Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Change in consumer prices in September 2023

Change in consumer prices in September 2023

Source: and

2022-2024 goods trade balance forecast (USD bln)

2022-2024 goods trade balance forecast (USD bln)

Source: and

Germany announces new aid package for Ukraine

The German Federal Government has announced a new military aid package for Ukraine. The list of aid was published by the German government’s press service.

According to the list, the Ukrainian army has been allocated 4 HX81 tractors and 4 semi-trailers for them, 8 Zetros trucks, 3 vehicles and 2 border guard vehicles.

In addition, the Ukrainian military will receive 3,840 155 mm artillery shells, 15 HLR 338 long-range sniper rifles and 60,000 rounds of ammunition, 5 drone detection sensors, 25 laser rangefinders, 1 mobile antenna system, and 250 tool kits with explosive material.


NBU’s net sales drop to $2.5 bln

The National Bank of Ukraine’s (NBU) net sales of dollars in November, the second month after the country switched from a fixed exchange rate regime to a managed flexibility regime, fell to $2.45 billion from $3.34 billion in October, even less than the $2.69 billion in September.

According to the central bank’s website, its purchases of foreign currency remained minuscule at $4 million, compared to $14 million in October and $1 million in September.

For its part, the Ministry of Finance reported that in November, the budget received $2 billion in grants and external concessional financing, compared to $2.8 billion in October. In particular, $1.6 billion was provided by the European Union and $0.4 billion by the World Bank with a guarantee from the UK.

In November, the hryvnia exchange rate on the interbank market weakened by only 0.2%, or 7 kopecks, to UAH 36.3535/$1 at the beginning of December, while from the end of July 2022 to October 3 this year, the National Bank maintained the official exchange rate of UAH 36.5686/$1.

In the cash market in November, the dollar fell by about 35 kopecks to 37.40 UAH/$1.

In total, since the beginning of this year, the NBU has purchased $217.1 million in the market, while selling $24 billion 811.9 million.

Zaporizhstal increased rolled steel output by 48% and steel production by 58%

In January-November of this year, Zaporizhstal Iron and Steel Works increased its rolled steel output by 47.9% year-on-year to 1 million 847.9 thousand tons.

According to the company’s information on Friday, steel production during this period increased by 57.6% to 2 million 238.3 thousand tons, and pig iron production by 31.3% to 2 million 453.2 thousand tons.

In November 2023, Zaporizhstal produced 262.7 thousand tons of iron, 240.8 thousand tons of steel, and shipped 195.6 thousand tons of rolled products, compared to 267.3 thousand tons of iron, 251.7 thousand tons of steel, and 208.6 thousand tons of rolled products in the previous month, and 143.9 thousand tons of iron, 85.8 thousand tons of steel, and 74.8 thousand tons of rolled products in November 2022.

“The increase in production in November 2023 compared to the same period last year is due to the removal of blast furnace No. 2 from hot mothballing and the establishment of three blast furnaces,” the press release explains.

As a reminder, due to the escalation of hostilities in the region, Metinvest Group put some of Zaporizhstal’s equipment into hot mothballing mode in early March 2022. At the end of March of the same year, the plant partially resumed the operation of its cold rolling mill to produce and ship cold-rolled coils to European customers. A month after the forced shutdown, the plant brought its equipment out of mothballing and partially resumed production. The plant is currently operating at an average of 70% of its capacity.

As reported, in 2022, Zaporizhstal reduced its rolled steel output by 60.4% compared to 2021, to 1 million 304.3 thousand tons, steel by 61.7%, to 1 million 491.3 thousand tons, and pig iron by 54.3%, to 2 million 9.9 thousand tons.

“Zaporizhstal is one of the largest industrial enterprises in Ukraine, whose products are in great demand among consumers both in the domestic market and in many countries around the world. The plant specializes in high-quality steel hot-rolled coils, hot-rolled sheets, cold-rolled sheets, cold-rolled coils made of carbon and low-alloy steels, as well as steel strips, ferrous tin, and bent sections.

The main consumers of the products are producers of welded pipes, automotive, transport and agricultural machinery companies, and manufacturers of household appliances.

“Zaporizhstal is in the process of integration into Metinvest Group, whose major shareholders are System Capital Management (71.24%) and Smart Holding Group (23.76%).

Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.

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NEC Ukrenergo resumes operation of high-voltage power transmission line supplying Zaporizhzhya NPP

NEC Ukrenergo has resumed operation of a high-voltage power transmission line necessary to supply power to the needs of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant (NPP).

“At present, the plant has already switched from a backup to a normal power supply scheme,” the NEC said on Facebook on Saturday.

Ukrenergo recalled that ZNPP lost contact with the power grid overnight during another Russian attack. Two lines were damaged – 750 and 330 kV, which transmit electricity to meet the plant’s own needs.

Ukrenergo dispatchers were able to put ZNPP’s main 750 kV main power supply line back into operation. At present, the plant receives the electricity necessary for its safe operation from the unified energy system of Ukraine.

At the same time, power supply to consumers in Zaporizhzhya and Dnipropetrovsk region has not stopped, reserve lines have been activated to meet their needs.

“Ukrenergo repair crews will start restoring damaged high-voltage lines as soon as the security situation permits. Thanks to the PVO for the flawless work, without which the damage in the power system could have been much larger,” – summarized in the NEC.

As reported, at 02:31 during the air alarm was de-energized line “Zaporizhzhya NPP – Dniprovska”. Due to the complete blackout ZNPP switched to supply its needs from diesel generators. The greatest safety threat in such a state exists at Unit 4.

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