Columb Trade LLC, which delivers cars from the United States, accuses staff of Kyiv’s State Fiscal Service of misconduct and confiscation of personal property of the company’s co-founders during raiding the company’s office, Columb Trade co-founder Pavlo Kazaryan said at a press conference in Interfax- Ukraine on Tuesday.
According to Kazaryan, during the raid, the employees of the State Fiscal Service seized $28,000, nine MacBooks and 11 iPhones, including personal funds and equipment of the company’s employees.
He said that the raid was made on December 26, 2018 on the basis of a ruling of the Holosiyivsky District Court as part of a pretrial investigation registered on the signs of a criminal offense of covering up illegal activities and tax evasion.
Kazaryan himself considers these actions of the employees of the State Fiscal Service as pressure on legitimate business and raiding.
DTEK Oil & Gas extracted 1.649 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas in 2018, which is almost the same as in 2017 (1.65 bcm), the company’s press service has reported.
The press service said that in general, the gas production target was met by 103%.
The company produced 51,500 tonnes of gas condensate, which is 4.6% less than in 2017 (54,000 tonnes).
At the end of the year, DTEK Oil & Gas drilled wells No. 25 and No. 61 at the Semyrenkivske field, finalized an investment project for the construction of a propane-refrigeration unit, which was launched at the Olefirivska gas pre-treatment unit in September 2018.
In addition, major overhauls were carried out to intensify production at the existing well stock, as well as a condensate stabilization gas utilization compressor at the Olefirivska gas pre-treatment unit and Semyrenkivske gas pre-treatment unit were equipped and launched, which make it possible to increase the environmental friendliness of the fossil fuel production process.
“In 2018, we confirmed our record high thanks to the increase in the efficiency of work with the existing fund and the introduction of modern technologies. We managed to produce an additional 100 million cubic meters of gas thanks to innovation,” DTEK Oil & Gas CEO Ihor Schurov said.
The state salt producing enterprise Artyomsol (Artyomsalt) in 2018 produced, processed and shipped 2.1 million tonnes of salt to consumers, which is 22.4% more than in 2017. According to a press release, production of packaged salt was 197,800 tonnes, which is 1.7% more than in 2017, ground salt, shipped in bulk without additives, some 469,300 tonnes (43.9%), ground salt, shipped in bulk with an anti-caking additive, some 1.018 million tonnes (27%), and unpacked ground salt some 66,900 tonnes (35.4%).
Artyomsol also increased the production of salt, packaged in bulk bags. This type of product amounted to 82,100 tonnes, which is 17% more than in 2017. Production of iodized salt increased to 62,800 tonnes (7.7% more than in 2017).
The company exported 952,200 tonnes of salt in the 12 months of last year, which is more than 45% of the total volume of products shipped. For comparison, in 2017 the export volume amounted to 761,400 tonnes of salt.
Artyomsol in 2018 shipped salt to Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, and other countries.