit fall by 81.1% in January-September 2019 compared to the same period in 2018, to $2.6 million.
According to the company’s report on the Warsaw Stock Exchange’s website, its revenue decreased by 18%, to $77.63 million, which was due to lower egg sales and negative price dynamics in the reporting period.
Gross profit of Ovostar in January-September 2019 decreased by 2.6 times, to $9.18 million, operating by 4.7 times, to $3.22 million. EBITDA in the reporting period showed a decrease of 3 times, to $5.9 million, EBITDA margin from 18% to 8%.
As of September 30, 2019, total debt amounted to $12 million, net debt to $6.1 million.
As reported, Ovostar in Ukraine in January-September 2019 reduced egg sales by 15.9% compared to the same period in 2018, to 888 million pieces. Egg production during this period decreased by 0.9%, to 1.191 billion pieces.
Ovostar Union is a vertically integrated public holding company, one of the leading producers of eggs in Europe. The manufacturer is a certified exporter to the EU since 2015.



Interpipe international vertically integrated pipe and wheel company increased capital investments by 14.3% in January-June 2019 compared to the same period last year, to $24 million from $21 million.
According to Interpipe’s presentation for its first conference call with investors, in the reporting period $17 million of investments were used for the company’s pipe sector and about $4 million to the steelmaking complex (Interpipe Steel), as well as up to $4 million for the sector for production of railway wheels.
At the same time, the presentation notes that in January-June 2018 some $12 million were invested in the pipe sector of the company, $5 million in the steel sector and $3 million in the sector for production of railway wheels.
In January-June 2019 Interpipe increased EBITDA by 37% compared to the same period in 2018, to $125 million, revenue by 3%, to $557 million. At the same time, the company’s sales in the first half of the year decreased by 6.2%, to 423,000 tonnes, in particular sales of railway wheels increased by 1.1%, to 96,000 tonnes, while pipes decreased by 8.1%, to 317,000 tonnes.
It is also reported that in January-June the company increased production of welded pipes by 5.7%, to 56,000 tonnes, but reduced production of seamless pipes by 10.6%, to 261,000 tonnes. In monetary terms, production of welded pipes increased by 27.5%, to $51 million, but output of seamless pipes was down by 10.6%, to $311 million.



The total debt of insolvent VAB Bank and bank Financial Initiative of Oleh Bakhmatiuk to the state is UAH 29.3 billion, including a UAH 11 billion debt to the Deposit Guarantee Fund, a UAH 10.6 billion debt to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) and a UAH 7.7 billion debt to three state-run banks. According to a posting of the NBU press service on Facebook on Friday, the debt of the former owner of VAB Bank and Financial Initiative Bank to the central bank was secured by his personal guarantee to repay a total amount of UAH 8.6 billion and property guarantees of Bakhmatiuk’s companies.
“In order for these guarantees to turn into a real refund, the NBU filed more than 50 lawsuits against him and his companies,” the regulator said.
The central bank said that as of October 15, 19 court decisions on Bakhmatiuk’s guarantee agreements regarding the bank Financial Initiative were made in favor of the National Bank and entered into legal force, while there are no decisions regarding the VAB bank.
“Nineteen victories have not yet allowed for the repayment of debts: the sale of property by the State Enforcement Service is surprisingly sluggish,” the regulator said.
