Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


On November,16 and 17 a show-program “The world of horses” will take place in the «Kyivan Rus Park».
An interesting program with horse-trick performances, live vocal, theatrical performances on historical theme, and traditional Slavic funs there will be for the guests. Also the visitors will be presented a historical horse breeds collection from all over the world in the Princely stable.
Ancient Kyiv opens at 10:00. The program starts at 13:30 and will last till 18:00.
The ticket price: a full ticket for an adult – 190 UAH., for pensioners and students – 150 UAH., for schoolchildren – 80 UAH., preschool children – for free.
Ancient Kyiv in the Principality of «Kyivan Rus» is not far from the modern Kyiv – only in a 45-minutes drive – in the Kyivan region, Obukhivskiy district, vill. Kopachiv. Route taxis from Kyiv leave from the «Vydubychi» metro, according to the schedule on the website.
The Interfax subscribers can spare money using the promo code “openbusiness-20” for the 20% discount when buying a ticket for an adult (at full price) to the Principality of Kyivan Rus:
– by previous booking by tel.: +38 044 461-99-37, +38 050 385-20-35
– at the cash desk at the entrance to the «Kyivan Rus Park».

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Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada has passed a bill on the national budget for 2020 with 280 supporting votes, while at least 226 votes was required. “This budget includes much more funds for infrastructure, medicine, education, and not reduced, but increased expenses for local self-government. Moreover, all transfers and subventions to local budgets, including the State Regional Development Fund, the subvention for social economic development and the subvention for amalgamated territorial communities, are more than last year. And today, with your vote you added UAH 7 billion from the Road Fund,” Finance Minister Oksana Markarova said from the rostrum of the parliament on Thursday.
As reported, the draft national budget of Ukraine for 2020, prepared by the government for second reading, envisages the allocation of UAH 1.2 billion on the creation of the Bureau of Financial Investigations. Some UAH 1.84 billion will be spent on development and implementation of state investment projects, of which UAH 772.5 million will be allocated for healthcare, UAH 390 million – for transport infrastructure, UAH 190 million – for environmental protection, and UAH 180 million – for education.
The draft budget also envisages the allocation of UAH 52.76 million for the Government Debt Management Agency.



Ukrainian airlines in October 2019 serviced 82.1% of flights of the total number of flights serviced at Ukrainian airports within the 15-30 minute deviation from the timetable, which is 4.1 percentage points (p.p.) better than the figure for September 2019 (86.2%), according to the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.
According to the ministry, in October, Ukrainian airlines serviced 4,738 flights.
The punctuality of foreign airlines in October compared with September increased to 80.4% from 83.9%, while the number of flights totaled 3,204.
Of the Ukrainian airlines that made more than 50 flights a month in October, Windrose was the most punctual, with 87.4% and the number of flights 525. Motor Sich is second with 84.8% and 191 flights. Ukraine International Airline (UIA) had 84.7% punctuality with 2,890 flights. SkyUp had 75.1% with 527 flights and Azur Air Ukraine – 74% with 384 flights.
In October, Swiss International Airlines (29 flights), Scandinavian Airlines (three flights), Bulgaria Air (two flights) and British Airways (two flights) topped the punctuality rating among foreign airlines with 100%.
Among the low cost airlines in October, the Irish Ryanair had the best punctuality indicators – 89.8% with 332 flights. Pegasus Airlines had 79.8% with 119 flights. Wizz Air Hungary is third with punctuality of 79.1% and 584 flights.



The seaports of Ukraine in January-October 2019 handled 129.8 million tonnes of cargo, which is 20.2% more compared to the same period in 2018. According to the press service of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority, the volume of grain and ore transshipment for the indicated period increased by more than a third.
At the same time, compared with the same period in 2018, the volume of grain transshipment grew by 37% (43.6 million tonnes), ore by 33% (30.5 million tonnes).
Transshipment of liquid cargo (oil, petroleum products, and others) rose by 9.6%, to 9.3 million tonnes.
In addition, according to data for January-October, the trend of container handling growth continues: in the ten months it increased by 19% (812,000 TEU).
The volume of exports increased by 24% compared with the same period of the previous year, imports by 12%, transit by 8%.
Among Ukrainian ports, five ports became the leaders in transshipment in the ten months, which provided the processing of more than 90% of the total cargo volume.
Over the ten months, the sea ports of Ukraine handled 9,800 ships, and increased the volume by 2.1% from last year’s figure.



Bank Zemelny Capital (Dnipro) increases its charter capital by UAH 73.5 million, or 32.5%, to UAH 300 million, through an additional issue of shares.
According to a bank report in the information disclosure system of the National Commission on Securities and the Stock Market, the bank’s shareholders at a general meeting on November 8 decided to increase charter capital.
The bank will place common registered shares without making a public offer. The placement price will be UAH 100 per share, which is equal to its face value and is higher than its market value (UAH 95.65).
Bank Zemelny Capital was founded in 1994. According to the NBU, as of January 1, 2019 the owner of the bank’s significant stake was former Minister of Coal Industry Viktor Topolov (94.426049% of the shares).
Bank Zemelny Capital ranked 66th among 76 banks operating in country as of early October 2019 in terms of total assets (UAH 731.218 million), according to the NBU.



Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine Tymofiy Mylovanov has denied plans of the government to liquidate state-owned enterprise (SOE) Ukrainian Intellectual Property Institute (Ukrpatent), and the creation of the National Intellectual Property Authority is planned only on the basis of SOE.
“No one will close Ukrpatent. If something is created, it will only be based on Ukrpatent,” Mylovanov said during a meeting with the staff of the enterprise upon their appeal to the ministry.
In its appeal, the company pointed to abuses and violations by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, in particular, the director of the intellectual property department Valeriy Zhaldak and his deputy Bohdan Paduchak.
According to the document, in particular, in May 2018, ex-Minister of Economic Development Stepan Kubiv by his decree established the state-run organization National Intellectual Property Office, which duplicates the functions of Ukrpatent, which contradicts Ukrainian and international legislation in the field of intellectual property protection and bilateral international treaties, the company said in the appeal. The creation of such an organization requires an appropriate government decree, and not a ministerial decree, the team said.
In addition, Ukrpatent transferred over UAH 36 million for the maintenance of the National Office, the state company said.
The parliament has registered a package of bills (No. 2255, 2255-1 and 2259), which provide for the establishment of the National Intellectual Property Authority as a legal entity under the management of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture. At the same time, bill No. 2255 provides for the creation of the National Intellectual Property Authority on the basis of Ukrpatent.

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