Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Cabinet of Ministers has extended “eCrossing queue” to passenger buses and cars

The action of the electronic system “Electronic Border Crossing Queue” (“eCheck”) will be extended to buses carrying out international passenger transportation and passenger cars.
As the representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Parliament Taras Melnychuk reported in a telegram channel, the government introduced the relevant amendments to the Resolution No. 1349 on the peculiarities of the implementation of the electronic system “e Queue” at the meeting on Friday.
The State Service of Ukraine for Transport Security (“Ukrtransbezopasnost”) specified that from August 1, the electronic queue for passenger carriers starts operating in a test mode at the Yahodyn-Dorogusk BCP.
“From Tuesday, August 1, the movement of buses of regular flights through the IACP “Yagodin – Dorogusk” will be possible only by entry in the Electronic queue of border crossing on the site”, – stated in the message of the Department in the telegram channel.
It is noted that the record in the “e Queue” for passenger carriers opens on July 31.
The agency specified that the bus driver can extend the queue once in 4, 6, 8 or 10 hours, if he needed more time on the road. At the same time, the data on the driver or vehicle can be changed once without losing a place in the queue.
In “Ukrtransbezopasnost” added that the schedule of buses will remain unchanged. Registered carriers should arrive at the checkpoint at the time stipulated by the bus route.
In the test period, the System will not offer entry times at the checkpoint for buses.
As reported, the Electronic Border Crossing Queue project is implemented by the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Ukrtransbezopasnost, State Agency for Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Development, State Customs Service and State Border Guard Service with the support of USAID/UK aid of the Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services/TAPAS project.


Poland plans to continue ban on Ukrainian agricultural products after September 15

Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Robert Telusz has assured the Sejm that the ban on imports of Ukrainian grain to Poland will continue after September 15, reported.
“Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Polish Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski made it clear: Ukrainian grain will not enter Poland after September 15. We will protect Polish agriculture,” Telusz said.
In mid-September, the ban on imports of wheat, corn, sunflower seeds and rapeseed from Ukraine to Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary will expire.
Five of Ukraine’s neighboring countries are in favor of extending the ban at least until the end of the year.
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that Poland would maintain the existing ban even without the consent of the European Commission.
As reported, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmygal considers Poland’s intention to continue blocking the export of Ukrainian grain amid Russia’s aggression as “an unfriendly and populist step” that “will hit the world food security and Ukraine’s economy hard”. He called on the European Commission to ensure unimpeded export of Ukrainian food to the EU.
In her turn, First Deputy Prime Minister and Economics and Trade Minister Yuliya Sviridenko admitted that Ukraine might introduce mirror measures against some products from Poland.


Changes in revenue of consolidated budget in 2021-2023 (%)

Changes in revenue of consolidated budget in 2021-2023 (%)

Source: and

Key indicators of state budget (monthly), UAH bln

Key indicators of state budget (monthly), UAH bln

Source: and

“Stalkanat” reduced profit by more than quarter

PJSC “Production Association “Stalkanat” (Odessa) following the results of work in the first half of the current year reduced net profit by 28.7% compared to the same period last year – up to UAH 164.360 mln.

According to the company’s interim report, net income for this period decreased by 6.9% to UAH 1 billion 574.849 million.

Retained earnings at the end of June 2023 amounted to UAH 340.116 million.

As reported, “Stalkanat” in January-March this year increased net profit by 2.2 times compared to the same period last year – to UAH 77.304 million, reducing net income by 3.2% – to UAH 701.047 million.

“Stalkanat” in 2022 received a net profit of 325.073 million UAH, while 2021 ended with a net loss of 309 thousand UAH. Net income in 2022 amounted to UAH 3 billion 227.799 million, while in 2021 it was not, as the company at that time was in the process of creation due to the spin-off from PJSC “Stalkanat-Silur”.

The average number of employees of the enterprise for 2022 – 916 people, for 2021 – 16 people.

General meeting of shareholders held on September 3, 2021 decided to separate from PJSC PO “Stalkanat-Silur” and create a new company – PJSC “Stalkanat” with the transfer of part of property, rights and obligations to it according to the approved distribution balance sheet. The assets of PJSC “Stalkanat” were based on the distribution balance sheet and the acceptance act dated December 31, 2021.

The Company was incorporated on December 6, 2021.

PJSC PO Stalkanat-Silur (Odessa) previously had two branches – in Odessa and in Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region at NKT. On December 1, 2016, the management of the company officially notified about the shutdown of the company’s branch in Khartsyzsk – the relevant announcement was published in the newspaper “Uryadovyi Kurier”. Later, the management of PJSC PO Stalkanat-Silur announced the seizure of the company’s branch in Khartsyzsk at NKT, sent a corresponding statement to the National Police.

According to the company’s data as of the end of 2022, David Nemirovsky (Ukraine) holds 50.0001% of shares of PJSC “Stalkanat”, Anton Mikhalenko – 23.7%, Edery Liron (both – Israel) – 23.1%, Vitaliy Dubovich (Ukraine) – 3.1999%.

The authorized capital of PJSC “Stalkanat” is UAH 17.736 mln, nominal value of one share is UAH 0.17.


“Kovalska Group” to receive EUR27 mln in project financing from Invest International

Kovalska Group has received EUR27m in project financing from Invest International (Netherlands) for 10 years to develop production of aerated concrete blocks and panels in Rozvadova (Lviv region), the group’s CEO Sergiy Pilipenko said.

“The vital investment, which was supported by the Dutch Good Growth Fund and the Dutch government, will allow the company to implement the technology of production of environmentally friendly aerated concrete blocks and panels Aircrete Europe. This technology will work at the new production facility, which is currently under construction in Rozvadov in Lviv region,” Pilipenko wrote on Facebook on Thursday evening.

According to him, the total amount of investment in the project is EUR42 million.

As reported, in 2020, Kovalska closed a deal worth UAH 63 million to acquire Rozvadov Stroymaterialy LLC, which owns a production complex with a total area of about 140 hectares.

In early 2022, Kovalska started construction of two new plants (Siltek-branded dry mixes and concrete production) in Lviv region, with an estimated total investment of over EUR60 mln for the first phase alone. The Group also expected to resume the realization of the project of construction of aerated concrete plant in the production complex in Rozvadov.

Kovalska Industrial and Construction Group has been operating in the construction market of Ukraine since 1956. It unites more than 20 enterprises in the sphere of raw materials extraction, production and construction. Products are represented by the brands “Concrete from Kovalska”, “Avenue”, Siltek. Kovalska enterprises operate in Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Lviv and Chernihiv regions. The aerated concrete plant in the Kherson region has been out of operation since the beginning of the occupation.

The group also includes Kovalska Real Estate, which builds residential projects in Kyiv. Its portfolio includes more than 20 completed residential projects.
