Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Philip Morris invests over $30 mln in new factory in Ukraine

Philip Morris International (PMI) will invest more than $30 million to launch a new factory in the Lviv region, the company’s press service said Tuesday.
According to the report, preparatory work for the construction of the future factory will begin in July 2023. The company expects production to start in the first quarter of 2024. The new factory will employ more than 250 people, mostly in manufacturing. Employment will primarily be offered to employees of the Philip Morris plant in Kharkiv.
“By opening this new factory, we are once again demonstrating our support for Ukraine. This investment represents our dedication as a long-term economic partner of the country. The new production facility at the location proposed by UkraineInvest will create jobs, meet the demand of the Ukrainian market with quality products and support the Ukrainian economy in difficult times for the country,” said Maxim Barabash, CEO of Philip Morris Ukraine.
PMI European Region President Massimo Andolina expressed confidence that the new company will provide a reliable supply of products and employment opportunities for Ukrainians. “This investment is a powerful signal to other international investors – confidence in the Ukrainian economy, the Ukrainian people and the future of Ukraine,” he summarized.
“Philip Morris Ukraine” works in the Ukrainian market since 1994 and during this time has invested more than $700 million in the Ukrainian economy. In 2022, the company paid 25.3 billion UAH of taxes in Ukraine.
As reported in May, PMI said that at the present time considers it unsafe to resume production at its factory near Kharkiv (Dokuchaevskoe village, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region), which was suspended in February 2022, and intends to run an alternative production in the country.
After the factory was suspended, PMI supplied products to Ukraine from the company’s eight plants abroad for some time. But then, in search of a solution that would allow the production of Ukrainian product in Ukraine, an agreement was signed to produce the company’s products at Imperial Tobacco’s facilities in Kiev, where they are now produced.
Since the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine, the company has ensured a steady supply of its products in Ukraine through imports from PMI’s 8 factories and a temporary partnership with another manufacturer in Ukraine.
According to PMI, the tobacco market in Ukraine in 2022 decreased by 30% and in the first quarter of 2023 by 26.7% due to the departure of some consumers from Ukraine, as well as the loss of some territories that are under occupation. In addition, the company noted the growth of the shadow tobacco market.
In March 2022, in response to Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine, PMI said it was suspending planned investments in Russia, including new product launches, investments in innovation, and commercial and manufacturing activities. In addition, the company has intensified plans to reduce production operations in Russia amid supply chain disruptions and changing regulations. PMI later announced that its board of directors and management were considering opportunities to exit its business in Russia.


Ukrainian president appoints ambassadors to India, Brazil and Colombia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed a decree appointing Andriy Melnyk as Ukraine’s ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Brazil.
The corresponding decree № 341/2023 is published on the website of the President.
In addition, by the decree № 340/2023 Ambassador of Ukraine to Peru Yuriy Polukhovich was appointed Ambassador of Ukraine to Colombia concurrently.
By Decree №339/2023 Oleksandr Polishchuk was appointed Ambassador of Ukraine to India.
Andriy Melnyk served as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine from 2022 to 2023, before that he was Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany (from 2014 to 2022).
Yuriy Polyukhovich has represented Ukraine in Peru since December 2022. Previously, he served as Acting Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine (from March 10 to March 25, 2020).
Oleksandr Polishchuk has served as Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine since October 2019. He was Ukraine’s representative in the Trilateral Contact Group in the working subgroup on security issues. He holds the rank of Major General.

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Ukrgasvydobuvannya’s rent payments exceeded UAH 10 bln

JSC “Ukrgasvydobuvannya” (UGV) transferred UAH 10.1 billion of rent payments to the consolidated budget of the country as of January-May 2023, which is 1.89 billion more than in the first four months of the year (8.21 billion UAH), the company said on its website on Monday.
“Of this amount, 5% or 505.7 million UAH will go to the budgets of local and regional levels in 11 regions where the company produces hydrocarbons,” the UGV informed.
The rent money will be allocated among the regions as follows: Kharkiv region – 243.48 million UAH, Poltava region – 214.2 million UAH, Lviv region – 23.28 million UAH, Dnipropetrovsk region – 13.71 million UAH, others – 11 million UAH.
At that, the company reminded that the amount of rent payments is calculated in accordance with the sales price of natural gas by Ukrhazvydobuvannya in favor of Naftohaz Ukrainy.
As previously reported, Ukrhazvydobuvannya intends to increase its own extraction of natural gas in 2023 by 1 billion cubic meters, to 13.5 billion cubic meters. In 2022, the company produced 12.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas (commercial), which is 3% less than in 2021.
Naftohaz Ukrayiny owns 100% of Ukrhazvydobuvannya shares.

Changes in revenue of consolidated budget in 2014-2023 (%)

Changes in revenue of consolidated budget in 2014-2023 (%)

Source: and

TAS IG has increased payments by almost third

TAS Insurance Group (Kyiv) has paid UAH 508.88 mln under insurance contracts within the first five months of 2023, which is 32.3% more than during the same period last year, according to the insurer’s website.
Thus, UAH 158,5 mln was paid out on CASCO contracts, which makes 31,15% of the total reimbursements of the insurer and exceeds the mentioned index for the five months of 2022 by 50,9%.
More than a third or 38,09% corresponded to CMTPL – UAH 193,82 mln (+19%), 17,34% to payments on “Green Card” (UAH 88,25 mln, +94,8%), 10,08% to the contracts of voluntary medical insurance (UAH 51,3 mln).
TAS IG has paid UAH 4,11 mln. according to the property insurance contracts for five months. The Company’s payments under other insurance contracts in January-May amounted to 12.9 mln.
TAS IG was registered in 1998. It is a universal company offering customers more than 80 types of insurance products in various types of voluntary and compulsory insurance. It has an extensive regional network of 28 regional directorates and branches.

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Carlsberg invested UAH 1.5 bln in new line at Kiev brewery

Carlsberg Group invested UAH 1.5 billion in opening of new production line at Kyiv brewery, which will enable to increase production output in cans by 80%, as the press service of the brewery reported.
“An important player on the world stage and industry leader, Carlsberg believes in Ukraine and is ready to invest in it at a time when Ukraine continues to fight against Russian aggression. This is another example of close Danish-Ukrainian partnership. Denmark is one of the closest partners of Ukraine. We cannot wait for peace to come. We have to start now and create concrete results. This is what Carlsberg does here”, – Ole Egberg Mikkelsen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Denmark to Ukraine, said during his visit to the plant on Monday.
According to the report, the peculiarity of the new line is modern technology, full automation, compliance with the safety requirements of the operating personnel and the safety of the product produced on it.
“Safe working conditions, excellent product quality and high technological effectiveness of the production process are our priorities. And the new production line is one of the effective tools that help us to implement these priorities. Carlsberg Group supports us all the time, because it believes not only in us as a business, but also in Ukraine as a whole, “- said Oleg Haidakin, Chief Executive of Carlsberg Ukraine.
Carlsberg Ukraine is a part of Carlsberg Group, one of the leading brewery groups in the world, the products of which are sold in over 150 countries. Carlsberg Group started its operation in Ukraine in 1996 and since then it has invested over EUR 1 billion in the construction of its enterprises, and employs over 1500 people.
Carlsberg Group in Ukraine includes three breweries in Zaporozhye, Kiev and Lvov. At the beginning of the war the company suspended operations at all three breweries. In 2023 the company gradually resumed the work of the breweries: in March the Lviv brewery was launched where at first only water was produced for humanitarian needs, then in May – the Kiev brewery, in July – the Zaporozhye brewery.
Carlsberg portfolio in Ukraine includes beer, cider and soft drinks such brands as “Lvivske”, Robert Doms, Baltika, Carlsberg, Tuborg, Kronenbourg 1664, “Arsenal”, “Kvas Taras”, Somersby, Guinness, Seth & Riley’s Garage, Warsteiner, Grimbergen and others.

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