Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Moldova in January-March increased export of alcoholic beverages to Ukraine more than 6 times

Moldova in January-March 2023 increased 6.5 times the export of alcoholic beverages to Ukraine – up to $ 9.40 million compared to the same period last year ($ 1.44 million), the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) said.
“With a share of 17.6% of the total export volume, Ukraine has become the main market for Moldovan alcohol, pushing Belarus and Romania to second and third place with shares of 17.1% and 14.5%, respectively,” – as quoted from NBM information, Moldovan edition
At the same time, Ukraine was on the first place among the importers of alcohol to Moldova, Russia – on the eighth.
In the first quarter of this year, Moldova increased the export of alcohol and ethyl alcohol by 26.8%, which in monetary terms amounted to $ 53.47 million.
The Kiev analytical Club of Experts, in order to promote Ukrainian wine, began a series of seminars and tastings. You can learn more about it by following the link

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“Zaporizhkoks” increased blast furnace coke production by 30.8%

Zaporizhkoks PJSC, one of Ukraine’s largest producers of coke products, a part of Metinvest group, in January-June this year increased blast furnace coke production by 30.8% y-o-y, to 426.8 thousand tons from 326.3 thousand tons.
According to the company data, in June 2023 it produced 71.1 thousand tons of blast-furnace coke, whereas in June 2022 it was 68.4 thousand tons (4% increase).
“Zaporizhkoks” in 2022 decreased the production of blast-furnace coke by 11.9% compared to 2021 – to 737.4 thousand tons, including 70.8 coke produced in December.
“Zaporizhkoks” produces about 10% of coke produced in Ukraine, owns a full technological cycle of processing of coke products. It also produces coke gas and pitch coke.
“Metinvest is a vertically integrated mining group of companies. Its major shareholders are SCM Group (71.24%) and Smart Holding (23.76%) that jointly manage the company.
Metinvest Holding LLC is the managing company of Metinvest group.

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France detains 719 rioters overnight

Police and gendarmes in France detained 719 rioters overnight, the country’s Interior Ministry said Sunday morning.

That figure is less than 24 hours earlier: on Saturday morning authorities had informed about 994 people detained during the night. And a few hours later, more complete figures came in about 1,311 detainees.

In general, as noted by the French media, it seems that this night in the cities of the country was somewhat calmer than previous ones. There were reports of 577 arson attacks on cars, as well as fires in 74 buildings. Hooligans also attempted to attack 10 gendarmerie barracks and six municipal police stations. All these figures are lower than on Saturday.

According to the French Interior Ministry, 54 police officers and gendarmes were injured overnight (79 the day before).

One of the most dangerous incidents occurred in the Parisian suburb of L’Ay-les-Roses, where hooligans set fire to a car and, seeking to use it as a battering ram, directed it toward the mayor’s house. One of the mayor’s children was injured. The police classified the incident as an attempted murder and are investigating.

Order in the French cities on Sunday night was provided by 45 thousand police officers and gendarmes.

On Saturday there was a funeral for a teenager who was shot and killed by a police officer on Tuesday in the Paris suburb of Nanterre. The young French resident, while driving a car, refused to stop at the request of the police. A policeman then shot him. An investigation is under way to determine whether the policeman acted correctly. This incident provoked a wave of night-time unrest throughout the country, which has not subsided to this day.

Grain and leguminous crops harvest forecast: 49.6 mln tons – Ukrhydrometeocenter

Approximate gross yield of cereals, leguminous plants and cereals in Ukraine, taking into account the areas under winter and sown spring crops in 2023, could be about 49.6 million tons compared to 53.1 million tons a year earlier, reported in the analytical agency “APK-Inform” with reference to the Ukrhydrometeocenter.
“Analysis of peculiarities of meteorological conditions of vegetation of grain, leguminous and cereal crops, state of crops, available reserves of productive moisture in the soil and agrometeorological calculations allow us to expect winter wheat yield in 2023 at 4, 3 tons/ha, winter rye – 3.2 tons/ha, winter barley – 3.5 tons/ha, spring barley – 3.2 tons/ha, spring wheat – 3.7 tons/ha, oats – 2.5 tons/ha, pea – 2.3 tons/ha, corn – 6.5 tons/ha, millet – 2.1 tons/ha, buckwheat – 1.1 tons/ha,” the report says.
According to the report, agrometeorological conditions for the formation of grain crops in Ukraine this year were satisfactory. But during the growing season there were some unfavorable periods, which could adversely affect the yield. As a result of excessive rains in April on the fields in some areas was overwatering the soil, creating difficult conditions for the conduct and completion of sowing of early spring grain and leguminous crops in optimal time.
The weather that prevailed in May (frequent rains, decreased air temperature, increased relative humidity during the day, cloudiness and prolonged dews) were able to restrain the development of dry phenomena.
In June weather in Ukraine had significant temperature contrasts (…), there was a shortage of effective precipitation in many areas of the south, central and northern regions, which led to a shortened growing season, early and simultaneous maturation of grain early crops in central and southern regions, stated in Ukrhydrometeocenter.
As reported, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy predicts a grain and leguminous crops in 2023 at 46 million tons, which is 10-15% less than a year earlier. At the same time, it is 2.5 times more than the domestic needs of Ukraine. There is no risk of grain shortage for domestic purposes today, the ministry said.

Insurer “Inter-Policy” will increase authorized capital

PJSC IC “Inter-Policy” (Kiev) plans to increase the authorized capital by 14.160 million UAH (87.5%) by increasing the nominal value of the shares from 300 UAH to 560 UAH per share , according to the agenda of the shareholders meeting scheduled for August 3, 2023, according to the NKTSBFR system.
It is also noted that the issue will be carried out at the expense of sending to the share capital part of the share premium, received in 2016 in the total amount of 14.160 million UAH.
As it was reported, IC “Inter-Policy” was founded in 1993. It has 20 licenses for voluntary and compulsory insurance, branches and representative offices in all major regional centers of the country.
Authorized capital UAH 16,182 mln.


“Interpipe” has increased its profit by 2.6 times in Q1

The international vertically integrated steel pipe and railway wheel company Interpipe in January – March this year increased its net profit by 2.6 times against the same period last year – up to $57.142 mn from $21.779 mn.

According to the interim report of the company on the operating and financial results for the first three months of 2023, its pretax profit amounted to $74.448 million compared to $29.202 million in the first quarter of 2022.

At the same time, Interpipe in January-March 2023 increased its free cash and cash equivalents from $153.777 million on January 1, 2023 to $207.824 million on March 31, 2023 (January 1, 2022 was $109.627 million, March 31, 2022 – $165.561 million).

EBITDA in Q1-2023 amounted to $79.427 million, while in Q1-2022 it was $15.139 million.

At the same time, the company cut its revenue by 4% to $229.291 mln from $239.185 mln.

As it was reported, steel output in January-March 2023 increased by 13% to 184 thnd mt compared to January-March 2022, pipes – by 12% to 105 thnd mt, but the railway production decreased by 13% to 20 thnd mt. The sales of products decreased by 23%, to 108 thousand tons, including pipes – by 20%, to 82 thousand tons, railway products – by 27%, to 19 thousand tons, steel billets – by 50%, to 6 thousand tons.

Net leverage ratio strengthened to 0.7x.

At the same time, the press release noted that in early 2023, production at all Interpipe enterprises was negatively affected by tight limits on electricity consumption by industrial consumers. However, already in March the situation improved due to removal of these restrictions.

Andriy Korotkov, the general director of Interpipe, stated that starting from the middle of the quarter, the company’s plants returned to stable operation, without any “broken” schedules. This made it possible to increase production at the end of the quarter, and in some segments, for example, in the pipe division, to get somewhat closer to the pre-war level.

“Even in difficult military conditions, Interpipe continues to fulfill all orders and delivers products to customers quickly and on time. Significant support is provided by the extension of the cancellation of all quotas and duties on Ukrainian goods by the United States and the EU,” the top manager noted.

“The net profit of Interpipe in 2022 is $204.441 mln, which is 2.2 times more than for the previous year ($91.316 mln). The pre-tax profit for last year was $220.579 million compared to $110.907 million for 2021. The revenue in 2022 decreased by 13.4% to $981.330 million from $1 billion 132.9 million a year earlier. At the same time, Interpipe has increased its free cash flow from $109.627 mln to $153.777 mln during the year.

“Due to the war, in 2022, Interpipe reduced EBITDA by 11% compared to the previous year – up to $204 million. Steel output in 2022 decreased 39% to 595 thousand tons, pipes – by 36% to 393 thousand tons, railway products – by 51% to 84 thousand tons.

Sales of products in the reporting period decreased by 37%, to 524 thousand tons, including pipes – by 36%, to 384 thousand tons, railway products – by 50%, to 87 thousand tons. Its sales revenues decreased by 13% to $981 mln, while net leverage remained at a strong and stable level of 1.1x.

“Interpipe is a Ukrainian industrial company producing seamless pipes and railroad wheels. The company supplies its products to over 80 countries all over the world through a network of sales offices located in the key markets of the Middle East, North America and Europe. In 2022, the company sold 384 thnd mt of tubes and 87 thnd mt of railroad products. The company sells its railroad products under the KLW brand.

Interpipe has 10 000 employees. In 2022 the company transferred 2.8 billion hryvnias to the budgets of all levels.

The company has five industrial assets: “Interpipe Nizhnedniprovsk Tube Rolling Plant (NTZ)”, “Interpipe Novomoskovsk Tube Plant (NMTZ)”, “Interpipe Niko-Tube”, “Dnepropetrovsk Vtormet” and the electric steelmaking complex “Dneprostal” under the “Interpipe Steel” brand.

The ultimate owner of Interpipe Limited is Ukrainian businessman Viktor Pinchuk and his family members.
