Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian Fire Insurance Company will insure vehicles of Emergency Rescue Unit of State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Cherkassy region

Emergency rescue squad of special purpose of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SESU) of Cherkassy region on February 23 announced its intention to conclude with IC “Ukrainian Fire Insurance Company” a contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability, according to the system of electronic public procurement Prozorro.

According to the system of electronic public procurement “Prozorro”, with the expected cost of the purchase of services under the tender 201.448 thousand UAH, the company offered 162.6 thousand UAH.

IC “Arsenal Insurance” also took part in the tender with a price offer of UAH 162,7 th.

UICC has been working in the insurance market since 1992. The majority shareholder and the head of the supervisory board is Alexander Mikhailov.

The insurer is a member of the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine and has 60 licenses for insurance activities (21 types of voluntary and 39 types of compulsory insurance).


Marine insurance experts call for closer cooperation with shipowners

Maritime insurance experts are calling for closer cooperation with shipowners to develop decarbonization strategies, Reinsurance News reports.

The white paper, co-authored by underwriting firm Atrium and Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), City, University of London, emphasizes the crucial role insurers can play in facilitating the transition to greener practices in the shipping industry, the report says.

Noting the urgency of this issue, the document emphasizes that although the shipping sector currently accounts for about 3% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, this figure could soar to 13% in the near future.

This forecast is explained by the relatively slow progress in reducing emissions in the maritime industry compared to other sectors.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has implemented two key initiatives: The Existing Ships Energy Efficiency Index (EEXI) and the Carbon Intensity Index (CII), aimed at monitoring and assessing the environmental impact of maritime operations.

The paper outlines several strategies for insurers to promote decarbonization, including incorporating compliance requirements into insurance policies, adjusting premium rates based on compliance data, and working closely with clients to explore innovative solutions.

However, the authors warn that insurers must strike a delicate balance between encouraging decarbonization and remaining competitive in the market.

With global marine insurance premiums expected to reach S35.8 billion in 2022, the document emphasizes the importance of collective action by stakeholders to achieve sustainable development goals while maintaining market competitiveness.

The study emphasizes the need for concerted efforts by all stakeholders involved in the maritime industry to successfully overcome the challenges of decarbonization.

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President of Kyivmiskbud announced new schedules for completion of objects

Detailed schedules of construction of objects of PJSC “HC “Kyivmiskbud” will be ready in 1.5-2 months, the search for sources of financing is the priority of the company, said the newly appointed Chairman of the Board – President of HC “Kyivmiskbud” Vasyl Oleinik.

“We do everything to work closely with the city, process together the directions we generate with the team, and support is promised to us. The main thing we are working on is attracting financial resources,” the press service quotes Oleinik’s words after the meeting with investors.

According to him, the company is also negotiating with banks on crediting, as well as dialoguing with institutions established to provide citizens with housing.

As reported, the mayor of the capital Vitali Klitschko at the end of December 2023 instructed to form a new composition of the nabsovet and board of PJSC Kyivmiskbud in a short time. Earlier, the head of the company Igor Kushnir announced his resignation from the post of chairman of the board – president of the company after 12 years of work.

According to the results of the audit of Kyivmiskbud conducted by Baker Tilly Ukraine Consulting, NHD-AUDIT Audit Firm LLC and Ernst & Young LLC, it was found that there were no signs of actions to bring the company to bankruptcy, concealment of financial insolvency or mass transactions by related parties. At the same time, the auditors found that the activities of Kyivmiskbud were disrupted due to external factors: COVID-19, a full-scale war, the factor of Ukrbud.

On November 17, 2023, the commission approved an interim report with recommendations and proposals for further work of the developer, among which – the implementation of the purchase of apartments in the objects of “Kyivmiskbud”, consideration of the possibility of a financial loan or additional capitalization of the company. The TCC also recommended the Kyiv City Council to apply to the Cabinet of Ministers to compensate Kyivmiskbud for the total planned damage associated with the completion of projects of the construction corporation Ukrbud in the amount of UAH 2.28 billion.

On January 29, 2024, Vladyslav Andronov, Deputy Head of Kyiv City State Administration, was appointed Head of the Supervisory Board of Kyivmiskbud instead of Mykola Povoroznik. In February 2024 the newly formed supervisory board appointed its vice-president Vasyl Oleynik as the chairman of the board – president of the company.

HC “Kyivmiskbud” was established on the basis of the property of the state municipal construction corporation “Kyivmiskbud” in 1994 by combining in its authorized capital controlling stakes in 28 enterprises and other assets. The HC includes 40 JSCs, in which the company holds shares, six subsidiaries and 51 enterprises on the rights of associate member.

The main shareholder of PJSC HC Kyivmiskbud, according to the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (NCSSM), is the Kyiv City Council (80%).

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“Shlyakhrembud” will insure motor transport in “VUSO”

The municipal contracting specialized enterprise for repair and construction of roads in Kharkiv “Shlyakhrembud” on February 21 announced its intention to conclude a contract with IC “VUSO” (Kiev) for the purchase of services of compulsory insurance of civil liability (OSAGO).

According to the message in the system of electronic public procurement Prozorro, the expected cost of the purchase of services amounted to UAH 1.866 million, the company’s price offer of UAH 807,210 thousand.

The tender was also attended by insurance companies “Guardian” with the offer of UAH 807,211 thousand, “Oranta” – UAH 807,212 thousand, “Arsenal Insurance”- UAH 1,395 million, SG “TAS”- UAH 1,682 million.

IC “VUSO” was founded in 2001. The company holds 50 licenses: 34 – for voluntary and 16 – for compulsory types of insurance. It is represented in all regions of Ukraine. It is a member of ITSBU and UFS, a participant of the Agreement on direct settlement of losses and a member of the Nuclear Insurance Pool.

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Ukraine’s deputy prime minister says working with US and European regulators on opening of airspace

Ukraine is holding consultations with American and European security regulators over the opening of airspace, said Deputy Prime Minister for Recovery – Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov.

“We are consulting with American and European security regulators over the opening of airspace. A complex process, but the first formal steps Ukraine is taking now. Already in these weeks we are submitting formal applications, risk assessment to the relevant regulators,” – said Deputy Prime Minister at the forum “Ukraine. Year 2024” on Sunday.


The construction of euro track from state border with Poland to Lviv will start in 2024

Construction of the railway section Mostiska-Skniliv from the state border with Poland to Lviv will start this year, said Deputy Prime Minister for recovery – Minister of community development, territories and infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov.

“Construction of the first large section of the European gauge, Mostyska-Skniliv. We will connect our railroad with the European network. This is the first project, we will build it already this year together with European partners and donors,” he told at the forum “Ukraine. Year 2024” on Sunday.

In addition, this year it is planned to open several checkpoints for road transport on the border with Moldova, Romania, Hungary and Poland. The process of modernization of 23 checkpoints by the efforts of the Restoration Agency is also ongoing, Kubrakov added.

As reported, the construction of a narrow Euroway (1435 mm) on the Mostiska-Skniliv direction was planned to start back in 2020. Also in 2020, the government included this project in the list of priority investment projects until 2023. The project is estimated at $20.8 million.

Ukrzaliznytsia planned to complete work on the track construction project by the end of 2023.

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